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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Makeyev State Rocket Center

Makeyev State Rocket Center JSC GREC Makeev strategic holding of the country's defense and industrial complex and the rocket and space industry, the lead developer of liquid and solid-fuel strategic missile systems with ballistic missiles, one of Russia's largest research and development centers for the development of rocket and space technology.

Joint Stock Company "State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeyev is a strategic holding of the country's defense and industrial complex and the rocket and space industry, the lead developer of liquid and solid-fuel strategic missile systems with ballistic missiles, one of Russia's largest research and development centers for developing rocket and space technology. For more than 65 years of history, the company designed and deployed the Navy three generations of missile systems, eight base missiles and sixteen of their upgraded versions, which formed and form the basis of the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR and Russia.

An important component of the company's activities are rocket and space projects. GRC cooperates with the leading world space agencies, participates in domestic and international programs to develop new and promising technologies.

The enterprise has a developed industrial and laboratory-experimental base, which allows full-scale testing of rocket and space technology samples, as well as samples of products for national economic purposes. One of the directions of the conversion use of the experimental base was the creation of a Testing Certification Center. The center is accredited for carrying out certification tests of products of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medical instruments and equipment; carrier rockets, payloads for them, engines, control systems and prelaunch services, launchers and their components; building materials, products and structures.

The scientific and technical potential of the enterprise combined with the high professionalism of the staff make it possible to achieve good results in the development of various science-intensive products and equipment (including import-substituting) for various industries (oil and gas, medical equipment, construction equipment, etc.).

Civil works of JSC "GRC Makeyev" repeatedly became laureates of the regional contest "20 best goods of the Chelyabinsk region" and the All-Russian competition "100 best goods of Russia". Examples include the Miaskit end-stop valve for gas pipelines (2010), the acoustic control post for the early diagnosis of bearings of pedestrian axle pairs (2011), the set of equipment for medical gas supply systems (2012), the X-ray unit for preventive treatment of donor blood and its components (2013), "Pride of the Fatherland" launch vehicle "Shtil-Sineva" (2008).

The enterprise was created by the governmental decision of December 16, 1947 as the Special Design Office for long-range missiles with laboratories and an experimental workshop, since 1948 - the Special Design Bureau No. 385 (SKB-385), since 1966. - Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering (KBM), since 1993 - the State Rocket Center (SRC) "KB Akademika V.P. Makeyev. In 2008, the enterprise was transformed into the Open Joint-Stock Company "The State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeeva "(OAO" GRC Makeyev "), since 2015 - Joint-stock company" The State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeeva "(JSC" GRC Makeyev "),

In the domestic defense-industrial complex, GRC occupies a special place, throughout its history creating outstanding models of rocket technology. For more than 65 years of history, the company designed and deployed the Navy three generations of missile systems, eight base missiles and sixteen of their upgraded versions, which formed and form the basis of the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR and Russia. In each of the developing missile weapons systems, the main tasks were solved, ensuring the development of domestic maritime missile construction, the achievement of qualitative, superior to the world analogues of the results contributing to the deployment of an effective maritime component of the country's strategic nuclear forces.

In 2002, the R-29RMU1 "Stantsiya" missile with combat blocks of increased safety was adopted, for which work in 2003 was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. In 2006, the R-29RKU2 "Station 2" SLBM was adopted. In 2007, the missile system with the R-29RMU2 Sineva missile was put into service with the Navy. The Sineva missile provides strategic deterrence and, being an important element of the country's military strategy for the coming decades, is today the basis of Russia's naval strategic nuclear forces. In 2006, a successful launch from the North Pole was carried out by rockets of this class, and in 2008 a range of over 11,000 kilometers was demonstrated. In 2014, the naval missile system D-9RMU2.1 with the R-29RMU2.1 rocket "Liner" was put into service. The "Liner" missile, as well as all versions of R-29RMU missiles.

At present, GREC Makeev JSC conducts the Sarmat R & D on the creation of a strategic missile complex of ground-based mine base. New tasks to shape the image of the strategic nuclear deterrent forces put by the country's leadership before the collective of the JSC "GRC Makeyev" reaffirm the high scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, its authority of the largest Russian research and development center for the development of rocket and space technology.

An important component of the company's activities are rocket and space projects. GRC cooperates with the leading world space agencies, participates in domestic and international programs to develop new and promising technologies. Since 2001, launches of experimental devices for testing in the conditions of real space flight of promising technologies of new vehicles for interplanetary flights, missions related to landing on other planets and returning to Earth. By order of the Aerospace Corporation Aerial Start, the SRC is developing a prospective aviation rocket and space complex that allows launching satellites into various orbits without using expensive ground-launched launch systems from virtually anywhere in the airspace.

In order to ensure the defense capability of the Russian Federation, to preserve and develop the scientific and production potential of the rocket and space industry, to mobilize resources for the creation of high-performance strategic missile complexes, and in accordance with the Presidential Decree, in 2009 an integrated missile complexes of strategic designation - JSC "GRC Makeyev", which included the leading enterprises of the industry: JSC "Krasnoyarsk engine" roitelny Plant " , JSC" Miass Machine Building Plant " , JSC" Research Institute of Hermes " , JSC" Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant " .

Priority directions of the integrated structure are: development, production, modernization, operation and disposal of strategic missile complexes; development and production of civilian spacecraft and means of their removal; provision of services for the launch of space vehicles of domestic and foreign users, including with the help of carrier rockets, created by the conversion of serial ballistic missiles of submarines.

As a system integrator of large projects, GREC Makeeva JSC works with the cooperation of research institutes and design bureaus, pilot plants, test sites involved in the creation, fabrication and flight testing of rocket and space technology. The enterprise possesses considerable scientific and technical potential, developed industrial and laboratory-experimental base, allowing to carry out full-scale tests of rocket and space technology samples. Combined with the production capacities of the cooperative enterprises, this shows the wide potential of the JSC "GRC Makeyev" in providing nuclear missile parity in Russia, solving problems of space exploration, developing and creating various science-intensive products and equipment for the national economy.

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