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[nafex] Re: parafilm results

For me at least I cannot pull the Parafilm tight enough to get an adequate pressure on the scion.  I agree with you Ginda that the budding "rubbers" must be covered.  As to budding - the owner of a nursery in the next county told me that t-buds do not need covered, but that chip buds must be

My preferred grafting materials:
Regular wide rubber bands
1/2inch green plastic "tape" from my Max Tapener
Electrician tape (to tape Max Tapener tape)

Adequate replacements:
budding rubbers for rubber bands (for me the budding rubbers aren't as strong as the rubber bands so I can't pull it quite as tight).
Parafilm for "Max Tapener" tape.  I still end up using electrician tape to keep the parafilm on.

I wrap the grafts with the rubber bands and then cover the grafts with the green tape (ideally getting a water tight covering).  To hold the green tape on I tape back over itself w/ electrician tape.

I like to remove the grafting materials (if I'm sure its healed) in late July - early August.  My problem with parafilm is that then I have trouble getting it off.

Problem with my grafting this year:  
Some of my grafts (Cherry) where done in February.  In the cold weather the electrician tape did not hold.

I was attempting to do some more unusual grafts this year.  My preliminary results:

(All whip and tongue unless otherwise noted)
Cherry (all double grafts - sweet cherry to wild and weeping on sweet):  0 for 4
Apple: 6 for 6

Pear:  1 for 3 (but I had rootstock problems w/ at  
       least one of the failures)

Medlar on Pear: 0 for 1

Peach: 1 for 6 (results still preliminary)
       0 for 2 (spring chip bud) 

Apricot: 1 for 3 (results still preliminary) (I was top
         working a rootstock so all 3 are on same trunk)

Persimmon: Too soon to tell but for now, 0 for 4

Pawpaw:  Too soon to tell but for now 0 for 7

Chris Mauchline
SE PA, zone 6

Ginda Fisher wrote:
I think budding rubbers do not protect the scion adequately without an
outer wrapper.  Last year I did dozens of grafts.  Some with just
budding rubbers, some rubber covered with masking tape, some rubber
covered with grafting wax, and some just masking tape.  I had better
than 90% take on all the grafts EXCEPT the budding rubber only ones. 
Every one of these grafts dried up and died.

Bud grafting may need less protection that tongue & whip type grafting. 
I haven't tried that yet.


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