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Russian Military Links

  • Miracle-weapons of the USSR
  • Wings of the superpower Alexander Artemiev
  • Tanks illustrated encyclopedia. Part 1
  • Tanks illustrated encyclopedia. Part 2
  • Combat aircraft Tupolev Yakubovich Nicholas
  • History of aircraft 1919 - 1945
  • Submarines: More than 300 submarines of all countries of the world
  • Infantry fighting vehicles BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3 Suvorov Sergey
  • Combat ships of the world at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Part I. Submarines
  • Combat ships of the world at the turn of XX - XXI centuries Part III Frigates
  • God of War of the Third Reich
  • Superlinkory of Stalin
  • Battle in the ionosphere Babakin Alexander
  • Fighters "hundredth" series
  • History of the tank (1916 - 1996)
  • Shock ships. Part 1
  • Landing and mine-sweeping ships. Part 2
  • Cruisers, large anti-submarine ships, destroyers
  • The battle for the stars is 1. Missile systems of the pre-space era
  • Battle for the Stars-2. Space confrontation (Part I) .
  • Battle for the Stars-2. Space confrontation (Part II) .
  • The last spurt of Soviet tank builders
  • B-29 "Superfortress"
  • Mysterious ships of Admiral Gorshkov
  • The aircraft carrier of the Third Reich Graf Zeppelin - history, design, aviation armament Chechin A. and Okolelov N. and Shumilin S.
  • Aircraft of RL Bartini
  • Soviet missile cruiser. Zigzags of Evolution
  • Myasischev. An awkward genius. The Forgotten Victories of Soviet Aviation

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