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Chinese Signals Intelligence

All military forces use the electromagnetic spectrum to command and control operating forces acquire targets, guide weapons, and direct supporting arms. These military forces also use the electromagnetic spectrum to collect, process, and report intelligence and to support other administrative and logistics operations. Most facets of military operations involve the use of some device or system that radiates or receives electromagnetic energy via air waves, metallic cable, or fiber optics.

Radios, radars, sensors, smart munitions, telephone systems, and computer networks use electromagnetic radiation. Both complex and unsophisticated military organizations depend on these systems and their inherent use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Signals intelligence operations are the principal way to exploit an adversary’s use of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is a category of intelligence comprising either individually or in combination all communications intelligence, electronic intelligence, and foreign instrumentation signals intelligence, however transmitted. Simply, SIGINT is intelligence gained by exploiting an adversary’s use of the electromagnetic spectrum with the aim of gaining undetected firsthand intelligence on the adversary’s intentions, dispositions, capabilities, and limitations. Communications intelligence (COMINT) is the technical and intelligence information derived from foreign communications by anyone othe than the intended recipient.

Electronics intelligence (ELINT) is the technical and intelligence information derived from foreign noncommunication electromagnetic radiation emanating from anywhere other than nuclear detonations or radioactive sources. Foreign instrumentation signals intelligence (FISINT) is the technical and intelligence information derived from the intercept of foreign instrumentation signals by anyone other than the intended recipients. FISINT is primarily strategic in nature.

SIGINT can be employed in tactical situation when the enemy uses electromagnetic spectru communications and/or systems. Optimal employment is against enemy forces that depend on tactical communications and noncommunications for command and control of their operations. SIGINT operations are more difficult against enemy forces that have established more permanent emplacements using land lines or other cabled communications systems.

Signals Intelligence, or SIGINT, receivers need to receive very weak signals over a wide frequency range. SIGINT is one of several intelligence disciplines. The other key intelligence disciplines are imagery intelligence (IMINT), human resources intelligence (HUMINT), and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT).

The PLA General Staff Department [GSD] Third Department is China‘s premier cryptologic service. Today, the GSD Third Department and its counterparts within the PLA‘s Military Regions (MRs), Air Force, Navy, and Second Artillery oversee a vast infrastructure for monitoring communications traffic from collection sites inside China, possibly from embassies and other facilities abroad, and from space-based assets. The 57th Research Institute is responsible for the development of communications intercept and signal processing systems. Among the institute‘s key focus areas is satellite communications technology, and it has been noted working with the China Academy of Space Technology on satellite R&D. Third Department bureaus have specific missions, such as radio or satellite communications intercept. The 12th Bureau, responsible for space-related technical reconnaissance, appears to have expanded in scope.

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