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Submarine Group TEN

Commander Submarine Group 10 is the senior commander at the Kings Bay naval complex. COMSUBGRU 10 was commissioned Jan. 1, 1989, and is a subordinate commander to Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. COMSUBGRU 10 exercises command over various commands and units assigned, including operational and administrative control of the Trident ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) that are based at Submarine Base Kings Bay. As the senior submarine commander in the Kings Bay area, and acting as the local Submarine Operating Authority, COMSUBGRU 10 provides local coordinating authority for all matters assigned by COMSUBLANT. COMSUBGRU 10 exercises direct control over the administration and training of submarine off-crews at Kings Bay. Specifically included in these responsibilities are the proper integration and coordination of the facilities dedicated to training support of the Trident system."

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