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Chinese Space Launch Vehicles


Launch Log

Sounding Rockets

Launch Vehicle Payload [kg] Launch Site Builder First
LEO Polar GTO Jiuquan Xichang Taiyun Wenchang
CZ-1 CALT 1970 1970
CZ-1D 900 300 CALT 1995 2002
CZ-2A 2,000 700 CALT 1974 1978
CZ-2C 2,000 700 CALT 1982 active
CZ-2C/2 2,400     CALT 2004 2009
CZ-2C/SD 2,000 700 CALT 1997 1999
CZ-2C/CTS   1,400   CALT 2003 2004
CZ-2C/3 3,900       CALT 2004 2008
CZ-2C/3/SMA   1,000     CALT 2008 2008
CZ-2D 3,000 1,250 CALT 1992 active
CZ-2D/2 3,000 SAST 2003 2008
CZ-2E 8,800 3,375 CALT 1990 1995
CZ-2E(A) 12,000 3,375 CALT TBD TBD
CZ-2F 8,400 3,500 CALT 1999 active
CZ-2F/G 12,000   CALT 2012 active
CZ-2F/H 12,500   CALT N/A N/A
CZ-3 5,000 1,400 CALT 1984 2000
CZ-3A 7,200 2,500 CALT 1994 active
CZ-3B 13,500 4,000 CALT 1996 active
CZ-3C 3,700 CALT 2009 active
CZ-4A 2,500 SAST 1988 1990
CZ-4B 2,500 SAST 1999 active
CZ-4C 4,200 2,800 1,500 SAST 2004 active
CZ-5 11,000 11,000 ? CALT 2016
CZ-5B 25,000 CALT 2020
CZ-5DY 70,000 ? CALT 2025?
CZ-6 1,000   CALT 2015
CZ-7 13,000   CALT 2016
CZ-8 ? 4,500 2,500 CALT 2020
CZ-9 140,000 66,000 ? ? CALT 2028
CZ-10 70,000 27,000 ? - - 2027
FB-1 2,000 700 SAST 1973 1981
KZ-21 30,000 CASIC 2025
KZ-31 30,000 CASIC 20??
Naga-1 820 ? CALT 201x
Tenglong 1 3,000 ? CALT 2021

Small Solid Boosters - Operationally Responsive Space

Ceres-1 100 Galactic Energy 2020
CZ-11 1,000 350 ? CALT 2015
Hyperbola SQX-1 100 StarCraft Glory 2019
Jielong 1 / SD-1 200 CALT 2020
Jielong 2 / SD-2 500 CALT 2022
Jielong 3 / SD-3 1,500 CALT 2022
KT-1 300 100 CASIC 2002 2005
KT-2 350 250 CASIC 2017
KZ-1 500 CASIC 2013
KZ-11 1,000 CASIC 2016?
OS-M 200 70 OneSpace 2019
Xingtu-1 250 Space Trek 2022
ZK-1 1,500 Zhongke Aerospace 2022
ZK-2 3,550 Zhongke Aerospace 2022
ZQ-1 200 LandSpace 2018
ZQ-2 4,000 2,000 LandSpace 2020

Re-usable / Spaceplanes

New Line 1 ? ? ? Link Space
Shenlong ? ? ? 2020
Shuttle ? ? ? CALT
Tengyun Space Plane ? ? ? CALT 2030
Zhongke-Orbit -0- -0- -0- Zhongke-Orbit 202x

Image courtesy Dragon in Space

Spent rocket components falling to land are common in China, which has three inland launch sites at Jiuquan, Taiyuan and Xichang, with only one coastal site - Wenchang - which opened in 2016. To prevent injuries and deaths, China releases notices and in some instances evacuates areas within the carefully calculated drop zones ahead of launch. However, footage of falling and recently landed rocket stages taken by locals suggests that some ignore orders and also approach the highly toxic wreckage.

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