

100,000 Rosaries for the Unborn

During the month of March 2012, let's say

100,000 Rosaries for the Unborn!

The Archdiocese of Baltimore, in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus in Maryland, the Archdiocese of Washington, and the Diocese of Wilmington , is soliciting pledges to have 100,000 rosaries prayed in the month of March 2012, to eliminate abortion in our state and our nation, and to pray for the families of those children who have been aborted. There are some 37,000 children aborted in Maryland each year—more than 700 per week. This is a rate that is 50% higher than the national average While direct action to eliminate this killing is necessary, it must be accompanied by prayer. Can you pray four or five rosaries (only one per week) over the course of a month? A violet pledge sheet will be available after all Masses on the weekends of Feb. 12 and 18. You may also pledge online at www.archbalt.org/family-life/respect-life/rosary-pledges.cfm

Drukuj cofnij odsłon: 6318 aktualizowano: 2012-03-05 01:05 Do góry