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Mogadishu, Somalia


Ikonos Images of the Mogadishu area
Click on the small image to view a larger version

Ikonos imagery overview of Mogadishu

Mogadishu International Airport and Headquarters for Task Force Ranger
For more Public Eye satellite imagery, see the Picture of the Week Gallery of satellite and other imagery of places in the news.
For more Public Eye satellite imagery, see the Picture of the Week Gallery of satellite and other imagery of places in the news.

US Military Operations


Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War

Ikonos imagery of the objective area for the October 3rd raid.

Ikonos imagery of the target building and Task Force Ranger action at the objective

Route of the ground force convoy. (based on the book Black Hawk Down)

Location of Wolcott's crash site (based on the book Black Hawk Down)

Approximate location of the Durant crash site

The Durant crash site as depicted in the book Black Hawk Down and by the Philadelphia Inquirer

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