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Battle Management, Command and Control (BMC2)

The BMC2,a sub-element of the Battle Management, Command, Control, and Communications (BMC3) element, is the "brains" of the National Missile Defense (NMD) system. It supplies the means to plan, select, and adjust missions and courses of action. In the event of a launch against the United States, the NMD system would be controlled and operated through the BMC2. The BMC2 subelement provides extensive decision support systems, battle management displays, and situation awareness information. Surveillance satellites and ground radars locate targets and communicate tracking information to battle managers,which process the information and communicate target assignments to interceptors.

The BMC2 is a sub-element of the BMC3, which also includes the In-Flight Interceptor Communications System (IFICS), and the communication lines to connect the NMD elements. The BMC2 operations would consist mostly of the tactical weapon system control and management functions of the NMD system and functions as the centralized point for readiness, monitoring, and maintenance. The site location BMC2 would be co-located with the Ground Based Interceptor (GBI), X-Band Radar (XBR), or support base as part of the Battalion Operations Center.

The BMC2 would be operational 24 hours a day. Personnel requirements for the BMC2 would be 35. Fiber optic cables may be used to connect the NMD elements to the BMC2. To the extent possible existing fiberoptic cables would be used, but may require modifications at some locations. Deployment of elements to some locations may require the acquisition of new rights-of-way and installation of new fiber optic cables. Potential new fiber optic cable locations include North Dakota and Alaska including a fiber optic cable in the ocean along the Aleutian Islands from Whittier or Seward, Alaska, to Eareckson Air Station (Shemya Island), Alaska.

Activities at the BMC2 would be similar to any office facility; therefore, no public health and safety issues are expected. To the extent practicable, existing utility corridors and road alignments would be used to install the new fiber optic cables. The installation of the new fiber optic cables would be similar to any commercial underground communication line. A single fiber cable would primarily run in water depths ranging from 3 to 1,375 meters (10 to 4,500 feet). The cable would be buried at a depth of 1 meter (3 feet) or more for depths up to 1,375 meters (4,500 feet) to avoid interference with fishing equipment and activities. For depths greater than 1,375 meters (4,500 feet), cable burial would not be necessary. The cable laying would be similar to any commercial fiber optic cable operation.

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