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TacSat / Joint Warfighting Space (JWS)

Near Real Time Tactical Military SATCOM
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© C. P. Vick 2009 All Rights Reserved


TacSat-5 PnP Spacecraft Bus

TacSat-5 is the latest rendition of the Operational Responsive Space (ORS) Office sponsored Tactical Satellite series of missions. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) will be responsible for the development and integration of the spacecraft bus for this mission. TacSat-5 is tentatively planned for launch in the spring of 2012. Its mission module is to be attached to the Bus module that has yet to be determined in available open source information.

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate (RV) at Kirtland AFB, NM, conducted early in 2009 a Briefing for Industry (BFI) on Plug-and-Play (PnP) (avionics) Bus Development Activities for the TacSat-5 Mission. The TacSat-5 bus development will utilize the AFRL/RVS developed PnP specifications for all internal and external bus interfaces. The research, development, and design, is to support the development of plug-and-play technology for spacecraft systems including buses, components, payloads and flight and ground software .

Draft mission considerations published to date suggest several requirements those being Rapid launch integration, demonstration of the Bus standardized delta-V modules performance in addition to supporting industrial base procurement of new developing Buses or other Bus systems components and finally consideration of a TacSat SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar capability for imaging in all weather conditions. That is a MILRADINT spacecraft prototype demonstration RF Class Payload. This would then be followed by the Prototype vehicle of pre-acquisition of the operational system. It is interesting how the TacSat-4 has a great resemblance to the Israeli built India radar satellite packaging MIL, RADINTEL SAT.

See for further details:

  • India's Military Space Program

  • References:



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