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Russian Space Finance and Budget

Russian Federal Space Agency

Reintroduction of the Five Year Plans Planning Fiscal Cycle


The October 22, 2005, Russian Federation government approved FSP 2006-2015 expanded spaceflight development decision was based on the re appearance of the Soviet era like fiscal Five Year Plan ( 2006-2010) and the next five year plan called the five year Forecast Plan (2011-2015) cycle to Russian Federal Space Agency developments. Soon the Russian Federal Space Agency will replace the present FYP [2006-2010] with the 2011-2015 five year plan followed by the 2016-2020 forecast plan. Though they think in the aerospace industry and plan in the FYP mode their appropriations funding is only cleared for three years and is dependent on the in office administration and the Russian Federation Duma. It also forces the industry to plan ahead preparing for what will be required to fulfill those new five year plans. These decisions will be critical to the real things that will get funded to happen in the next five year planning cycle. In the balance is the Vostochniy Cosmodrome versus returning to the Baikonur Cosmodrome as well as the newer as yet not built ISS additions proposed for the Russian side of the station along with its new manned spacecraft RUS and its new launch vehicle RUS-M? Those decisions on balance appear to have been made now official on July 19, 2010 and are all positive with a commitment of 100 billion Rubes to the space industry pledged by the Russian Federation government for the next three years. During 2009 the Russian Federation Federal budget for the space sector was 18 billion Rubles while its 2010 federal budget is 67 billion Rubles for the space & rocket industry with an additional 27.9 billion rubles for the GLONASS program added to get the system globally operational that is over 94.9 billion rubles applied to the industry in a focused effort.


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