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JSC Radiotechnical Institute imeni A.L. Mints

JSC "Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mints "is one of the outstanding enterprises engaged in the development of complex radio engineering systems. The Institute is the cradle of statistical radiophysics. The results of theoretical and scientific research of RTI have allowed to develop a number of new methods in astronomy, meteorology, oceanology and other sciences. Among the developments of the Radiotechnical Institute, such early-warning radar stations as Dniester, Dnepr, Daugava, and Daryal.

On August 13, 1946, a laboratory was established by the government decree at the PN Lebedev Physical Institute. Lebedev Academy of Sciences of the USSR, (RALAN), which in 1957 was transformed into the Radiotechnical Institute, headed by Academician A.L. Mintz. The Radio Engineering Institute in 1951 participated in the creation of the S-25 air defense system around Moscow.

The first main direction of the creative activity of the RTI since its formation was the creation of powerful accelerators of charged particles for research in the field of nuclear physics. The AL Mints Laboratory was originally created exclusively for the development and construction of such facilities, as well as for radio engineering, electrophysical, energy and other systems that make up their composition.

The first major work of the team, led by A.L.Mints, was the participation in the creation in Dubna in 1949 of the world's largest phasotron (synchrocyclotron) for the energy of accelerated protons of 680 MeV, which operates to the present day and is the largest installation of this type in the world. The phasotron was built in record time - in just 3 years (1946-1949). The second outstanding work, in which the collective at that time was already an independent radio laboratory (RALAN), was a 10 GeV synchrophasotron, approximately 2 times the power of the corresponding operating American accelerator Bevatron with an energy of 6 GeV. In other countries of the world, there was no accelerating technology of this class at all.

In 1976, for the further development of accelerator technology in the country in the interests of high-energy physics, nuclear physics, radiophysics. radio engineering, military equipment and the national economy (medicine, ecology and industry), all work on accelerators of charged particles was transferred to the newly formed "Scientific Research Institute of High Energy Devices" (NIEEEU) (since 1977 - Moscow Radio Engineering Institute USSR ", now MRTI RAS).

The main direction in which the institute began to deal with since 1954 was the development of a radar for early detection of missiles. This was due, firstly, to the appearance in the arsenal of armaments of the US and its allies ballistic missiles and spacecraft capable of delivering nuclear weapons in a matter of minutes to the main strategic facilities located on the territory of the Soviet Union; secondly, by the dangerous tightening of the US military doctrine and, thirdly, the unrestrained arms race imposed on us by the Americans.

In 1960, work began on the creation of radically new radar station "Dniester", which resulted in the creation of radar nodes in the Arctic, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Siberia. In 1968 - 1972, radar nodes were established in Western Ukraine, the Crimea, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Kola Peninsula. The basis of these nodes was the Dnepr radar, in which more advanced methods of signal processing were laid. Potentially new opportunities were realized in the Daugava radar.

The SRSN radar, developed by the RTI, ensures the performance of the functions assigned to them with the required quality in the presence of active and passive interference of various types, ionospheric disturbances, geophysical anomalies, auroras and other disturbing factors. Created radar have unique characteristics. For example, the Daryal radar has an aperture of the FAR receiving center 100x100 meters with almost 4,000 cross vibrators placed in it, and the aperture of the FAR of the transmitting center is 40x40 meters in size and is filled with 1260 powerful transmitting exchangeable modules with an output pulse power of each 300 kW module, which provides a record high radiated high-frequency power of this super-radar.

Almost all SRT radar stations have very high energy potential, electronic scanning of antenna patterns, broad sectors of responsibility (viewing areas), high throughput, high-speed automatic digital processing of incoming radar information in real time and fully automatic mode with continuous round-the-clock output results of radar observations to the Central command post (CPC) of the PRN system of the country. The stations also have large modernization capabilities, which allows them to improve their basic tactical and technical characteristics without interruption of the alert duty regime. These radars are extremely reliable in extremely harsh operating conditions.

The development of the Don-2N radar in the Radiotechnical Institute began in the early 1970s. At the origins of the deployment of these works was the director of the Institute, Academician AL Mints. The main designer of the radar "Don-2N" was appointed Sloka V.K.

The developed multifunctional radar is a tetrametric truncated pyramid 33 m high and 130 m long at the base and 90 m along the roof with fixed large aperture active phased array antennas 18 m in diameter (receiving and transmitting) on ??each of the four faces with a viewing zone in the entire upper hemisphere. The number of controlled vibrators is more than 250,000. The range of the station is centimeter. The radar implements fully digital signal processing (DSP). The initiator and organizer of the implementation of DSP in the radar missile defense "Don-2N" was its chief designer.

The volume of the hardware complex developed by the radar station - more than a thousand units of cabinet equipment, hundreds of thousands of phased array radiators and many other equipment - was determined by high requirements for energy characteristics, coverage, multifunctional use and the need to use large-aperture phased arrays.

"Don-2N" is designed to detect ballistic targets, to track them, to measure coordinates, to analyze the composition of complex targets and to deploy anti-missiles. It is capable of simultaneously accompanying in automatic mode up to 100 elements of complex ballistic targets (SBC) and simultaneously aiming at them several dozen anti-missiles.

For the creation of the super-radar "Don-2N", its chief designer VK Sloka was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation in 1996 and was awarded the "Gold Star Hero of Russia" in the Kremlin, and a large group of participants in the development and creation The radar station was awarded with orders, medals and honorary titles of the Russian Federation.

The outstanding achievements of the Radio Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the creation of unique radiophysical and radio engineering installations and objects of scientific, industrial and defense use that did not have world analogues, and for a number of positions that remain so to this day, were based on the continuous use in the development of the results of fundamental and applied scientific studies carried out in the RTI along with the creation of the newest samples and types of technical means. Moreover, the pledge of success in this activity was laid by ALMints - the scientist, analyst, engineer, inventor, organizer - from the very beginning of the creation of the scientific team, the idea of ??integrating radio physics, radio engineering, radio electronics, system engineering, computer science, technology and other sciences in carrying out all types of development, regardless of their destination.

In the following years of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the twenty-first century, the institute continued to build the capacity to create powerful radars for ultra-long-range detection, while simultaneously mastering the problems of new directions - information telecommunications, ground and space locations,

JSC "Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintsy "is a part of JSC" RTI "( www.oaorti.ru ) - the largest Russian industrial holding and developer of high-tech products and infrastructure solutions using its own microelectronic technologies.

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