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Re: [nafex] Pollen Grains

Hi Brian:
Never realized how important a regular lawn maintenance schedule could really effect everything.
This really explains a lot and why things haven't been more of what they should with letting a
new lawn become established and allowing the dandelions to run rampant while the sections
each season have become seeded and established and the local weed seed migrating into the
newer areas.
Dandelions now, at least on my spread are now on the extinct specie list as of today....
Dandy observation Brian!
Best of growing,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: [nafex] Pollen Grains

I made an interesting observation about this the other day... With my strawberries coming on, I noticed no bee activity on the flowers and was concerned I would have a crop this year.  As I walked toward my house, I notice a honeybee taking nectar from a dandelion in my lawn.  Flashing an idea, I carefully picked the dandelion flower and placed it amongst the strawberry flowers thinking she would find a new source of food and fly back to tell her other sisters. 
The bee eventually walked off the dandelion, sniffed around the strawberry flower, then walked back to the dandelion and began to forage.  When it was finally finished, it flew up, circled around and relanded back on the dandelion flower again.  This told me two things:  the "flavor" of the dandelion nectar was more appealing than the strawberry, and two, it was attracted to the yellow color of the dandelion.  This is why researcher, ag agents, etc.. tell you to keep your orchard floor free of dandelions during bloom periods.  They are more attracted to them then the fruit trees, which will ultimately effect your fruit set.
Sheridan, IN
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Yellman [mailto:dyellman@earthlink.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 12:01 PM
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [nafex] Pollen Grains

    Pollen grains vary somewhat in size, and, of course, in color, but
in general are microscopic in size and thus not visible to the naked
eye.  When magnified, many pollen grains look like little spiny sea
urchins, which is what irritates many people's allergies.  When
concentrated together, as on the pollen baskets of a bee, they are
highly visible and brightly colored.
    No, self-fertile/self-pollinating has nothing to do with it, and
there are no oils or other invisible substances involved, insofar as I
    Yes, I believe manual pollination definately helps, especially in
the absence of pollinating insects.

    Bees are attracted by both color and odor, which is why most flowers
have both.

Rgds, Don Yellman, Great Falls, VA

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