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Turkmenistan in Space


Earth Observation

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The first TürkmenÄlem 52°E satellite was placed into low Earth orbit in 2015 for the purpose of telecommunication and data transmission even in remote settlements sitting in the Kara-Kum desert. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 27 April 2015 successfully placed a telecommunications satellite jointly owned by Turkmenistan and Monaco into geostationary transfer orbit. The satellite's builder was Thales Alenia Space of France and Italy.

Deputy Prime Minister Satlyk Satlykov, supervising transportation and communications, reported on preparations for the launch of Turkmenistan’s first space communications satellite at a government meeting. Speaking about the importance of this event, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that this communications satellite will help accelerate the development of the country's communication systems, television and other industries.

The launch of Turkmenistan’s space communications satellite was originally scheduled for November 2014. At the end of November last year, Turkmenistan officially rescheduled the launch for the first half of 2015.

Such stationary satellite will provide the broadcasting coverage not only over Turkmenistan territory, but also all over Central Asia, Iran, Turkey, Northern Africa and majority part of Europe. Our communication satellite will be able to provide the TV broadcastings, radio telephone, telegraphic and other kinds of communication between earth stations located thousands of kilometers away from each other.

As is informed in National space agency, the construction and assembly of aerials and equipment of two control centers of Earth artificial satellite is being completed. An aerial and equipment for transmission and reception of TV signal from Turkmen satellite is installed on “Orbita” station.

Great attention was paid to preparation of highly professional specialists for new space sector. Agency specialists – graduates of the Institute of transport and communication, Magtymguly Turkmen state university, as well as agency workers graduated from foreign higher educational institutions – physicists, mathematicians, mechanics, signalers, aviators and programmers – beginning from march of the last year attend trainings in aerospace enterprises of “Thales Alenia Space” company. In July they await trainings on simulators with which the satellite control centers will be equipped. According to the contract during three months the French party will prepare the technical personnel and operators that will provide management and control over parameters of space orbital device from earth tracker stations.

Turkmenistan plans to launch its second satellite, Turkmen State News Agency (TDH) reported 22 December 2017. In 2018-2024, Turkmenistan will invest about 1.3 billion Turkmen manats ($1 = 3.5 Turkmen manats on Dec. 22) to develop the space industry. The investment covers a satellite that will be designed for remote sensing of the Earth. The space device will be used to develop all the sectors of the national economy and collect data on hard-to-get, high-speed, and other objects.

Sensing will help conduct the ecological monitor of oil fields, pipe corridors, and oil refineries, as well as detect oil spills and control operations of oil and gas companies. The satellite will regularly shoot images of regions, measure sizes of farm fields and pastures, and collect data on agricultural lands. The satellite images will boost efficiency of monitoring of construction works, construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure, ecological status of Caspian Sea onshore and offshore.

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