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Mid-course Defense Segment (MDS)

The Mid-course Defense Segment (MDS) develops increasingly robust capabilities for countering ballistic missiles, particularly longer-range threats, in the mid-course stage of flight. The MDS could provide some early defense capability, if needed, based on past developmental successes. The primary elements of the MDS are the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) and the Sea-Based Midcourse Defense (SMD), which are the successors to the National Missile Defense and Navy Theater Wide programs. The SMD, when accompanied by GMD, could provide a complete and flexible mid-course layer. Sea-based elements also offer the opportunity to engage missiles in early ascent, thereby reducing the overall BMD System's susceptibility to countermeasures.

The Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) element is a key component of the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). This element consists of multiple sensors, a complex communications system, fire control capability, and ground-based interceptors capable of intercepting intermediate and long-range ballistic missile threats in their midcourse phase of flight. The midcourse phase of flight presents a significant opportunity to engage ballistic missile threats. This phase, compared to boost or terminal, has significant time to provide sensor viewing from multiple platforms and multiple engagement opportunities for hit-to-kill interceptors to perform their functions.

The comprehensive development and test program within GMD will continually upgrade the system from its initial limited capability to an enhanced capability able to destroy advanced threats in the future. The program incorporates development and fielding of additional component capability enhancements, such as additional interceptors, enhanced sensors, and additional and enhanced Ground Systems (GS) hardware; the execution of the flight and ground testing program, including the demonstration of additional Engagement Sequence Groups (ESGs); and the maintenance, sustainment, and support of the fielded capability. These activities and assets support enhanced capabilities to detect, track, intercept, and defeat ballistic missile threats.

For PB09, MDA has implemented a new block structure. With the exception of operations and sustainment activities, content previously planned in Project 0808 for FY08 and beyond is now captured in Project AX08. Project 0908 content is explained in Project CX08. Project 0008 is continued in Project DX08. All operations and sustainment activities for FY08 and out are captured in Project XX08. Based on FY08 Congressional direction, the SBX program content, including operations and sustainment, previously planned for FY08 in the Midcourse PE (0603882C) has moved to the new SBX PE (0603907C). Beginning in FY09, SBX content will be captured under the BMD Sensors PE (0603884C). Beginning in FY08 and throughout the FYDP, management of the UEWR and Cobra Dane transfers to the MDA BMDS Sensors component (MDA/SN) PE 0603884C. Also, based on FY08 Congressional direction, $50M for BMDS communications previously planned for GMD Block 4.0 fielding in FY08 has been transferred to the C2BMC PE (0603896C). Funding for European Interceptor Site construction in FY08 and FY09 previously captured in the Midcourse PE RDT&E budget exhibits is now explained in MDA Military Construction (MILCON) DD Forms 1390/1391.

Block 1.0 (Project AX08) includes continued development and fielding of capabilities to defend the U.S. from limited North Korean Long-Range Threats. These capabilities include GBIs and ground-based capabilities (an upgraded Cobra Dane radar, upgraded Early Warning Radars (UEWR), a Sea-Based X-Band (SBX) radar, In-Flight Interceptor Communications System (IFICS) data terminals (IDT), Ground-based Fire Control and Communication (GFC) Nodes, and a Global Communications Network (GCN) including fiber and satellite communications systems). Block 1.0 includes integrated flight and ground testing of the multi-layered BMDS components and the fielding of additional component capability enhancements. The fielding of additional GBIs, integration of UEWRs and the SBX, and fielding of two additional IDTs in Block 1.0 broadens the area of coverage of the initial BMDS. Additionally, efforts include the development of enhanced capabilities to detect, track, intercept, and defeat ballistic missile threats, and the incorporation of simultaneous test and operations upgrades. Block 1.0 funding will support the fielding of significant additional assets. This will increase the available fielded assets to thirty GBIs (with associated ground hardware), six In-Flight Interceptor Communication System (IFICS) Data Terminals (IDTs), three GFC nodes, and five Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) terminals. This additional hardware will facilitate the conduct of simultaneous test and operations of the GMD element. FY08 Planned Program includes complete construction, installation and checkout of five (5) additional silos and associated launch support equipment at Fort Greely supporting the emplacement of additional Ground Based Interceptors. FY09 Planned Program includes complete integration of a fourth operational silo allowing for increased quantity of operational GBIs at Vandenberg AFB. Beginning in FY08, up to four (4) GBIs annually will be removed from silos for refurbishment.

Block 3.0 (Project CX08) provides development and fielding of capabilities to expand defense of the U.S. to include limited Iranian long-range threats. These capabilities include an additional missile field at Fort Greely, integrated testing of the multi-layered BMDS components, the fielding of additional GBIs, development and accelerated testing of a 2-stage booster, a fleet avionics upgrade/obsolescence program, and improvement in the ability to engage evolving threats by testing and fielding discrimination algorithms. This demonstrated capability of the GMD program will enhance the BMDS against long and intermediate range ballistic missile attacks through fielding of up to fourteen (14) operational missiles in Block 3.0. In Block 3.0 the GBI refurbishment program will continue, with up to four (4) GBIs annual completing refurbishment.

Block 4.0 (Project DX08) provides for the expansion of the BMDS capability to defend allies and deployed forces in Europe from limited Iranian long-range threats. These capabilities include a third missile site as well as integrated testing of the multi-layered BMDS components. Block 4.0 incorporates the fielding of additional interceptors including the 2-stage configuration of the 3-stage boost vehicle for the European Interceptor Site (or for expansion of Ft. Greely). Block 4.0 incorporates the next increment of fielded capability with up to ten (10) additional interceptors [LDC Missiles 45-54 in FY 2012 and FY 2013] for either a European Site or expanded inventory at Fort Greely, AK. Block 4.0 will also incorporate the replacement of obsolescent Ground Systems hardware to include the IBM Regatta GFC processors.

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