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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

A.P. Aleksandrov Scientific Research Technological Institute
FGUP NITI im.A.P.Aleksandrova

The main activities of the Institute include the integrated development and testing of new design, technological and technical solutions of promising marine nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants and other nuclear energy facilities (UAE), their parts and systems.

The main goal of the activity of FSUE NITI named after A.P. Aleksandrova ”in the field of quality is the fulfillment in full of the requirements of consumers (customers) established by agreements (contracts) to the quality of products while strictly complying with the mandatory requirements established by the laws of Russia, federal norms and rules, state and industry standards, and other regulatory documents, as the quality of manufactured products, as well as to the activities of the enterprise, with unconditional compliance with nuclear and radiation safety.

At the same time, the highest priority is given to ensuring the safety of both products and the activities of the enterprise. This means that when considering any issues (conflicts), alternative design and technological solutions and design developments, choosing sub-suppliers (sub-contractors), observing the work schedule and in other cases, unconditional priority is given to fulfilling safety requirements.

The implementation of this activity is implemented in the following scientific and technical areas: operation and comprehensive testing of bench nuclear power plants; development of solutions and recommendations for the creation of new nuclear power plants, the modernization of nuclear power plants and prototype plants based on the results of their tests; comprehensive calculation and experimental justification of NPP safety; design, creation and operation of automated research systems (ASNI) of nuclear power plants that provide for the collection, analysis and storage of experimental information; and design and creation of automated control systems for technological processes and information support, calculation and modeling systems and training systems for staff training and research of operational and emergency modes of nuclear power plants and other industries.

On 17 July 1962 the order of the State Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy "On the establishment of the State Testing Station (GIS) of ship nuclear power plants - a branch of the IAE" was issued. By the order of the Minister of Medium Engineering GIS was renamed into the Scientific Research Technological Institute (NITI) - a branch of the IAE named after I.V. Kurchatov, on March 4, 1966.

On 25 July 1979 by the order of the Minister of Medium Engineering NITI was excluded from the IAE as a branch and transformed into an independent enterprise with the preservation of the existing name. On September 17, 1992, by an order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the North-West Scientific and Industrial Center for Atomic Energy (NW SPC AE) was created on the basis of NITI. In October 1996, NITI was named after its founder, Academician A.P. Aleksandrov. In May 2002 NITI received the status of a federal state-owned enterprise Scientific Research Technological Institute named after A.P. Alexandrova”.

The activities of FSUE NITI named after A.P. Aleksandrova ”in the field of planning, management, support, monitoring and improving the quality of manufactured products is built as a set of planned and systematically carried out activities aimed at producing products that meet the quality requirements, improving the competitiveness of the enterprise, both in the domestic market and abroad, including the formation of a trust base in the "supplier - consumer" system.

Sosnovy Bor is the youngest city in the Coat of arms of Sosnovy BorNorth-West of Russia. The name was given by nature itself. Located among the pines and dunes on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, 80 kilometers from the northern capital, Sosnovy Bor is one of the most beautiful cities in the Leningrad Region. As of January 1, 2009, 67 thousand people lived in Sosnovy Bor. The peculiarity of Sosnovy Bor is that architects and builders sought to organically introduce residential quarters into the unique natural landscape. And they succeeded. This is evidenced by a high government award - the State Prize of the RSFSR.

The land on which Sosnovy Bor was built keeps a memory of the beautiful and heroic past of this land. Here, on the Baltic coast, the first Russian settlements arose, merchant ships set sail, and powerful fortresses were built to protect the borders of ancient Russia. Here, on the banks of the Koporskaya Bay and the Voronka River, the fate of Petrograd - Leningrad, the fate of our Motherland, was repeatedly decided.View of Sosnovy Bor.

The past, present and future of Sosnovy Bor are inextricably linked with the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern. But Sosnovy Bor is known not only as an atomic city. Here are the largest research institutes, a powerful construction industry: NITI - Scientific and Technological Institute named after A.P. Aleksandrova, NIIKI OEP - Scientific Research Institute of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems, Leningrad Branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprise RosRAO - Leningrad Branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Radioactive Waste Management Company RosRAO, TsKBM -2 "- a branch of the Central Bureau of Mechanical Engineering, RIAN - Sosnovybor experimental-production complex of NPO" Radium Institute named after VG Khlopin ". In total, more than 500 large, medium and small organizations operate in Sosnovy Bor. These are enterprises of various kinds and forms of ownership, including those using high technologies. The main industries are industry, construction, science, transport, communications.

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