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Buran Space Shuttle


Characteristic Value
Dimensional specifications
Overall length, m 36.37
Length of the fuselage, m 30.85
Width of the fuselage, m 5.5
Wingspan, m 23.92
Wings surface, m² 250
Height from the ground, m 16.35
Length of the payload bay, m 18.55
Diameter of the payload bay, m 4.7?
Mass of the structure, m 62
Heat shield tiles, number 38600
Maximum mass at launch (1st flight), t 105 (79.4)
Stock of oxygen, t 10.4
Stock of fuel, t 4.1
Payload mass H=200km
Slope of 50.7°, t 30
Slope of 97°, t 16
Landing mass
Nominal, t 82
Maximum, t 87
During flight tests 2
Maximum (without ejector seats) 10
Volume of the crew cabin, m³ 73
Flight duration
Nominal, days 7
Maximum (with full tanks), days 30
Possible slopes of the orbits, in degrees 50.7 - 110
Orbits altitudes
Circular work orbit, km 250 to 500
Maximum (with full tanks), km 1000
During re-entry (maximum), g 2.95
During going down through the atmosphere, g 1.6
Landing speed
Average (with a mass of 82 t), km/h 312
Maximum, km/h 360
For the first flight, km/h 263
Minimal duration between 2 consecutive flights, days 20
Quantity of flight 100

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