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Central Specialised Design Bureau

18 Pskovsksya Street Samara 443009 Russia Tel
+7 8462 22-28-14
+7 8462 27-20-70
214153 NIKA SU

Federal State Unitary Enterprise GNPRKTS "TsSKB-Progress", the leading Russian enterprise in the field of creation of middle-class carrier rockets and remote sensing of the Earth. It was formed in 1996 by the merger of the Central Specialized Design Bureau and the Samara Plant Progress (formerly Aviation Plant No. 1). Since 1958 on the initiative of S.P. The queen of the plant was engaged in the serial production of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The history of TsSKB began with the design support for the production of nine modifications of the R-7 missile, which were manufactured at the Progress plant.

The main directions of the Center's modern activity are: development, production and delivery within the Federal Space Program and the interests of international cooperation of rocket and space complexes, research and experiments in the field of astrophysics, microgravity, space materials science, etc .; development, creation of middle-class launch vehicles and the launch of space vehicles with their help; creation of ground launch and technical complexes; the development of methods for controlling space vehicles, the creation of promising control complexes and their software and software, and others.

Nine modifications of middle-class carrier rockets were created in the SSCC "TsSKB-Progress", 26 types of space vehicles were designed in the interests of national security and for solving scientific and socio-economic problems. The carrier rockets manufactured at the Center were launched into the working orbits of St. 1,700 spacecraft, of which 900 are of their own design.

The birth of TsSKB is connected with the creation of the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 (the famous "Seven") in the design bureau SPKorolev (OKB-1 ), the leading designer of which was the closest associate of SPKorolev Dmitry Ilich Kozlov. In 1958 Dmitry Kozlov was responsible for organizing the serial production of the R-7 missile at Plant No. 1 (now the Progress plant) in Kuibyshev. On July 23, the serial-design department No. 25 OKB-1 was created on the territory of the plant. In a year it was transformed into a branch No. 3 of OKB-1, behind which all the work on the development of R-7 missiles is fixed. Since 1964, the branch has become the parent organization in the country to create space means of national control, since 1968, on an initiative basis, began to implement conversion projects for the civil application of its own spacecraft. In 1974, on the basis of the branch, the Central Specialized Design Bureau - TsSKB (chief and general designer of TsSKB - Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov ) was established.

Based on the basic package of the R-7 missile, eight different modifications of medium-sized launch vehicles were created, which launched more than 1,500 spacecraft and satellites and are represented by the following types. Three-stage Soyuz booster rocket used for launching spacecraft Intercosmos, Resurs-F, Foton, Bion, Soyuz spacecraft, Progress spacecraft for the manned program. Three-stage launch vehicle Vostok, which was used to launch weather satellites Meteor and Meteor-Nature, Resurs-0, Indian satellites IRS-IA and IRS-IB and Bulgarian Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 ". Four-stage Molniya booster rocket for launching sufficiently large payloads on the "departing" trajectories and elongated elliptical orbits of the Molnia "and" Prognoz "radio communications and television and radio broadcasting satellites. Unified with a high thrust-bearing three-stage carrier rocket "Soyuz-2" ("Rus").

In the TsSKB, hundreds of spacecraft (SC) for various purposes were created and put into working orbits:

  • spacecraft "Resurs-FG" and "Resurs-F2" for research of natural resources of the Earth and ecology;
  • "Foton" spacecraft for research in the field of microgravity and space materials science;
  • Bion series of spacecrafts for research in the field of space biology and medicine;
  • "Ether" and "Energy" spacecraft for research in the field of astrophysics and nuclear physics;
  • SC for monitoring the implementation of international agreements in the field of arms limitation;
  • Resource-500 for the international humanitarian action "Space flight Europe-America".

Today TsSKB continues to develop space technologies, automatic space systems of a new generation, global information space systems. To solve "terrestrial" tasks, TsSKB is engaged in the development and creation of systems, machines, units and equipment for the agro-industrial complex, the confectionery and oil refining industries.

Dmitriy Kozlov on the "Energy-Buran" project: "A few months after VP Glushko was appointed to the position of chief designer, the NPO Energia, which he headed, was commissioned to design a new powerful launch vehicle, and the ministry transferred the order for its manufacture to the Kuibyshev Progress plant. Shortly thereafter, I had a long and very difficult conversation with Glushko about the ways of further development of the Soviet space-rocket industry, the prospects for the work of the Kuibyshev branch No. 3, and also about the Energia-Buran complex. I then suggested that he continue the work on the H1 missile instead of this project. Glushko insisted on creating a new powerful carrier from scratch, and H1 called yesterday's space program, no one else is needed. We did not reach a single opinion with him then. In the end, we decided that the company I headed and NPO Energia was no longer on the road, since we differ in our views on the strategic line of development of Russian cosmonautics. This decision found our understanding at the very top of the then government of the country, and soon the branch No. 3 was removed from the subordination of NPO Energia and transformed into an independent enterprise. Since July 30, 1974 it is called the Central Specialized Design Bureau (TsSKB). As you know, the project "Energy-Buran" in the 80's was still implemented, and again it required a large financial costs from the country. That is why the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering of the USSR, whose structure included our enterprise, was forced to repeatedly withdraw from the budgets of the plant TsSKB-Progress and TsSKB a considerable part of the funds previously allocated to us. Therefore, a number of projects TsSKB because of underfinancing then was not performed in full, and some of them are generally unrealized. The "Energia" rocket took off for the first time with a weight-and-weight model on board (the "Polyus" facility), the second time with the Buran reusable ship. More than one launch of Energia was not made, and first of all for a rather prosaic reason: at the moment there are simply no objects in outer space that would require flights (by the way, very expensive) of this huge rocket with a carrying capacity of over 100 tons. "

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