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Geostationary Imaging Satellites

Behind the

USAF, NRO Heavy Lift Booster Support

© By Charles P. Vick (All Rights Reserved)

Senior Technical Analyst, Globalsecurity.org



The USAF on behalf of the NRO very much desires the NASA conceived Heavy lift booster that will allow much heavier National Security Payloads long sought. Among those is a series of geostationary orbit long life high resolution imaging satellite constellation in addition to the space based radar constellations as well as the space based laser platforms.

Space based telescopes on the other hand would be placed in the earth-sun Lagrange points not in geostationary orbit. Old NRO industry studies and new more recent NASA studies and the advent of the heavy lift booster once again suggest that these future system are now on the cusp to become a viable reality for use in the out going next 10-15 years. This kind of effort takes a lot of pushing of the basic sciences to push the basic technologies to finally accomplish the breakthroughs and to keep them coming.

Design Requirement and the Limits of Technologies

Evolving out of earlier NRO focused foldable telescope studies and the 8-X concept and the more recent large space based telescope studies under NASA this new imaging spacecraft is intended to be placed on a series of equatorial geostationary orbit points over the planet with a near real time continuous constant monitoring observation. This will allow for almost no gaps in coverage of ground based places of interest because of the long dwell dime over those areas with medium to high resolution of about 1 meter capability. Presumably this would utilize a highly modified Improved Advanced Crystal KH satellite whose technology is being reacquired for low earth orbit polar orbit operations today. The difference is placing them in much higher earth orbits and the associated modification required in operating in that harsher environment. The telescopes could be any where from 6 to 8 to 10 or 30 meters in aperture diameter. Although initially 30 meter diameter was indicated apparently this has with time and technology potentially shrunk to realistic possibilities as has also the James Webb telescope. Much of the technology may have in part been based on the evolving James Webb space telescope and its segmented beryllium mirrors but IMINT optics required a far more complicated physical design than a space based telescopes like Hubble. Major Astronomical big space telescope studies by NASA have largely led the way beyond the initial first half of the 2000’s NRO Industry studies. The huge potential weight lifting capacity associated with the 130,000 kg payload capacity of the Ares-5 concept with perhaps payload shrouds up to 10-12 meters in diameter could indeed accommodate a more viable IMINT Satellite design for geostationary orbit. All of these studies push the required sciences and technologies development as well as the required heavy lift launch vehicle requirements to accommodate the mission desired. It would also be battle hardened for nuclear war and laser or ASAT attack with the ability to defend itself or go on the offensive. The fueling operation is to provide for propellant transfer or propellant service module or component replacement or modernization replacement to give the spacecraft high maneuverability to carry out and extend it mission and even upgrade it repeatedly. So on the one hand we have considerable miniaturization but growing optics that precludes mass and size reduction to the level desired.


NASA Space Telescope optical concept based on the Ares-V capability verses the Hubble Space Telescope gives a realization of just how big this kind of imaging system can become in the future

NRO discussion of large telescopes that unfold in space was a loud hint of the technology they are studying for imaging spacecraft. There are in fact several types of unfolding mirrors for power or telescopes design the technology of which is presently being developed openly. Much can be suggested on the potential concepts based on the available technologies that have evolved to maturity in the last decade and the new technologies being considered that are reasonably possible. Among those new available developing technologies is the James Webb space telescope technologies applied to a larger diameter reconnaissance optical system for full battle field application. One has to realize that the same laws of Physics still apply to the advanced optics and thus the attempts at size reduction have run into considerable trouble. Further reducing the required spacecraft overall physical design except for the structures mass and reduced optics sub systems has also proven difficult.

Other Missions Based on the Heavy Lift Booster Concepts Considerations

Space based radio telescopes of 150 meters in diameter dishes could also evolve to 150 meter diameter SIGINT satellite dishes based on wrap rib or inflatable dish technologies for these earth orbit based ground receiving stations. Today they are limited to 100 meter diameter SIGINT wrap-rib bleached white gold mesh dishes still operating. All of these developments are still dependent on national support for the NASA heavy lift booster.


1. Singer, Jeremy, NRO to Design Telescopes That Unfold in Space, Space news, July 5, 2004 P. A-4

2. Thinking Big about Space Telescopes, Science @ NASA, 6-25-200, p. 1-5.


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