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Open Joint-Stock Company "Scientific and Production Complex" Research Institute for Long-Distance Radio Communication "(JSC" NPK "NIIDAR"), a part of RTI, is one of the oldest enterprises of the radio industry of Russia in the field of performing works on the creation and operation of particularly complex radio engineering systems, the development and production of scientific and technical products, software products, and production of industrial and technical purposes. Since 2011 it is a member of RTI.

The main areas of scientific and technical activity are: the development and creation of high-potential and highly informative radar complexes, radioelectronic equipment, science-intensive technologies in information, telecommunications and control systems. In the field of creating the means of over-the-horizon radar, the company is unique and unique in the Russian Federation.

The enterprise has a scientific and technical potential and a developed infrastructure that makes it possible to realize the tasks of creating competitive products corresponding to the world scientific and technical level and satisfying the requirements of the most demanding customer. The company employs highly qualified specialists, among whom are doctors of technical and economic sciences, candidates of technical sciences. Scientists participate in a number of branch academies of sciences. All products developed by the institute have a high factory readiness, with a minimum volume of capital construction, they have a modular construction using the most unified components.

Available research, design and production facilities allow to provide a full cycle of development, manufacturing, testing, delivery to the customer, maintenance of products in operation and their modernization. The reliability of development and quality of products is ensured by the certified quality management system in force at the enterprise based on ISO 9001-2001.

The date of foundation of the Institute is November 1916. At the Preobrazhenskaya outpost in Moscow, on the basis of the 2nd Automobile Company of the Technical Administration of the Army of the Russian Empire, auto repair shops are being built to restore cars that came from the fronts of the First World War. Workshops were located in the premises belonging to the well-known industrialist P.P. Ryabushinsky. They were mainly involved in the repair of Packard trucks.

In 1917 the enterprise was transformed into the Moscow military car repair shops. In 1918, on the basis of the workshops, the Automobile Repair Plant was formed, which on October 9, 1918, was nationalized and handed over to the Supreme Council of the National Economy under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. In 1920 the enterprise was transformed into the 4th State Automobile Repair Plant. In April 1922, as a result of the unification of the Armored Automobile Repair Plant on Matrosskaya Tishina and the 4th State Automobile Repair Plant at the Preobrazhenskaya Zastava, the 2nd auto armored repair plant was created.

In 1929 on the basis of the enterprise the Plant No. 2 of the All-Union Automobile and Tractor Association was formed. In 1930, the production of light tanks, tank guns and artillery tractors of chief designer N.A. Astrova. In 1933, the plant was assigned No. 37 Spetsmastrest. In 1934-1936, 2424 light tanks T-37A were manufactured here. In 1936-1939, 1,382 floating T-38 tanks were produced, created under the leadership of the chief designer N.A. Astrova. Since 1939 the enterprise receives the name "Plant No. 37 named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze", which becomes one of the centers of the domestic light tank building. In 1940-1941, the factory produced 374 small floating tanks T-40 chief designer NA. Astrova.

In August 1941 , in the conditions of wartime, for two weeks the design bureau of plant No. 37 developed a small T-60 tank, which played a big role in the battle for Moscow. In October 1941, the plant number 37 was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, and Auto Repair Plant No. 6 (ARZ-6) was established on its site in Moscow. January 7, 1942 ARZ-6 was transformed into a branch of the plant number 37. In the middle of 1942, the Sverdlovsk Plant No. 37 merges with the Bolshevik plant, while the Moscow ARZ-6 gets the former name of plant No. 37. Here, armored vehicles are being repaired, an artillery self-propelled Su-76 gun is being built on the basis of a small T-60 tank. Until the end of the Great Patriotic War, Plant No. 37 at the Preobrazhenskaya Zastava issued armored vehicles and ammunition.

In 1942-1943 the enterprise in Sverdlovsk manufactured 1213 small T-60 tanks. In 1942, the plant manufactured 10 newest light tanks T-70. After the Great Patriotic War, plant number 37 mastered the mass production of the first Soviet household electric refrigerators, produced forklift trucks, parts and assemblies for locomotives, river vessels.

In 1949, at the plant number 37, the development of radio engineering products began, and the Specialized Design Bureau No. 37 was created. In 1950, the launch of the radar for the Air Defense Forces of the country, the Air Force, the P-20 Periscope Air Traffic Control System and the P-50 Observatory.

In 1956, the development of the ultra-long-range radar "Danube-2" of the chief designer V.P. Sosulnikova.

July 30, 1959 on the basis of OKB plant number 37 formed a branch of NII-108. The plant becomes an Experimental Plant No. 37. On May 4, 1960, the branch of the Research Institute-108 and the Experimental Plant No. 37 are transformed into the Research Institute No. 37 with the Experimental Plant No. 37. On March 4, 1961, at the Balkhash test site, the experimental missile defense system in Moscow and the central region of the Soviet Union, the primary target designation for which was the long-range Dunay-2 radar, intercepted and destroyed the head of a long-range ballistic missile.

In the early 1960s, the Scientific Research Institute No. 37 and the Experimental Plant No. 37, under the supervision of Chief Designer V.P. Sosulnikov, the work on the creation of the world's largest, long-range, combat radar for the missile defense "Moscow" Danube-3 "was launched. On March 24, 1966, the Research Institute-37 with the Experimental Plant No. 37 was renamed into the Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute (NIRTI) with the Experimental Plant. In 1970, the NIRTI with an experimental plant became part of the "Vympel" Center.

February 1, 1972 NIRTI with an experimental plant was renamed into NIIDAR (Research Institute of Long-Distance Radio Communication) with an experimental plant. From 1960 to 1989, the NIIDAR creates long-range radars for the Missile Defense System of Moscow and the central industrial region of the country, the Missile Attack Warning System - the Danube-3, the Danube-3M, and the Danube-3U. In 1963, computers were created for the Air Defense Forces of the country, missile defense, missile defense - T340A, K340A. The company developed a complex of remote space reconnaissance "Krona", the first domestic, solid-state, digital radar "Volga", a combat system of ultra-long, over-the-horizon radar "Duga". In 1979, the company was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its services in the creation of special equipment.

On June 21, 1994, the NIIDAR teamed up with an experimental plant. The creation of a research and production complex has opened new opportunities for the development and manufacture of complex radar systems. The availability of its own production base is favorably highlighted by OAO NPK NIIDAR from a number of Russian scientific organizations. The combination of the institute with an experimental plant, the creation of a research and production complex on June 21, 1994, opened new possibilities for the development and manufacture of complex radar systems. The presence of its own production base favorably identifies NPID NIIDAR from a number of similar scientific organizations.

Over the years, the collective of the enterprise has developed, manufactured and put on combat duty a lot of complicated locational means, best proven themselves in practice. The specialists of the enterprise continue work on the creation of a number of multifunctional radars for various purposes. In the wavelength range from decameter to centimeter. They have a range of operation from tens to several thousand kilometers, they operate depending on the purpose in the line of sight mode or in the Zagorizon mode. Developments are conducted on a modern scientific and technological level with the use of methods of mathematical and full-scale modeling, computer technology, extensive information, databases, computer-aided design systems for hardware and software. Work at the enterprise united and rallied leading scientists and engineers, high-class specialists - theorists and practitioners. OOO NPK NIIDAR is still a major research and production enterprise specializing in the creation of unique, radio engineering and information systems.

General designer of OAO NPK NIIDAR Sergey Dmitrievich Saprykin was born on June 6, 1955. In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, in 1984 he graduated from the NIIDAR, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the basic department of MIREA. Sergei Saprykin, a leading expert in the field of radar theory and technology, is one of the creators of the modern development of high-availability radar stations (VLF), awarded with the "Honorary Radio Operator" badge, and has gratitude from industry leaders. From 2000 to 2010, he held the post of General Director of OAO NPK NIIDAR. Under his leadership, radar stations are being developed operating in different wave ranges - from high-potential UHF decimeter radar systems for space control systems, up to a number of means of centimeter range and products of the over-horizon subject in container design.

Research and production enterprises of the RTI concern were present at the MAX-2017 aerospace show, which began in the Moscow suburb of Zhukovsky on July 18, with the newest radar stations (RLS). OAO NPK NIIDAR familiarize the participants of the air show with three developments at once: the Vitim radar, the MPLS and the Marmot. The "Vitim" radar station is an information control device for the aerospace environment, which provides for the continuous detection, tracking and classification of ballistic, space and aerodynamic objects passing through this observation zone. The station is built according to the modular principle, which allows to abandon large-scale stationary structures and to take into account the requirements of the customer as much as possible. MPLS is a means of effectively monitoring airspace in a given area of ??responsibility. The station is designed for ultra-long-range detection, determination of coordinates and traffic parameters of a wide class of air targets in conditions of intense industrial and natural disturbances.

"Marmot" - a small radar station, which has no world analogs. It is designed to detect low-altitude air facilities in the near area of responsibility (gliders, helicopters, aircraft, drones). Specialists of the concern also prepared a large business program, within which a series of negotiations will be held with representatives of various states, the diplomatic corps, military attaches and delegations of foreign companies. It is expected that the "RTI" business zone will be visited by employees of federal ministries and departments, as well as leading specialists of Russian research and production corporations and enterprises.

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