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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

NPO Mashinostroyenia

Joint stock company “Military and industrial corporation JSC “MIC “Mashinostroyenia” (JSC MIC Mashinostroyenia) is one of the leading space and rocketry companies of Russia. Military and industrial corporation “NPO Mashinostoyenia” in turn is a part of Corporation “Tactical Missile Armament”.

JSC "MIC" NPO Mashinostroenia as a "city-forming enterprise" has been actively influencing the development of the city of Reutov for more than 60 years. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2003, Reutov was granted the status of Naukograd of the Russian Federation. The enormous potential of scientists, specialists and workers of Naukograd is used to support the role of Russia as one of the world leaders in the field of high technologies and ensure a decent standard of living for the city's population.

From 1944 the company was managed by Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey, the outstanding designer and scientist, was charged with the task to create a new type of weapons: a pilotless aircraft-missile to arm the Air Forces and then other branches. JSC MIC Mashinostroyenia, as a prime contractor in the multi-discipline cooperation, provides the National Armed Forces with advanced military equipment and collaborates with foreign partners in the military and technical fields.

The flourishing of the firm VN Chelomey "coincided" with the arrival in the OKB of Sergei Khrushchev. In order to "concentrate forces on the mainstream", several Moscow firms, including the largest aircraft design bureau of V.Myasishev with a huge plant in Fili, joined together and redeveloped. Turned into a "rocket monster," OKB Chelomey got a fabulous privilege: everywhere to go, everyone to know who is working on what, who has any ideas.

In the middle of 1950s cruise missiles for reciprocal attacks to land targets located thousand kilometers away from USSR borders, in the coastal and back areas of the enemy, were designed and deployed on the Russian naval submarines. This allowed first in the post-war history to make confrontation with the potential agressors effective and later, after creation of powerful anti-ship missiles, to give adequate assymmetric response to the naval forces of potential enemies. Today the basic anti ship weapons of the Russian Navy are the combat complexes with the cruise missiles designed by the company.

In 1960 the company started to design space equipment, systems, launch vehicles and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Some complexes developed at that time are still in operation nowadays. Famous "one hundred" (IBM UR-100) of various modifications have been ensuring strategic parity in nuclear confrontation since the middle of 1960s and till today.

The missile elite was convinced that after Khrushchev’s fall and Ustinov’s appointment as Central Committee secretary for defense matters, Chelomey’s star would set. But it turned out that in the offices of the Central Committee, the Council of Ministers, and Ministry of Defense, Chelomey’s standing was rather strong. New Minister of Defense Andrey Grechko explicitly supported putting Chelomey’s Sotka into service as the Rocket Forces’ primary armament.

During the return to the ministerial system in 1965, Chelomey’s OKB, its branch in Fili, and the M.V.Khrunichev Factory (ZIKh - Zavod imeni M. V. Khrunicheva) were transferred from the aviation industry to the Ministry of General Machine Building — the new rocket-space ministry. Now the new minister, Sergey Afanasyev, was obliged to look after General Designer Chelomey and the field of endeavor entrusted to him, as much as he did for Korolev and Yangel. Heated interdepartmental disputes became intradepartmental as well.

A decisive factor in the competition between the schools of Korolev and Yangel, which contributed to the rapid advancement of Chelomey’s projects, was the high degree of intellectual potential and the design and production culture of the aviation industry teams in Fili. This was evident in the technology for high-volume series production of UR-100 ICBMs.

Many fundamentally new developments in the rocket building and space engineering were born from JSC MIC Mashinostroyenia during all its history. Secret of success is in the complex approach to solution of problems raised by the time. It enabled their most efficient implementation within short periods with minimum funds.

That was the way how first in the world satellites for global sea surveillance were created, as well as maneuvering space vehicles, Proton heavy launch vehicle and manned space stations delivered to the orbit by it, complexes with intercontinental ballistic missiles, highly efficient cruise missiles for various purposes. For more than seventy years of its history, JSC MIC Mashinostroyenia has developed and commissioned over 25 missile and space complexes for various purposes.

Even now JSC MIC Mashinostroyenia continues to work for projects of national importance, and create sophisticated rocket and missile and space complexes and systems, which prototypes do not exist in the world. Unique experience in missile and space technologies and continuous scientific and engineering research enable successful implementation of works under governmental orders and make a considerable progress in cooperation with foreign countries.

Indian - Russian joint venture BrahMos was established and works successfully in terms of intergovernmental agreement with the Republic of India for creation of missile complexes with supersonic antiship multipurpose long range cruise missile. Successful work of the company for decades became a crucial factor in Reutov-town progress and in its awarding with the status of “scientific city” of Russian Federation in 2003.

Military-Industrial Corporation Research and Industrial Association of Machine Building (MIC NPO mashinostroyenia) was founded in pursuance of the Russian Presidential decree No. # 1161 dated September 13, 2004 about «Open joint stock company «Military- Industrial Corporation Research and Industrial Association of Machine Building» and decree No.865 of the Russian Government dated December 29, 2004 about «Measures on realization of the Russian Presidential decree No. 1161 dated September 13, 2004 about «Open joint stock company Military-Industrial Corporation Research and Industrial Association of Machine Building».

Primary strategic objective of JSC MIC NPO mashinostroyenia is an execution of defense orders, related to development, fabrication and delivery of weapons and military hardware, attaining of maximum possible volumes in all the lines of military and technical cooperation, production development of civil goods and dual-use products at the level, which provides financial stability to Corporation itself as well as to its affiliated companies.

Achievements of JSC NPO mashinostroyenia as a primary developer and systems integrator of major projects and more than 70 years of experience in management of developed scientific, project designing and production cooperation guarantee a successful solution to the tasks, related to long-term development of the corporation.

In 2012 – 2013, JSC NPO mashinostroyenia became a part of JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation as a subholding company in pursuance of the Russian Presidential decrees # 1443 and # 751. In 2013 – 2015, budget investments were provided to the companies affiliated with NPO mashinostroyenia in exchange for their stocks that led to formation of share of the Russian Federation in their authorized capitals.

Business of NPO mashinostroyenia promotes the preservation and development of scientific and production capabilities of rocket-and-space industry, mobilization of recourses for development of high-efficiency missile systems, space systems and vehicles in order to maintain national defense and improve positions of the Russian Federation in the world market of defense and aerospace technologies.

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