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Salyut Design Bureau

Design Bureau "Salyut" was formed in 1951 by the outstanding aircraft designer V.M. Myasishchev. Under his leadership, serial bombers ZM and M4 were created, which received the name "Bison" in NATO, as well as the supersonic strategic bomber M-50.

In 1960, the enterprise was reoriented to rocket-space themes. Under the OKB-52 leadership, OKB-23 started to design intercontinental ballistic missiles. Its first designs were the UR-200, which never flew, followed by the successful UR-100 family of missiles. In 1962, the design process of the UR-500 super-heavy ICBM was started. This later evolved into the Proton space launch vehicle in 1964. The first Proton rocket was first launched in 16 July 1965.

In 1966 OKB-52 was renamed the Central Design Bureau of Machine-Building (TsKBM), and OKB-23 became known as the Fili Branch of TsKBM. It was split off from TsKBM in the late 1970s, and was renamed the Salyut Design Bureau, or KB Salyut for short. In 1981—1988, KB Salyut was part of the large NPO Energiya company, and become an independent design bureau in 1988. The partnership with Khrunichev Machine-Building plant continued through all this time.

A number of unique products were created by the design bureau team, among them: combat complexes equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles; world-famous highly reliable carrier rocket "Proton"; space vehicles of the 20-ton class "Kosmos-929, -1267, -1443, -1686", which served as the basis for the creation of the modules "Quantum", "Quantum-2", "Crystal", "Spectrum", "Nature" for RSC Energia. In addition, with the direct participation of the KB team, the orbital stations Salyut and Mir complex, were created.

The technical level of the products developed by the team of the Salyut design bureau was highly appreciated by specialists all over the world, which confirms the company's participation in a number of international space programs. In particular, the CB "Salyut" created: a cryogenic boost stage for the Indian GSLV carrier rocket, as well as electropneumatic drives and a propulsion control unit for the roll for the Brazilian launch vehicle.

On June 7, 1993, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Space Research and Production Center named after MV Khrunichev was established, which united the Salyut Design Bureau and the Mashinostroy Machine Building Plant M.V.Khrunichev, which served as a fusion of the scientific and production potentials of the two enterprises. In the 1990s, the KB team developed: the Zarya Functional Cargo Module and the Zvezda Service Module for the ISS, the upgraded Proton-M rocket carrier, the Rokot SRC based on the RS-18 ICBM (SS-19 ), The Republic of Belarus "Breeze-M".

At present, KB "Salyut" carries out:

  • modernization of the Proton and the Briz-M with the purpose of improving the energy and performance characteristics;
  • design and engineering work on the development of the Angara family of light, medium, heavy classes;
  • operation of the Rocket Corporation "Proton", RKK "Rokot";
  • development of booster blocks on high-boiling and low-boiling components of fuel: the Breeze series; KVRB, KRB;
  • the development of the oxygen-hydrogen booster block RB KVTK, which will significantly expand the capabilities of the Arkhangelsk-A5 heavy-duty rocket launcher for single and group launch of spacecraft into high-energy orbits.
  • the development of a multifunctional laboratory module (MLM) for the ISS; manages the flight of the spacecraft during the flight testing phase and during their operation, including participation in the management of the international space station; in the framework of international programs for the launch of foreign commercial satellites with the help of the Proton and Rokot LV, work is underway to adapt the carrier to commercial payloads;
  • work on the creation of space complexes for remote sensing of the Earth, satellite communications and scientific purposes;
  • search and applied research and development, including works on new science-intensive technologies used in space technology, ecology and the creation of experimental facilities for modeling the processes of spacecraft operation in outer space conditions.

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