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Submarine Squadron TWENTY

Submarine Squadron 20 provides the maintenance support for all East Coast-based Trident submarines. The first commander of Submarine Squadron 20 was assigned in January 1989, shortly before the arrival of the first East Coast Trident submarine, USS Tennessee (SSBN 734).

The Navy's fleet of Trident submarines is the largest and most powerful submarine force in the free world, and provides the nation's first line of strategic deterrence. The five Trident submarines USS Tennessee (SSBN 734), USS West Virginia (SSBN 736), USS Maryland (SSBN 738), USS Rhode Island (SSBN 740), and USS Wyoming (SSBN 742), assigned to Submarine Squadron 20 can carry up to 24 missiles. The range, payload and accuracy of the Trident II strategic weapons system makes the Trident capable of conducting retaliatory strikes against a full range of possible targets. As the most effective warships of their kind in the world, the Trident submarines of Submarine Squadron 20 are quieter, faster and carry more firepower than the older SSBNs they replaced.

The squadron commander is responsible for five submarines and the 10 crews that man those submarines at all times. Squadron 20 is also the waterfront coordinator and principal squadron involved in planning and executing all SSBN refits with Trident Refit Facility. He is also responsible for all material readiness and fiscal responsibility. The squadron commander and his staff are located in the Waterfront Services building, which overlooks Refit Wharf 1.

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