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Russian Ground Combat Systems


Equipment Holdings

Towed Artillery Self-Propelled Artillery
Artillery Rockets

Tanks Armored Vehicles
Motorized Rifle
VDV Airborne Troops

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Anti-Aircraft
Combat Robots / Boevye Roboty Trucks
Automatic Grenade Launcher
Imperial Light Arms Early 20th C Light Arms
Late 20th C Light Arms Modern Light Arms
https://web.archive.org/web/20220506030130/http://www.tokarev.com/">Official Tokarev Firearms Site"

Tula Tokarev (TT-33)

Pistol arr. 1933 ( TT , Tulsky, Tokareva , Index GRAU - 56-A-132 ) was the first army self-loading pistol of the USSR, developed in 1930 by Soviet designer Fedor Vasilyevich Tokarev. The TT pistol was developed for the 1929 competition for a new army pistol, announced to replace the Nagant revolver and several foreign-made revolvers and pistols that were in service with the Red Army by the mid-1920s. The German cartridge 7.63 × 25 mm Mauser was adopted as a regular cartridge, which was purchased in significant quantities for the Mauser C96 pistols in service.

At the end of the 1920s, the personal weapons of soldiers and officers of the Red Army were revolvers of the Nagant system, which by that time were structurally outdated and did not meet modern requirements at that time. This prompted the command to announce a competition among domestic designers to create a new pistol, in which Tokarev also took part. The Nagant revolver did not have the necessary rate of fire, firepower and firing efficiency. It was necessary to create personal weapons with higher combat and service-operational qualities.

The then widespread Browning and Mauser 7.65 mm pocket pistols were not suitable for use in the army due to the small stopping effect of the bullet, the Belgian Browning 1903 caliber 9 mm did not have an external trigger and was designed for a rather low-power cartridge. The American M1911A1 was too large and heavy, rather difficult to manufacture weapons, although very effective in shooting, beloved by many Red Army commanders and revolutionaries, the Mauser C-96 was hopelessly outdated, and the German Parabellum P.08, which had excellent combat and operational qualities, was too expensive and labor-intensive to manufacture.

In general, the reason for the rejection of foreign systems was the need to re-equip the arms industry with new production equipment and the introduction of new standards, which required gigantic expenses that were not acceptable at that time for Soviet Russia. The new weapon for arming the command staff of the Red Army was to have a large range of actual fire, small dimensions, low weight, an open trigger and the simplest possible fuse, as well as a beautiful appearance, but most importantly, be simple in design and adapted to cheap mass production on an outdated and primitive equipment.

The competition commission, headed by M. F. Grushetsky, considered the pistol designed by F. V. Tokarev to be the most suitable for adoption, provided that the identified shortcomings were eliminated. The commission's requirements included improved shooting accuracy, easier trigger pulls, and safer handling. Within a few months of work, the shortcomings were eliminated. On December 23, 1930, a decision was made on additional tests.

According to the test results, the TT pistol, created by a design team led by F.V. Tokarev in the design bureau of the Tula Arms Plant, won the competition. According to the test results, the pistol presented by him showed a constructive and technological superiority over other samples. The weapon turned out to be quite simple to manufacture, easy to handle and operate. During tests, when other samples failed, the components and assemblies of the Tokarev pistol continued to work.

On February 12, 1931, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR ordered the first batch of 1000 pistols for comprehensive military tests. In the same year, the Tokarev pistol was put into service under the official designation "7.62-mm self-loading pistol mod. 1930" together with cartridge 7.62?25. The pistol, called TT (Tula Tokarev), was simple and technologically advanced in production and operation.

At the same time, the USSR bought a license for the production of a cartridge from the German company Mauser and began production under the designation "7.62-mm pistol cartridge" P "mod. 1930".

Several thousand copies were produced in 1930-1932. In order to improve the manufacturability of production in 1932-1933. the weapon has undergone modernization: the lugs of the barrel were not milled, but performed by turning; the frame was made in one piece, without a removable handle cover; the uncoupler and trigger pull were modified. At the beginning of 1934, the new pistol was put into service under the name "7.62-mm self-loading pistol mod. 1933".

In 1939, a group of designers led by Tokarev created a version of the pistol with a more massive handle and a 12-round magazine. The magazine latch was moved, which significantly reduced the chance of a spontaneous shot. The Great Patriotic War prevented further refinement of the pistol.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the evacuation of many weapons factories to the east of the country, the production of TT, despite all the difficulties, did not stop. In November-December 1941, equipment for the manufacture of TT was transferred to Izhevsk. In 1942, the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant No. 74 managed to produce 161,485 Tokarev pistols. Also in 1942, Izhevsk Plant No. 74 produced a small batch of a Tokarev pistol with a double-row magazine for 14 rounds. The thickness of the handle was 42 mm (against 30.5 mm for the standard TT). The magazine latch has been moved to the base of the handle.

In 1947, the TT was again modified in order to reduce its cost: large vertical grooves, alternating with small grooves on the shutter housing for easy retraction of the shutter, were replaced with small grooves (grooving).

After the war, the Tokarev pistol was popular in criminal circles, primarily due to the fact that many units of this weapon were not included in the bullet casing. In 1952, after the adoption of the new PM pistol by designer Nikolai Makarov, the production of the TT was discontinued. But despite this, Tokarev pistols were used in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs as service weapons until the mid-1970s. In the 1990s, handicraft silencers were produced for pistols. Also, for many decades, licensed copies of the pistol were used in many foreign countries, in some of them, to this day, TTs continue to be in service with army units and law enforcement agencies.

In the USSR, in the period from 1930 to 1952, over one and a half million TT pistols were manufactured.

The TT pistol combines the design features of various systems: the J. M. Browning bore locking scheme used in the famous Colt M1911, the Browning M1903 design and the cartridge originally developed for the Mauser C96 pistol. According to some experts, when developing the design of the pistol, it was originally supposed to completely copy the design of the modified Browning pistol with a removable trigger trigger mechanism. However, in the course of work, the designers refused to completely copy due to the lack of a technological base for the production of a complete copy of the original. It was necessary to reduce production costs by simplifying the design. At the same time, the pistol has original design solutions aimed at ease of handling weapons: the combination of the firing mechanism in a separate single block-block, which, when the weapon is disassembled, is freely separated from the frame for cleaning and lubrication ; placement of the mainspring in the trigger, which reduced the longitudinal width of the handle.

The Browning scheme of locking the barrel with a short stroke and a swinging earring, the automation system, as well as the trigger, borrowed from the Colt M1911 pistol, were modified to simplify production. USM single action. The impact mechanism is made in a single block, which simplified the factory assembly. (A few years later, the Swiss gunsmith Charles Petter used the same layout in the French Model 1935 pistol).

The pistol does not have a safety catch as a separate part, its functions are performed by a safety cocking of the trigger. To remove the trigger from the safety platoon, you need to cock the trigger. To put the cocked hammer on the safety platoon, it must first be released by holding it and pressing the trigger. To set the lowered trigger on the safety platoon, you need to slightly pull the trigger back. After that, the trigger and bolt would be blocked, and the trigger would not touch the firing pin. This eliminates the possibility of a shot if the pistol falls or accidentally strikes the head of the trigger.

Carrying a pistol with a cartridge in the chamber with the trigger released is not recommended and does not make sense, since for a shot users need to cock the trigger in the same way as the trigger set to the safety cock.

On the left side of the frame is the shutter release lever. When the magazine is used up, the shutter gets delayed in the rear position. To release the shutter from the delay, you need to lower the shutter delay lever. The magazine holds 8 rounds. The magazine release button is located on the left side of the grip, at the base of the trigger guard, similar to the Colt M1911. Hits when firing at 50 m in each of 10 series of 10 shots fit into a circle with a radius of 150 mm. Sights consist of a front sight made integral with the bolt and a rear sight pressed into a dovetail groove at the rear of the bolt. The cheeks of the handle were made of Bakelite or (during the war years) of wood (walnut).

The Tokarev pistol and its modifications after the Second World War became widespread throughout the world. Their production was established in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, China, North Korea, Vietnam and Iraq. Pistols designed by Tokarev were in service with more than 35 countries around the world. These weapons have participated in every major and minor armed conflict throughout the 20th century and continue to be used in modern warfare areas. The wide popularity of the TT is a result of a combination of its low cost, high combat qualities, as well as ease of handling and maintenance.

The opinion of an employee of a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with extensive combat experience about the TT: “A lot has been said about him, quite a bit can be added. More suitable for military use when it is on alert. For their own relatively small size, one of the most powerful pistols in the world. And it is much more pleasant to the touch, for example, PYa and all sorts of Glocks. Completely unsuitable for urban shooting and self-defense. The large penetrating power of the bullet and the lack of self-cocking can lead to prison (right through and into a random passerby) or to the cemetery (you need to have time to cock the trigger).”

Tula Tokarev is a 2010 Russian crime drama television series based on the novel of the same name by Andrei Konstantinov , co-authored with Evgeny Vyshenkov. The film is set in the late 1970s and late 1980s, in Leningrad on Vasilyevsky Island . The heroes of the film are investigating a series of murders committed by a mysterious maniac nicknamed "Chess Player". In 2011, the series was nominated for the Golden Rhino Award in the category "Television Series (up to 12 episodes)" in three categories: "Best Television Series", "Best Screenplay", "Best Director's Work", and also received an award in the category "Awards for television films out of categories" in the nomination "Best Editing".

Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33) Tula Tokarev (TT-33)
  • Tula Tokarev (TT-33)

  • Tula Tokarev (TT-33) - Specifications
  • Tula Tokarev (TT-33) - Pictures
  • ConstructorTokarev, Fedor Vasilievich
    Designed1930 (TT-30)
    ManufacturerTula arms factory
    Total Issued1,740,000 (production in the USSR from 1930 to 1953)
    Copy costAbout 20000 rubles
    Weight, kg0.854 (unloaded) / 0.94 (loaded)
    Length, mm195
    Barrel length , mm116
    Width, mm28
    Height, mm130
    Cartridge7.62×25 mm TT
    Caliber , mm7.62
    Work principlesrecoil with a short stroke of the barrel , misalignment of the barrel
    Muzzle velocity , m/s420
    Sighting range , m50
    Maximum range, m2290 (bullet flight)
    Type of ammunitionmagazine for 8 rounds
    Aimopen, unregulated
    https://victorymuseum.ru/electronic-exhibitions/heroes-of-rear/tokarev/">Fedor Vasilievich Tokarev https://web.archive.org/web/20211017223244/http://www.tokarev.com/russian/russian/constructor_tokarev.html">Fedor Vasilievich Tokarev

    Fedor Vasilievich Tokarev

    The famous designer of small arms Fedor Vasilievich Tokarev was born on June 2 (14), 1871 in the village of the Yegorlyk region of the Don Cossacks (now the Rostov region) into a Cossack family. Fedor Tokarev was born and grew up in a Cossack family, where weapons played an important role. Fedor saw weapons from his father and other Cossacks from his childhood, heard talk about him and, like any boy, showed the most keen interest in him. And since Fyodor also had an inclination towards craftsmanship, then, naturally, these two interests had to unite in him sooner or later and turn into one great attraction to weapons business.

    Once, when asked about how he became a designer, Tokarev replied: "In my opinion, it happened by accident. As a child, I ran into a gunsmith and became very interested in his work. I think that's where it started". Numerous biographical materials indicate that Tokarev became a gunsmith not by chance, but for other, more significant reasons. It is known for certain that the grandfather of Fyodor Vasilyevich, Stepan Tokarev, was a Don Cossack of the village of Yegorlykskaya and died more than a hundred years ago in the Caucasus. It is not known who the great-grandfather was, but, as Fyodor Vasilyevich himself recalls, in childhood his father told him that one of their distant ancestors was a artisan, a turner. It is likely that this turner came to the Don from the central provinces, where they were engaged in crafts, possibly from Tula itself. The Tokarev family descended from him and such a rare surname in the Don began to spread.

    At that time, young Cossacks began military service at the age of 17-18. For the first four years they were in the preparatory category and lived at home, coming to class only on certain days - three times a week. For the next four years they served in the field Cossack regiment, and then transferred to the second line (to the reserve) for four years. Finally, for the last four years they were enrolled in the third line, that is, they lived in their own village and could only be called upon mobilization.

    In total, the Cossacks were in the service for 16 years, but actually served eight, given the four years of training. The rest of the time they stayed at home, plowing. However, each of them was obliged to keep ready all his equipment, his horse and go to the inspections and verifications held by the ataman from time to time.

    When Fedya was seven years old, he independently made a small plow out of wood and tin, very similar to a real one. His product visited the neighboring yards and received the approval of not only kids, but even adults. Praise gave Fedya confidence, and he took on a new job. Having found a heavy red brick in the yard, he began to grind, carve and saw out some intricate toy from it. The brick turned out to be hard and unyielding, but Fedya continued to work with amazing perseverance, spending almost whole days behind it.

    Although his father once served in the artillery, that is, in the most "learned" units, and still wore an artillery cap, he unshakably believed that one winter of study was more than enough for a Cossack. Fedya was forced to leave school. Fedor, deprived of school, with ever-increasing interest, was drawn to the craft. Next to their outbuilding was a forge, where two former soldiers, Peter and Semyon, worked. Fedor began to look at them.

    He studied in the city of Novocherkassk at the military trade school. The Military Craft School organized in Novocherkassk was planned to create four departments: weapons and plumbing, blacksmithing, saddlery and saddlery. Education and meals for students were supposed to be free. Those who completed the course were to be graduated as masters and promoted to non-combatants of the senior rank, that is, to receive the first Cossack ranks from a constable to a senior constable and be sent to the positions of weapons, saddle and other masters in Cossack military units. To study for free and then become a foreman in a regiment, and even in the rank of officer, what could be more tempting for the son of a poor Cossack?

    Once a teacher of the weapons department came to the forge, a well-known weapons designer on the Don, Alexander Evstafievich Chernolikhov. Knowing about the ardent desire of the young man to become a gunsmith, he promised to work on transferring him to his place. From that day on, Fedor's fate was finally decided. With the transition to the weapons department, Tokarev immediately began to make great strides. Neither games, nor wrestling, nor other entertainments interested him. Fedor Tokarev graduated from the Military Craft School in 1891.

    Tokarev was appointed as a gunsmith in the 12th Don Cossack Regiment, which was stationed in Novocherkassk.Tokarev began to carry out small private orders in the regimental workshop and earn some money. He served as a weapons master of the 12th Don Cossack Regiment, and after receiving the officer's rank - the head of weapons of the specified regiment. Now all weapons passed through his hands. He was supposed to monitor its serviceability, make inspections and repairs.

    In 1907, he took courses at the Officers' Rifle School in Oranienbaum, after which he turned to the independent design of automatic weapons. He worked at the Sestroretsk and Izhevsk plants. A year and a half he was in the army during the First World War. In 1908-1914 he worked at the Sestroretsk Arms Plant, where he continued to improve this rifle model, working, in addition, on new samples of an automatic rifle of his own design. The Tokarev automatic rifle, along with other designers, was recognized and passed "commission" and field tests. But in 1912, he presented a completely new type of rifle, significantly improved, on which he worked until 1914, when he was mobilized into the army. Tokarev was in the army for about a year and a half, commanded a hundred in the 29th Don Cossack regiment and received 5 military awards for distinction in cases against the enemy. In 1915, Tokarev was again enrolled in the staff of the Sestroretsk plant, as "an excellent technician and designer of weapons."

    In 1921-1941, for 20 years F.V. Tokarev lived in Tula and worked at the Tula arms factory. It was here that he created his best examples of small arms, including those that were adopted by the Red Army: the MT (Maxima - Tokarev) light machine gun of the 1925 model, converted by Tokarev from the Maxim easel machine gun; pistol TT (Tula Tokarev) model 1930. Tokarev's talent blossomed in the early 1920s. Since 1921, he linked his fate with the Tula Arms Plant. In 1924, the Maxim light machine gun, modernized according to the Tokarev system (MT - Maxim - Tokarev), was adopted by the Red Army. In 1926, Tokarev developed a new version of the Maxim machine gun for use in aviation, replacing the Vickers machine gun. In 1927, he developed the first domestic submachine gun chambered for a revolving cartridge (Tokarev submachine gun, model 1927).

    Fedor Vasilievich Tokarev often won open competitions for the best weapons. So, at the end of the 20s, a number of small arms designers (S. A. Korovin, S. A. Prilutsky and others) worked on pistols. Participated in this work and Tokarev. From June 25 to July 13, 1930, a commission chaired by V. F. Grushetsky carried out field tests 7.62-mm pistols of Korovin, Prilutsky and Tokarev in parallel with the testing of the best foreign samples of the Walter, Parabellum, Browning systems. Tests revealed the superiority of the Tokarev pistol over all others in terms of weight, dimensions and reliability in any operating conditions.

    The self-loading rifle Tokarev model 1938 (SVT-38), which was modernized in 1940, taking into account the experience of its combat use in the Soviet-Finnish war (SVT-40). In the harsh winter conditions, the SVTs he created functioned properly and were a formidable weapon for Soviet infantrymen. Soon self-loading Tokarev rifles with a telescopic sight appeared at the front, unanimously nicknamed 'sniper rifles' by the troops. Courageous Soviet snipers, armed with 'SVT', hid in the forest thickets or in snowdrifts, accurately hit the enemy.

    By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 28, 1940, for outstanding achievements in the field of creating new types of weapons that raised the defense power of the Soviet Union, Fedor Vasilyevich Tokarev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

    Tokarev was informed of another good news: on November 10, 1940, the Higher Attestation Commission of the All-Union Committee for Higher Education under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR awarded him the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences without defending a dissertation. The news that he was awarded a degree was especially dear to Tokarev, since this decision recognized the scientific value of his design work. Until now, only one Degtyarev has been awarded this high academic title among weapons designers.

    In June 1941, Fyodor Vasilyevich Tokarev turned seventy years old. From the front-line soldiers, Tokarev learned a lot of valuable things for himself. The fighters said that his rifle generally works well, but its mechanism is very sensitive to clogging. And all the way Tokarev thought about how to eliminate this shortcoming, how to make the rifle trouble-free in operation in the most difficult front-line conditions.

    Weapons created by F.V. Tokarev, were widely used by Soviet soldiers in battles with the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. Soldiers armed with a Tokarev rifle fought not only near Leningrad, but also in all sectors of the vast front. Many partisans operating behind enemy lines were also armed with it. In one of the museums in Moscow, a Tokarev rifle is kept, which belonged to the Kalinin partisan A. Vasiliev. The participants in the heroic epic near Brest - the defenders of the Brest fortress - also had Tokarev automatic rifles in their arsenal. The museum of the Soviet Army exhibits the charred skeletons of Mosin and Tokarev rifles and Degtyarev assault rifles, recovered from the ruins of the Brest fortress by the Soviet soldiers who liberated it.

    For services to the Motherland in 1940 F.V. Tokarev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded the State Prize of the USSR, he was approved for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In February 1946, the illustrious designer was again elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

    In June 1946, Tokarev turned 75 years old. The public of our country widely celebrated the anniversary of the famous inventor. Fedor Vasilyevich received hundreds of letters, addresses, greeting telegrams from all over the vast country. He was written by former front-line soldiers - soldiers, officers and generals, he was congratulated by gunsmiths, he was greeted by inventors, scientists, workers of art and literature, students and schoolchildren. His name enjoyed not only wide popularity, but also great love among the people. On this day, Tokarev's chest was decorated with the third Order of Lenin.

    Tulyaks twice elected him as their deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Tula. Tokarev was awarded 4 orders of Lenin, five other orders, as well as medals of the USSR. The last period of his life F.V. Tokarev lived in Moscow, where he died on June 7, 1968. However, according to his will, he was buried in Tula at the All Saints Cemetery . In Tula at house number 67 on Lenin Avenue, where he lived and worked from 1939 to 1941. F.V. Tokarev, a memorial plaque was erected in memory of the outstanding weapons designer.

    ConstructorEmile Nagant, Leon Nagant
    Years of production1895-1945:
  • 1895-1898 Liege
  • 1898-1945 Tula
  • 1930-1935 Radom
  • 1941-1945 Izhevsk
  • Total Issued2,000,000
    Weight, kg0.795 (unloaded) 0.880 (loaded)
    Length, mm220
    Barrel length , mm114 (number of grooves - 4)
    Cartridge7.62×38 mm Nagant
    Caliber , mm7.62
    Work principlesdouble action trigger
    Rate of fire , shots / min7 shots in 15-20 seconds
    Muzzle velocity , m/s272
    Sighting range , m50
    Maximum range, m100-150 m
    Type of ammunitiondrum for 7 rounds
    Aimrear sight with an aiming slot on the top of the frame, front sight on the front of the barrel

    38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver 38R Nagant Revolver
  • 38R Nagant Revolver

  • 38R Nagant Revolver - Specifications
  • 38R Nagant Revolver - Pictures
  • 38R Nagant Revolver

    The Nagant revolver became one of the symbols of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war, and later the word "nagant" became a household word - in colloquial speech, any revolver, and sometimes a self-loading pistol, was often called "nagant". In the shadow of the revolver itself, a cartridge remained, no less interesting than the legendary revolver itself. The most remarkable feature of the Nagant revolver, locking gases when fired, preventing them from breaking through into the gap between the drum and the barrel. When fired, the drum was pressed tightly against the barrel, and the ejected bullet "unfolded" the upper part of the cartridge case, locking the gases directly in the barrel.

    This revolver was designed in Belgium by the Nagant brothers (Emile and Leon) in the late 1880s – early 1890s, and was adopted by numerous countries, including Sweden and Poland. However, the major user and manufacturer was undoubtably Russia (and later the Soviet Union). At the end of the 19th century, the Russian Empire began a massive rearmament of its army. The "Three-linear rifle of the 1891 model" was chosen as the main sample of small arms. The model of the 4.2-linear (10.67-mm) revolver of the Smith-Wesson III system of the 1880 model, obsolete by that time, served as a standard revolver. The Commission for the development of a small-caliber rifle, headed by Lieutenant General N. G. Chagin, was involved in the search for promising models.

    The announced competition and the potential gigantic order aroused great interest among domestic and foreign arms manufacturers. Several modifications of the existing Smith-Wesson revolver, revolvers and automatic pistols were introduced. The main struggle unfolded between the Belgian gunsmiths Henri Pieper with the M1889 Bayard revolver model and Leon Nagant with the M1892.

    For a patent for a revolver, Nagant requested 75,000 rubles, which he was ultimately denied and a second competition was appointed with new specified conditions. In addition to the characteristics, they stipulated a bonus: 20,000 rubles for the design of the revolver and 5,000 for the design of the cartridge; in addition, the winner "given his invention to the full ownership of the Russian government, which received the right to manufacture it both in its own country and abroad, without any surcharge to the inventor." Pieper submitted to the competition newly redesigned revolvers with original automatics, which the commission considered "witty, but not practical."

    After a number of minor changes, the design was approved in the spring of 1895. On May 13, 1895, by decree of Nicholas II, the "soldier" and "officer" models of the Nagant revolver were adopted by the Russian army, however, according to the military department, the revolvers were officially adopted in June 1896, by order of the Minister of War No. 186. The contract provided for the delivery of 20,000 revolvers of the 1895 model over the next three years.

    The first successful combat use of Nagant revolvers dates back to 1900. The Russian Expeditionary Force took part in the suppression of the "Boxer Rebellion" in China. On June 3, 1900, during the capture of the Taku fortification, which blocked the mouth of the Peiho River, the commander of the consolidated company of the 12th Siberian Regiment, Lieutenant Stankevich, who was one of the first to break into the enemy’s location, shot two attacking Chinese soldiers.

    By July 20, 1914, according to the report card, the troops had 424,434 Nagant revolvers of all modifications (out of 436,210 laid down in the state), that is, the army was provided with revolvers by 97.3%, but already in the first battles, the loss of weapons was significant. Measures were taken to reconstruct the arms industry, and 474,800 revolvers were produced from 1914 to 1917.

    Until the beginning of World War II, the production of revolvers and pistols at the Tula plant was maintained at approximately the same level, from 1932 to 1941 more than 700,000 revolvers were produced. The advantages of pistols were quite obvious to the leadership of the Red Army, however, for a number of reasons, the TT pistol and the 7.62 mm Nagant revolver mod. 1895 were issued in parallel. One of the reasons was the opinion that the gun must necessarily be suitable for firing through the embrasures of the tank. The TT pistol was clearly not suitable for this, and the new models of pistols, which had a barrel not covered by a casing, turned out to be worse than the TT. In 1941, the Tula Arms Plant was evacuated to Udmurtia, to the city of Izhevsk, where the production of revolvers continued, and in 1942 a partial re-evacuation was made from Izhevsk to Tula.

    Over 370,000 revolvers were produced between 1942 and 1945. The revolver was in service with the Red Army, the Polish Army, the 1st Czechoslovak Corps, the 1st Romanian Infantry Division named after Tudor Vladimirescu, the 1st Yugoslav Infantry Brigade, the French Normandie-Niemen Fighter Aviation Regiment.

    After the end of the war, the 7.62 mm Nagant revolver arr. 1895 was withdrawn from service with the Soviet army and its production was discontinued. However, the revolvers of the Nagant system were in service with the police until the mid-1950s, and in the paramilitary security system and the cash collection system - much longer. Until at least 2000, revolvers were used by geological enterprises. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, the heads of parties and expeditions, chief and senior geologists armed themselves with revolvers.

    The Nagant revolver of the 1895 model, as well as its modifications, were produced by many arms companies around the world. Among them: the Belgian "Lepage", "Bayar", "Frankot", the German "Enel" in Zul, the Russian Imperial Tula Arms Plant, the Spanish "Arizmendi-Goenaga", the Polish one in the city of Radom and others.

    In Russia, the 7.62 mm Nagant revolver mod. 1895 were allowed for use by certain categories of employees of the Ministry of Agriculture until at least 2002, they were decommissioned by postal employees in 2003, but as of 2006 they continued to be in service with the paramilitary guards of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, departmental security and collectors. In December 1998, the Nagant revolver was officially adopted by the Federal Bailiff Service. In addition, "Nagant" is included in the list of premium firearms.

    In Ukraine, the 7.62 mm Nagant revolver mod. 1895, as of August 6, 2008, the Ministry of Defense had 60,000 Nagant revolvers in storage (50,000 serviceable and 10,000 destined for disposal); as of August 15, 2011, 15,000 Nagant revolvers remained in the custody of the Ministry of Defense. However, from this number, from 32 to 40 thousand revolvers at the time of 2014 were in the storage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and some more in the SBU. As of June 2014, they remained in service with the railway guard.

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  • MT-LB Mounted 2M-3/2M-7 SPAAG

    The MTLB is already one of the best existing Russian platform. The MTLB is a versatile platform that has been used for various support roles in the past. It has flat surfaces wide enough to mount anything that can be imagined, compared to BMP, BMD or BTR that had smaller surface on the top. The MTLB also had wide Tracked wheels making it a very good option in muddy area. The engine was also very reliable since it was made in old Soviet times.

    In early March 2023, photos began circulating online depicting MT-LBs with 2M-3 naval turrets welded to their roofs. The 2M-3 is two 25-millimeter auto-cannons, one atop the other in an enclosed casing. These improvised variants of the MT-LB multi-purpose AFV were nicknamed "Tankenstein" or "Frankentank" in the English-speaking world. There were concerns over the viability of such a weapon even in russia itself. One of the russian military websites has published a rather detailed description of all the problems and issues that the application of this combat vehicle would face in the future. The MT-LB-2M-3 wouldn’t work in an infantry-support role. Its tall turret makes it easy to spot at a distance. Its cannons lack range compared to more modern weapons. Its hull is thinly armored.

    The modified Russian MTLB armored personnel carriers with 14.5 mm/93 (0.57") 2M-7 naval anti-aircraft guns mounted on them appeared to some observers to be a field modification rather than factory-made. Others believed these vehicles are more likely to have been upgraded not in the field but somewhere deep in the rear and then sent to the frontline on trains. The actual reason for making these vehicles and their intended role is unknown, but they could be used as mobile short-range AA systems to protect against air threats like drones. The 2M3 gun may be used because it is available and has a high mount, making it easy to put the vehicle behind heavy cover in defensive positions. The MTLB's flat back roof area makes it possible to mount weapons without obstructing anything. It is unlikely that these vehicles would be used actively, but they look interesting.

    The air-cooled gun entered service with Soviet forces in 1945. It replaced the earlier Degtyarev DHSK 38 12.7 mm gun on a one-for-one basis starting in 1945. The bullet for these guns was originally developed in the 1930s for anti-tank rifles. During World War II, it was found to be inadequate in its intended role. Rather than retooling the factories, the bullet was instead carried over to the KPV heavy machine gun.

    The MTLB modification is perfect for trenches, much better than ZU 23-2 as it has plates mounted on front and sides. The height is perfect for hull down firing, from the way the Russians have built their trenches. The larger caliber allows it to threaten light vehicles and the slower rate of fire [ROF] may make it more effective. There have been videos of VDV using ZU 23 on BTR-D and it moves the whole vehicle from the high ROF and large caliber.

    It possible that those modified vehicles are for "less important" area so they can allow better AA system to defend the most important checkpoints / cities etc Since they can serve as double defence system, anti aircraft / drones and anti infantry as a last resort.

    Most modern air defence systems, even if effective against small UAVs, are expensive. Very easy to get into the "weather balloon" territory in terms of wasteful. So flak is making a comeback. Also they are rolling out old stock in order to use up the ammo which is an economically sound choice. The high turret may help the infantry in a long way hide from the ATGM, just putting out the turret from cover still be vulnerable to the Javelin but can be usefull against for the direct ATGM. The 25mm autocannon can penetrate walls easily, and always would be better to have a weapon shooting to the enemy than not having a weapon shooting at the enemy. Troops can never have too much firepower (especially on the nearly 1000km front line).

    This modification would use up the 25mm ammo (which is available in vast quantities and not otherwise usable). It doesn't even need to be precise - it can just unload on a tree line with trenches from maximum range. It would cut the tree cover down and spray plenty of shrapnel (with some luck right over the trenches). This fire is better than trying to assault the position without using something first (it can easily supplement existing 23/30mm light guns). so this modification is a good way to increase firepower on the absolute cheap.

    Obviously everyone wants to have only the latest and greatest, but that's just not the reality of any war (an quick/simple example that comes to mind are unarmored humvvees used in the 2nd Iraq war). Why throw away what is available when it can be used to help win the war.

    MT-LB 2M-3 14.7mm MT-LB 2M-3 14.7mm

    MT-LB 2M-7 23mm MT-LB 2M-7 23mm

    PPSh Pistolet-Pulemyot Shpagina

    PPSh Pistolet-Pulemyot Shpagina ["Shpagin machine pistol"]

  • PPSh

  • PPSh - Specifications
  • PPSh - Pictures
  • PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle

    The long anti-tank rifle was one of the symbols of the Red Army, and then the Soviet army during the Great Patriotic War. One could even say that the Red Army had a weakness for this weapon. Anti-tank guns are generally a German invention, and were used in commercial quantities by both Germany and England. But only in the initial period of the war, until they were replaced by rocket-propelled grenade launchers. The USSR, in the pre-war period, was still hesitating whether it was worth contacting large-caliber rifles at all, having decided to contact, remained faithful to this choice to the end. And there must be some reason for such persistence.

    In the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, the troops of the Red Army experienced an acute shortage of anti-tank weapons. This was due both to their significant loss in battles and to the pre-war reassessment of German tanks, when a number of senior army leaders believed that guns with a caliber of more than 76 mm would be needed to defeat them and the production of anti-tank rifles and light anti-tank artillery was curtailed. Stalin's analysts who, before the war with Germany, mistakenly believed that the developing Wehrmacht was armed with only thick-armored tanks, and stated that large-caliber rifles, but even the legendary forty-five would be powerless and useless.

    It was only during the course of hostilities that it became clear that the main group of German tanks did not have particularly thick armor and could be destroyed even by conventional armor-piercing bullets with a core of a 12.7-mm DShK machine gun . Accordingly, in the middle of the summer of 1941, many weapons designers were instructed to urgently develop an infantry anti-tank rifle - PTR in the shortest possible time. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it was necessary to urgently saturate the troops with sufficiently mobile and long-range anti-tank weapons. The choice fell on anti-tank rifles of 14.5 mm caliber, which were developed in the shortest possible time by the famous Soviet designers Vasily Alekseevich Degtyarev and Sergey Gavrilovich Simonov.

    Degtyarev developed a single-shot rifle (PTRD ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova 1941 : "Degtyaryov Single Shot Anti-Tank Weapon System Model of 1941"), and Simonov developed a self-loading one with a five-round magazine (PTRS Protivotankovoye samozaryadnoye ruzhyo obraztsa 1941 goda sistemy Simonova, lit. 'Anti-tank-self-loading gun pattern 1941, Simonov system'). Each had its own merits: the PTRD was lighter and simpler, and the PTRS had a higher rate of fire. Both guns were put into service in 1941 and put into production at the end of the same year. The mass production of PTRD was launched in 1941, and PTRS - in 1942. The guns were produced by several factories, among them was Izhevsk Plant No. 74 (Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant), which in July 1942 transferred their production, along with a TT pistol and a revolver Nagan, plant number 622 (Izhevsk Mechanical Plant).

    Anti-tank single-shot rifle arr. 1941 of the Degtyarev system (PTRD) - Soviet anti-tank rifle of the Degtyarev system , put into service on August 29, 1941. It was intended to fight medium and light tanks and armored vehicles at distances up to 500 m. Also, the gun could fire at pillboxes, bunkers and firing points covered with armor at distances up to 800 m and at aircraft at distances up to 500 m. The opening of the shutter and the further ejection of the cartridge case from the rifle occur automatically, and the operation of inserting the cartridge and closing the shutter by the soldier is carried out manually.

    The PTRD barrel has a channel with eight rifling, winding from left to top to right, a muzzle brake to reduce recoil, in the middle are a handle for carrying weapons and a groove for attaching a bipod. In the front of the barrel there is a front sight base (on which the front sight is planted), and in the back there is a sight bracket. On the left side of the receiver there is a slide delay, and on the bottom - a trigger mechanism. Outside, it has: an upper window (for inserting a cartridge), a lower window (for ejecting a spent cartridge case), a platform with a ledge (for connecting with a butt), a cutout (for moving the bolt handle when locking and unlocking the bore). Inside the receiver has: a channel for placing the shutter, two longitudinal grooves and two support ledges.

    The PTRD trigger mechanism consists of a trigger, trigger, sear and two springs (for sear and trigger). The sight consists of a bracket, a rear sight with a slot and a spring. In early examples, the bracket has a hole through which the rear sight moves up and down. In the lower position, the rear sight corresponds to firing distances up to 400 m, and in the upper position - from 400 m to 1000 m. m. The front sight is pushed into the groove of the front sight base and can move left and right when bringing the ATGM to normal combat.

    The PTRD shutter consists of a shutter core and a percussion mechanism. The shutter frame has: a handle, a cup with a whisk (to place the cartridge head), a channel (for the passage of the firing pin), a groove (for placing the ejector), a socket (for the reflector and its spring), two lugs (for locking the barrel), beveled a cutout (retracting the drummer when the bolt is opened), an annular groove (which includes an annular protrusion of the coupling for engaging the percussion mechanism with the bolt frame) and two holes (removing powder gases in case of their breakthrough into the bolt). The impact mechanism consists of a drummer (having a ledge with a cocking), a coupling (connecting the impact mechanism to the bolt), a mainspring (sending the drummer to the front position), a restrictive tube (limiting the withdrawal of the drummer back),

    The PTRD stock is attached to the receiver and consists of a shoulder rest (cushion) with an outer tube and a trigger box with an inner tube. The shock absorber spring is located in the outer tube, and on the left there is an emphasis for the gunner's cheek. On the right there is a tide with a curved edge to open the shutter after the shot. A wooden stop is attached to the pillow and the outer tube for holding with the left hand during firing. In the trigger box with an inner tube is the trigger mechanism. A pistol grip is attached to the inner tube for ease of shooting. The trigger box has a platform for connecting the butt to the receiver, a hole for a pin (securing the trigger box with the receiver) and a trigger guard (protecting against accidental pressing of the trigger).

    Belonging to the PTRD: a composite ramrod, a key, a screwdriver, a double-necked oiler and a brush. Also, for each gun there are two canvas cartridge bags (for 20 rounds each), two canvas covers (for the breech and muzzle of the gun) and a form (with the results of the battle check, the number of shots, delays and ways to eliminate them).

    Anti-tank self-loading rifle mod. 1941 of the Simonov system (PTRS, Index GRAU - 56-V-562) - Soviet self-loading anti-tank rifle, put into service on August 29, 1941. It was intended to fight medium and light tanks and armored vehicles at distances up to 500 m. Also, the gun could fire at pillboxes / bunkers and firing points covered with armor at distances up to 800 m and at aircraft at distances up to 500 m.

    The PTRS anti-tank rifle was developed in parallel with the PTRD and was adopted by the Red Army at the same time. When creating a gun, S. G. Simonov made a simple and unexpected decision: to “enlarge” a self-loading rifle that had already justified itself and tested in battles to such a size that 14.5 mm caliber cartridges could be used . In the course of work, refinements were made, the design changed, the technology was improved, but the main idea was implemented, the new anti-tank rifle was self-loading with a combat rate of up to 15 rounds per minute.

    Automation PTRS works on the principle of removing part of the powder gases from the barrel. There is a gas regulator with three positions for dosing the gases discharged to the piston, depending on the operating conditions. Locking is carried out by tilting the shutter frame in a vertical plane. The trigger mechanism provides fire only with single shots. When the cartridges are used up, the shutter stops in the open position. The barrel has eight right rifling and is equipped with a muzzle brake. A shock absorber (cushion) is installed on the butt plate of the butt. The store is integral, with a hinged bottom cover and a lever feeder. Loading was carried out from below, with a metal pack with five cartridges, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The gun was completed with six packs.

    The anti-tank rifle PTRD was a powerful weapon - at a distance of up to 300 m, its bullet pierced armor 30–40 mm thick. The incendiary effect of bullets was also high. Thanks to this, it was successfully used throughout the Second World War.

    At the beginning of July 1941, I. V. Stalin set the task for the People's Commissariat for Armaments of the USSR to create an effective, simple and cheap anti-tank rifle for a fully developed 14.5-mm cartridge within a month . The gunsmiths N. V. Rukavishnikov, V. A. Degtyarev and S. G. Simonov were involved in the work on the creation of anti-tank guns .

    The anti-tank guns of Simonov and Degtyarev were good. They were objectively the best in this class of weapons, although the merit of Degtyarev and Simonov in this accomplishment is secondary. Success was ensured by the 14.5x114 mm cartridge left over from Rukavishnikov's pre-war anti-tank rifle, which did not go into production. This powerful cartridge, which provided a 64 gram bullet with an initial speed of 1020 meters per second, remains relevant to this day and even played a global role in the history of the development of armored vehicles. Thanks to him, foreign infantry fighting vehicles turned out to be twice as heavy as Soviet ones. For their armor implied protection against 14.5 mm bullets, while for Soviet combat vehicles protection against .50 Browning bullets was considered sufficient.

    In fact, anti-tank rifles could only be useful against light and small tanks, and became completely ineffective if the enemy had vehicles with anti-cannon armor. It was on the basis of these considerations that before the war the Soviet leadership did not want to accept anti-tank rifles for service.

    But then it turned out that PTR, at least, is better than nothing. Such an effect as damage to German vehicles and losses in the ranks of the crews should not be neglected either. A 14.5-mm machine gun would have been even better, however - and this was a significant omission - this appeared only after the war. If its creation had been taken care of earlier, this would have solved, among other things, the painful problem of an acute shortage (and, as of 41 years old, rather, absence) of small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery. For later, foreign observers noted that in terms of the effect of using a 14.5 mm machine gun against ground and air targets, it is comparable to a 25 mm cannon.

    On July 16, 1941, a 14.5-mm cartridge with an armor-piercing incendiary bullet with a hardened steel core was adopted by the Red Army under the designation " 14.5-mm cartridge B-32 ". The development of the PTRD took place in KB-2. V. A. Degtyarev and S. G. Simonov completed the working projects at the same time. For both designers, the development and manufacture of prototypes took 22 days each. The first pre-production PTRD was manufactured and sent for testing in mid-August 1941.

    By a GKO decree of August 29, 1941, V. A. Degtyarev’s anti-tank rifle was adopted by the Red Army. The gun was very technologically advanced in production, almost completely could be made on lathes, so the mass production of PTRD was mastered earlier than the mass production of PTRS. The production of PTRD was started at the Kovrov Arms Plant, at the end of November 1941, the production of PTRD and PTRS was also mastered by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant (to which drawings, technical documentation and part of the blank parts were delivered), but until the beginning of 1942, the total production of anti-tank rifles in Izhevsk did not exceed 20 pcs. per day.

    Serial production of the first guns began on September 22, 1941, in October the first pilot batch of 50 guns was assembled, in total 17,688 were produced in 1941, and 184,800 ATGMs in 1942. Since October 1943, they began to assemble the gun in Zlatoust at plant No. 385. The production of the gun was discontinued in December 1944, a total of 281,111 units were produced.

    In 1943, when the use of PTR for its intended purpose - against tanks - was reduced to a minimum, the USSR already had not only huge stocks of guns, but also a well-thought-out staff structure, well-developed tactics and experienced personnel. It was more profitable to adapt this entire overclocked combat vehicle for solving, perhaps not core, but necessary tasks, rather than dismantle it. Even closer to 1945, when German armored vehicles became rare on the battlefields, there was work for the PTR.

    The production of PTRS was discontinued in 1945, a total of 190,615 units were produced. guns of this type. The production of a large number of guns (469,700 anti-tank rifles of both systems) made it possible to form an anti-tank rifle platoon (18 rifles) as part of each rifle battalion, an anti-tank rifle company (54 rifles) as part of a rifle regiment and an anti-tank battalion, attach anti-tank rifle units to artillery regiments, tank, motorized rifle and mechanized brigades.

    After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the guns were removed from service with the Soviet Army, but remained in storage. In the mid-1950s - 1960s, a number of stored PTRDs were transferred free of charge from the warehouses of the mobilization reserve of the USSR Ministry of Defense to the hunting farms of the Far North, where they were used for hunting whales.

    Despite an age of over 70 years, by 2024 PTRS-41 and PTRD-41 anti tank rifles were often seen at the pictures from the Ukraine conflict. They were used by pro russian separatists and ukrainian volunteer battalions as anti-material rifles. The biggest stock of infantry arms located in conflict area were in the Soledar salt mines. There was a period when area was under control of rebels, but stocks were defended by groups of Ukranian special forces.

  • Soviet Union
  • PTRD-41PTRS-41
    TypeAnti-tank rifleAnti-tank rifle
    country USSRSoviet Union
    Years of operationsince 19411941–Present
    Used by
  • Soviet Union
  • North Korea
  • China
  • Sudan
  • People Republic Of Novorossiya Army
  • Wars and conflicts
  • Great Patriotic War
  • Korean War 1950-1953
  • First Chechen War
  • Second Chechen War
  • Russo-Ukrainian War
  • Great Patriotic War
  • Korean War
  • Chinese Civil War
  • Lebanese Civil War
  • Syrian Civil War
  • Russo-Ukrainian War
  • Constructor
  • Dementiev, Alexander Andreevich
  • N. Bugrov
  • S. Krekin
  • G. Garanin
  • Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov
    DesignedJuly 19411938–1939
    ManufacturerPlant named after Degtyarev
    Years of production1941-19441941–1945
    Total Issued293,153
    Weight, kg17.3 (unloaded)
    0.2 (cartridge)
    20.93 kg (46.1 lb)
    Cartridge Muzzle velocity, km/h1012 m/s1,013 m/s (3,320 ft/s)
    Length, mm20002,108 mm (6 ft 11.0 in)
    Barrel length , mm1350 (chambered)1,219 mm (48.0 in)
    Caliber , mm14.5
    Actionmanual feed single shotGas-operated; short stroke gas piston, vertically tilting bolt[4]
    Feed system5-round (in clip) integral magazine
    Rate of fire, shots / min8-10 (combat rate of fire)
    Muzzle velocity , m/s1020
    Sighting range , m1000
    Effective firing range800 m (870 yd) against armored vehicles
    Maximum firing range800 (effective)1,500 m (1,600 yd) against armored vehicles

  • PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle

  • PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 - Specifications
  • PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 - Pictures
  • PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 / PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle

    DP-28 machine gun

    Vasily Degtyaryov began developing the DP-27 light machine gun in the early 1920s. Following trials and some modifications, the Soviet army adopted Degtyaryov’s gun in 1928 as the DP-28. The DP-28 machine gun can be safely considered one of the symbols of the Great Patriotic War and victory. Fighters with these light machine guns quite often found themselves in the lenses of cameras of war correspondents. For all the time, more than 795 thousand of these "machines" were produced. The degree of saturation of the Red Army with DP-28 machine guns was quite high, but the fighters of the Soviet Union themselves did not like this weapon too much. It fed from a narrow, 47-round pan magazine, which gave it its nickname — “record player.”

    The designers of different countries recognized in the years of the First World War that the infantry needed light portable machine guns. It was then, for example, that the infamous French Shosha machine gun was created, about the capabilities and quality of which it is difficult to say something good. Needless to say, the saying “the first pancake is lumpy” did not appear out of the blue. The Soviet machine gun DP-28 is far from being as miserable in its qualities as the “Frenchman” during the imperialist war. Nevertheless, the DP-28 had very specific and rather striking flaws, for which it was not loved too much.

    It is important to understand that by the time the Great Patriotic War began, the DP-28 was not yet obsolete, but still not new. Technological progress, especially in the field of armaments in the interwar period, marched by leaps and bounds. It is enough to look at least at how tanks and military aircraft looked in 1918 and 1939 to “feel the difference”. The situation for the Soviet light machine gun was also complicated by the fact that, in fact, it was one of the first samples of small arms developed in the Soviet Union. The year of birth of the DP-28 is considered to be 1928.

    Thanks to the “Mosin” cartridge 7.62x54 mm R, the DP-28 machine gun had a good effective firing range of 750-800 meters, high power, accuracy, accuracy and flatness of fire. At least by the standards of the first half of the 20th century. Actually, this is where the advantages of the weapon ended. Even for its time, the light machine gun was heavy - 11.8 kg with a loaded disc. At the same time, the DP disk did not hold 100, not 80, or even 60 rounds of ammunition, but only 47! The disk loaded with ammunition alone weighed 2.7 kg. Without cartridges, the same disk weighed 1.6 kg.

    It is precisely because of the insufficient capacity, the complexity of the equipment and the general operational unreliability of the ammunition drums that in the second half of the 20th century the designers would prefer ordinary magazines, boxes, and bags, but only in the most extreme case, drums. In addition, due to the fact that the DP-28 was produced at the dawn of the formation of the domestic industry, the build quality of machine guns was very poor. The very design of the weapon was quite simple and reliable, there was almost nothing to break! But there was a "pitfall": seemingly identical disks did not fit different DP-28s. A similar problem at the beginning of the war was with the drums for the PPSh-41, when it was possible to fasten only its “native” ammunition element to the submachine gun. The main drawback is the unfortunate location of the return spring, which led to the failure of the machine gun when overheated. The disadvantage was eliminated only at the DPM.

    On August 29, 1944, the People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR D.F. Ustinov and the head of the Main Artillery Directorate N.D. Yakovlev submitted a modernized light machine gun to the State Defense Committee for approval. The State Defense Committee approved the proposed changes to the light machine gun, giving it the name DPM (Degtyarev Infantry Modernized). At the end of the war, the DP machine gun and its modernized version of the DPM were removed from service with the Soviet Army and were widely supplied to countries friendly to the USSR . It was in service with the member states of the ATS until the 1960s. Used in Korea , Vietnam and other countries.

    DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun DP-28 machine gun
  • DP-28 light machine gun

  • DP-28 - Specifications
  • DP-28 - Pictures
  • Typelight machine gun
    country USSR
    Years of operation1928 - present
    In serviceRed Army
    Wars and conflictsSpanish Civil War , Battles at Khalkhin Gol , Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) , Great Patriotic War , Korean War , Vietnam War , Chinese Civil War , Indochina Wars , Libyan Civil War , Syrian Civil War , Civil War war in Yugoslavia , hot spots in the post-Soviet space.
    ConstructorDegtyarev, Vasily Alekseevich
    Total Issued795,000
    Weight, kg11.8 (with loaded 47-round disc) 1.6 (empty magazine) 2.7 (loaded magazine)
    Length, mm1270
    Barrel length , mm604.5 (without flame arrester)
    Caliber , mm7.62
    Work principlesremoval of powder gases , locking with sliding lugs
    Rate of fire , shots / min500-600 (combat)
    Muzzle velocity , m/s840 (light bullet cartridge)
    Sighting range , m800
    Maximum range, mup to 2500
    Type of ammunition47- round flat disc magazine
    The Chukavin sniper rifle is a semi-automatic sniper rifle, in the version for the 7.62x54 mm caliber, it is compatible with magazines from the Dragunov sniper rifle, which is intended to replace and whose reliability it inherited. As Chukavin himself noted in an interview with TASS, the new rifle surpasses its predecessor in terms of accuracy of fire by 25-30%.

    The Chukavin sniper rifle (SVCh), created to replace the Dragunov rifle (SVD), has been adopted by the Russian army, Alan Lushnikov, head of the Kalashnikov concern (part of the Rostec state corporation), told reporters 26 May 2023. He noted that the concern receives good reviews about the work of the microwave from the military. “Although, of course, any weapon requires high-quality testing after it is put into production, because a million questions come up in operation,” Lushnikov specified.

    The caliber 7.62 × 54 mm is a new generation sniper rifle, for which any sighting systems, both Russian and foreign, can be used. Its weight without magazine is 4.8 kg, length - 1.17 m, barrel length - 0.62 m. Magazine capacity - ten rounds. The initial speed of the bullet is 925 m / s.

    Rifle testing ended in 2021. In November 2022, Lushnikov announced that the Russian army was already receiving microwaves. “We have signed a contract [with the Ministry of Defense] for this year, next year and beyond,” he said. The Russian Ministry of Defense signed contracts for the supply of the latest Chukavin sniper rifles (SHF) to the troops. These weapons should gradually replace the Dragunov sniper rifles (SVD), said Alan Lushnikov, president of the Kalashnikov group of companies. "The Ministry of Defense is already buying microwave rifles. We have signed a contract for this year, next year and beyond," RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.

    In February 2023, Lushnikov announced that Kalashnikov had begun mass production of Chukavin rifles. “The Chukavin rifle has successfully passed state tests. Microwaves are being manufactured in the interests of the customer, ” TASS reported his words.

    "Although, of course, any weapon requires high-quality testing after it is put into production, because a million questions come up in operation," the head of the concern specified. The concern added that at the same time work is underway to prepare a decree of the government of the Russian Federation on the adoption of microwaves into service.

    The Dragunov sniper rifle was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1963. The Chukavin rifle was first introduced in 2017. The upper part of the microwave is made of durable metal, which, when fired, takes on the entire load, freeing the lightweight lower part from vibrations. Microwave is designed to defeat enemy manpower at short and medium distances. Small dimensions do not require additional weapons, and if necessary, microwaves can be used in close combat.

    Lushnikov did not specify how many rifles would be supplied to the Russian Armed Forces. Prior to that, he reported that microwave rifles were already in operation in the troops and there were no complaints about them. State tests of the new rifle were completed last fall, and later it was recommended for adoption. Earlier, the Russian military received a batch of the latest Chukavin sniper rifles (SHF) for experimental combat operation in Ukraine . It would gradually replace the same SVD, the main sniper rifle of the Russian Armed Forces with the troops.

    Concern "Kalashnikov" began to serially supply a new submachine gun PPK-20 in the interests of the customer, said President of the Kalashnikov Concern (part of Rostec) Alan Lushnikov said 21 February 2023. According to him, work is underway to adopt the PPK-20 into service, and its serial deliveries are already being carried out. He noted that the submachine gun is capable of firing in automatic and single modes using a quick-detachable low-noise and flameless firing device.

    The Kalashnikov Concern has already handed over the PPK-20 submachine gun to the Aerospace Forces (VKS) to equip a wearable emergency supply. This was announced to journalists on 26 May 2023 by the chief designer of the concern Sergey Urzhumtsev. "Here in this form, it was already handed over to the Aerospace Forces," Urzhumtsev said, demonstrating the PPK-20.

    In September 2021, the concern reported that tests of the PPK-20 at the State Flight Test Center (GLITs) of the Ministry of Defense in Akhtubinsk showed the compactness and the possibility of placing a submachine gun in an ejection seat. Earlier, the holding "High-precision complexes" of the state corporation "Rostec" reported to TASS that now a batch of PP-2000 submachine guns was undergoing trial operation in the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

    One of the differences between the new PPK-20 and previous versions was the buttstock, adjustable in length, folding to the right side. The model has an ergonomic pistol grip, typical for the entire Ratnik family, as well as a double-sided fuse switch. A long Picatinny rail is located on the receiver cover and on the forearm. Additionally, the submachine gun is equipped with a full diopter.

    The 9 mm PPK-20 submachine gun, based on the Vityaz-SN, differs from its predecessor by its compact size, lower weight, optional quick-detachable sound and flash suppressor, folding telescopic polymer buttstock, ergonomic pistol grip and ambidextrous fire selector switch. The main cartridge for this submachine gun is the 7N21 high-power armor-piercing round, but the PPK-20 can also use all types of 9x19 rounds. The use of a pistol round allowed use a simple and reliable blowback action. Scopes can be mounted on a Picatinny rail on the dust cover, and other accessories can be attached on the Picatinny rails on the top and bottom of the handguard, as well as the M-LOK interface on the sides.

    Characteristics of PPK-20: Length: 600-660 mm Barrel length: 182 mm Applicable cartridge: 9*19 mm Magazine capacity: 30 rounds Weight: 2.6 kg Caliber, mm 9 Cartridge used 9?19 Weight (with empty magazine), kg 2.7 Overall length (with the buttstock unfolded), mm 600–660 Length with the buttstock folded, mm 475 Aiming range, m 200 Barrel length, mm 181,5 Length of the rifled barrel part, mm 160 Twist rate 250 Number of grooves 6 Bore lining Chrome / 0.03 mm Quick barrel replacement No Muzzle thread No Standard-issue muzzle device Slotted flash suppressor Standard-issue silencer Yes Number of locking lugs No Operation type Straight blowback Fire modes Single / full auto Last round bolt hold open availability and location No Rate of fire 800 Iron sights type Diopter Rear sight adjustment lines 2 Mount for telescopic sights Picatinny rail Option to install clip-on telescopic sights Yes Mounts for additional equipment Picatinny rails on the handguard, top and bottom M-LOK on the sides Trigger mechanism type Single-action, hammer Adjustable trigger pull weight, N No Safety switch Ambidextrous Buttstock Folding / polymer / adjustable Optional bayonet No Standard-issue bipod No Cleaning rod Yes / single-piece / in the shipping package Cleaning kit Yes / in the pistol grip or bag Optional grenade launcher No The 7.62 mm SVDM is a modernized version of the combat-proven SVD with improved performance. The SVDM is designed to engage enemy personnel and other unarmored targets at ranges up to 800 m. It features reliable gas-operated action with a short-stroke piston and gas regulator. It is different from the SVD in having all wooden parts replaced with plastic ones, a folding skeletonized buttstock with an adjustable heel and a removable cheek riser to make using scopes easier, and an ergonomic pistol grip that is no more an integral part of the buttstock. Any type of 7,62x54R rounds can be used for firing the SVDS, but the best accuracy is achieved with special sniper cartridges. Scopes or night-vision sights can be mounted on a Picatinny rail on the dust cover. The rifle has backup iron sights and a bayonet mount.

    Caliber, mm 7.62 Cartridge used 7.62?54 R Weight (with empty magazine), kg 5.3 Overall length (with the buttstock unfolded), mm 1,155 Length with the buttstock folded, mm 875 Aiming range, m 300 Barrel length, mm 550 Length of the rifled barrel part, mm 490 Twist rate 240 Number of grooves 4 Bore lining No Quick barrel replacement No Muzzle thread M20?0.75-LH Standard-issue muzzle device Slotted flash suppressor Standard-issue silencer No Number of locking lugs 3 Operation type Short stroke gas piston Fire modes Single-shot Last round bolt hold open availability and location Yes Cyclic rate of fire 30 Iron sights type Open / slotted Rear sight adjustment lines 1 Mount for telescopic sights Picatinny rail Option to install clip-on telescopic sights No Mounts for additional equipment No Trigger mechanism type Single-action, hammer Adjustable trigger pull weight, N No Safety switch Single-side, right Buttstock Folding / steel / adjustable Optional bayonet No Standard-issue bipod Yes Cleaning rod Yes / single-piece / in the shipping package Cleaning kit Yes / in the shipping package Optional grenade launcher No At the beginning of 1947, a new 85-mm anti-aircraft gun KS-18 arrived for testing. The KS-18 gun was a four-wheeled platform weighing 3600 kg with a torsion bar suspension, on which a machine tool with a gun weighing 3300 kg was installed. The gun was equipped with a tray and a shell rammer. Due to the increased barrel length and the use of a more powerful charge, the target engagement area in height was increased from 8 to 12 km. The KS-18 chamber was identical to the 85 mm D-44 anti-tank gun.

    The gun was equipped with a synchronous servo drive and receiving devices PUAZO-6. The KS-18 gun was recommended for use by military anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft artillery of the RVC instead of 85-mm anti-aircraft guns mod. 1939 and arr. 1944.

    In total, over the years of production, more than 14,000 85-mm anti-aircraft guns of all modifications were produced. In the postwar period, they were in service with anti-aircraft artillery regiments, artillery divisions (brigades), armies and RVC, and corps anti-aircraft artillery regiments (battalions) of military anti-aircraft artillery.

    The 85-mm anti-aircraft guns took an active part in the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, where they performed well. The barrage of these guns often forced American pilots to move to low altitudes, where they came under fire from small-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

    Anti-aircraft 85-mm guns were in service in the USSR until the mid-60s, until they were supplanted in the air defense forces by anti-aircraft missile systems.

    Artillery ammunition includes shells fired from cannons and howitzers, mortar mines, and rockets. The most common classification is by caliber, purpose and design. By purpose, artillery ammunition can be divided into: high-explosive, fragmentation , high-explosive fragmentation, armor-piercing, armor-piercing (cumulative), concrete-piercing incendiary, buckshot, shrapnel, special-purpose (smoke, lighting, tracer, propaganda, chemical, etc.)

    Artillery shells were used to destroy various targets, as well as to smoke and illuminate the area and perform other combat missions. They are divided into shells of the main, auxiliary and special purpose. Main purpose shells were used to suppress, destroy and destroy various targets. The main projectiles include: 1. Fragmentation - for the destruction of enemy manpower, unarmored and lightly armored military equipment from medium and small caliber guns. 2. High-explosive - for the destruction of light or temporary structures from large-caliber guns. 3. High-explosive fragmentation - to destroy equipment and manpower of the enemy, located in field structures or in open areas, from medium-caliber guns. 4. Armor-piercing caliber - to destroy enemy armored vehicles from small and medium caliber guns. 5. Armor-piercing sub-caliber - to destroy enemy armored vehicles from small and medium-caliber guns. 6. Shrapnel - for the destruction of enemy manpower and military equipment located in open areas with bullets and shrapnel. 7. Cumulative - for the destruction of armored vehicles with a special, directed cumulative jet. 8. Incendiary - in order to create fires. During the war, incendiary-armor-piercing tracer shells were widely used.

    In 1913, new metal cases were introduced for howitzer charges. With the adoption of shells with a metal sleeve, it became possible to use chemical poisonous substances as a charge. For the first time on October 27, 1914, Germany used artillery chemical shells filled with shrapnel mixed with an irritating powder.

    The first armor-piercing projectile according to the method of the scientist D.K. Chernov, and having special tips S.O. Makarov, made of tough steel, was created in Russia. At first, the shells were made of cast iron, then armor-piercing shells began to be made from special pudding steel. During test firing in 1897, at the training ground, a new armor-piercing projectile fired from a 152 mm cannon pierced an armor plate 254 mm thick set as a target.

    To solve the combat missions assigned to artillery, it must conduct accurate and, most importantly, powerful fire at targets - open, covered, mobile and stationary, unprotected and protected by armor and concrete. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum effect of hitting different targets, it is necessary to use projectiles that are different in their damaging effect. Mines and projectiles with a caliber of less than 76 mm are classified as small caliber, those with a caliber of 76 to 152 mm are classified as medium caliber, and those with a caliber over 152 mm are classified as large caliber.

    The main action of a fragmentation projectile is the destruction of enemy personnel and equipment by fragments formed as a result of the explosion. The main action of a high-explosive projectile is the destruction that occurs due to the creation of a shock wave as a result of the explosion.

    Armor-piercing caliber shells lead to breaches, punctures, knocking out corks from the armor, breakdowns and shifts of armor plates, jamming of towers and hatches, etc. The damaging effect behind the armor is produced by shell and armor fragments. The action of armor-piercing sub-caliber shells is accompanied by the destruction of the armor, and when the core leaves the pierced armor, with a sharp removal of the created voltage, the core collapses into hundreds of fragments.

    As a result of the action of a cumulative projectile, the armor breaks through and a damaging effect occurs behind the armor. Penetration of armor is achieved by the directed action of the energy of the explosion of the bursting charge.

    In the 1930s, completely new high-explosive fragmentation shells of a special long-range form, concrete-piercing and armor-piercing shells were adopted by the Red Army. These include fragmentation and armor-piercing shells for 45-mm anti-tank guns, 76-mm full-body high-explosive shells, and 152-mm howitzer shells made of cast iron. For these projectiles, fuses RGM, MD-5, KTM-1, KTM-2, KTD, remote tube D-1, T-3-UG were developed. During the Second World War, a new class of ammunition was designed and put into service to fight heavy tanks - cumulative and sub-caliber shells. Sub-caliber shells were adopted - 45 mm in 1942, 76 mm in 1943. In February 1944, an 85-mm sub-caliber projectile was adopted, which significantly increased the level of anti-tank fire.

    Modern artillery is armed with projectiles capable of penetrating concrete walls up to two meters thick from a distance of more than 10 thousand meters. Considering the importance of artillery in solving combat missions, many countries of the world are developing not only new systems of guns, but also ammunition, endowing them with great power.

    https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/prichiny-nehvatki-artilleriyskih-boepripasov-u-krasnoy-armii-v-nachalnyy-period-velikoy-otechestvennoy-voyny">Reasons for the shortage of artillery ammunition in the Red Army in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War Among the reasons for the major failures of the Red Army in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, a relatively little-known fact is the serious shortage of artillery ammunition, which manifested itself from November 1941. Some modern researchers believe that the main problem in the use of ammunition during the war years was the shortage in its initial period as special types projectiles and ammunition in general. This led to massive losses in the Soviet troops in the second half of 1941 - early 1942. This situation was eliminated only during 1942-1944, which is considered one of the main reasons for the delay in the course of the Great Patriotic War.

    One of the important problems of the ammunition industry was the failure to form qualified management personnel. As a result, serious mistakes were made in the organization of the technological process at the enterprises of the industry and in the coordination of its activities with other branches of heavy industry.

    he loss of control over the situation within the industry was expressed, for example, in the fact that the management of the factories for the production of ammunition deliberately violated the technological process in the direction of reducing the duration of its individual stages. This was clearly manifested in the manufacture of shells1 and in equipment production. Enterprises often produced only those products that were financially profitable, and in fact sabotaged the fulfillment of the state order. In order not to spoil the planned indicators of advanced enterprises, the practice of transferring the development of new ammunition elements in the gross production to the most backward factories has become widespread. For example, this practice led to the fact that in the initial period of the war the Red Army was left without the much-needed 76-mm armor-piercing rounds.

    To a large extent, the issues of increasing the production of ammunition by increasing the capacities of existing factories and building new enterprises turned out to be out of control. The result was a lack of gross capacity for the production of pyroxylin gunpowder and the impossibility of a rapid increase in its production at the critical moment of the start of the war.

    The lack of scientifically well-trained and experienced managers led to the loss of effective control over the activities of research institutes and design bureaus, which were part of the ammunition industry. In particular, scientific and design organizations did not actually provide the assistance necessary for the development of new products by enterprises in the gross production4. The factories themselves, not having the necessary personnel, delayed the development of new elements. This had a negative impact on the production of ammunition for artillery systems that were put into service on the eve of the the end of the Patriotic War, for example, in the production of a 37-mm fragmentation tracer for the anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 model.

    A major shortcoming in the activities of scientific and design organizations in the ammunition industry was the delay by scientists in the development of new technological processes for the production of new powerful explosives. Taking advantage of the lack of control from higher organizations, the process of developing new types of gunpowder and raw materials for them was delayed. An example is the development of a new powerful blasting explosive - hexogen. The technological process of its manufacture was developed in the USSR from 1929 to 1941, but by the beginning of the war it had not been finalized. The development of new types of raw materials for gunpowder and gunpowder itself was criminally slow. Thus, the employees of NII-6 for 12 years (from 1926 to 1938) stretched out the development of acceptable formulations of nitroglycerin powder.

    Some researchers believe that in the first days of the war, “significant mobilization stocks of ammunition stored in district warehouses located at a distance of 50-210 km from the state border, as well as stocks of ammunition in the troops were lost in the border areas”. In fact, ammunition depots in the western border districts were located at a distance of 500-700 km from the state border, and only a quarter of the stocks were located at a distance of 50-200 km. Part of the ammunition depots in the first days of the war was captured by the enemy, or destroyed by the retreating Soviet troops. Indeed, the Western Front lost 1,766 wagons of ammunition (23.46%) from June 22 to 29, and the Southwestern Front lost 1,933 wagons (19.96%) from June 22 to July 12, 1941. Thus, the losses of mobilization stocks in the western border districts were large, but did not play a decisive role. More important factors were the thoughtless and uncontrolled consumption of ammunition by the Soviet troops and the disorganization of the work of the service artillery supplies.

    It is known that by June 22, 1941, the reserves of the Red Army in relation to the actual average annual consumption in the war amounted to more than 100% for artillery ammunition of various nomenclatures. Even in the conditions of the beginning of the evacuation of industry, when the release of ammunition was sharply reduced, the Red Army during the first year of the war still should not have experienced a shortage most types of artillery shots, receiving shells from pre-war stocks. Nevertheless, literally four months later - in November 1941 - an acute shortage of shells began to be felt at the fronts.

    http://guraran.ru/news/newsread/news_id-12285 https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/projectiles Projectiles The Russian military invasion of Ukraine brought to the fore what some had feared: the creation of the first zombie army. The Z troops was the first book series by Oops Comics. The “Zombie Archives” is an independent zombie series by Oops Comics and is aimed at a more adult audience (16+). According to Putin's order No. PRS-563, assault companies "Z" were formed from convicted persons to conduct offensive actions and urban battles during the war against Ukraine. In practice, the occupation units, equipped with the so-called "special contingent", showed extremely low combat effectiveness. Alcoholism, looting, and desertion are flourishing among the occupier prisoners - in particular, due to catastrophic losses. "Storm-Z" is a number of units in the occupation forces. The invaders recruit criminals from their prisons there. Such militants are thrown into assaults and are not allowed to retreat. They are watched by blocking units. On 03 July 2022 Mykhailo Podoliak, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President, said that Ukraine's conditions for negotiations are "Immediate ceasefire. Withdrawal of Z-troops from Ukraine. Return of abducted citizens. Extradition of war criminals. Reparations mechanism. Recognition of Ukraine's sovereign rights..." To regroup and supplement the so-called "volunteer corps" with convicted persons, on 15 June 2023 the military leadership of Moscow formed a special commission headed by the deputy chief of staff of the Russian occupation forces in Ukraine, Major General Polguev. The commission was ordered to select about 2,000 people from among the "special contingent", conduct training with them at training grounds located in temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, and transfer them to the combat zone. For the members of the Polguyev special commission in the occupied territories of Ukraine, increased security is provided, and the discipline among the volunteer prisoners would be monitored by groups of the military police of the Russian Federation. On 24 June 2023, columns of "Wagnerites" advanced through the territory of Russia. Military facilities and administrative buildings in Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don came under the control of Wagner militants. But in the evening, Prigozhin announced that he was turning his columns from near Moscow and returning to the field camps "according to the plan." Former prisoners and mercenaries from Storm Z , who had supported the leader of PMC Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin in their intention to "take" Moscow, recorded a video message. The post was circulated on social media. The convicts were indignant that the leader of the PMC Wagner "gave back" and declared that "good people won't just leave it like that." The convicts were seriously angry that Prigozhin "gave back" and shamed him for this "setup." "The whole Storm Z was ready to go uphill for you, and not only Storm Z, and your boys, but you took off somewhere. The commanders here oppress us, extinguish us. This is not done at all ... You can’t be called anything else. If it’s not like that, show your muzhikishness,” one of the prisoners said in the video. " You, it turns out, are an inhuman, a scumbag, you can't be called anything else. If it's not like that, show your manhood," he said. On 25 June 2023 eleven fighters of the "Storm Z" unit in the Zaporozhye direction received medals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For military prowess" II degree. They were presented by the unit commander with the call sign Ali. "Today, eleven of our fighters received medals of the Russian Ministry of Defense "For military prowess" of the II degree," the commander of the Storm Z unit with the call sign Ali told TASS. According to him, the fighters were awarded for taking positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and performing other tasks during a special military operation. Earlier, the unit commander said that the actions of the Wagner PMC had no effect on the situation on the line of contact, where the Storm Z unit is now located. https://vkadety.ru/strelkovoe/ur-77.html UR-77 "Meteorite" - Soviet self-propelled rocket launcher. Created on the basis of the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer. Serially produced since 1978 to replace the UR-67. The UR-77 is capable of making moves in anti-tank minefields during combat. The passage is about 6 meters wide and 80 to 90 meters long. Despite the fact that the UR-77 is not designed to clear anti-personnel mines, the installation can clear anti-personnel minefields from American M14 pressure mines, creating passages up to 14 meters wide. Demining is carried out by the occurrence of a shock wave from the explosion of the charge, which affects the mine fuse. However, complete clearance is not guaranteed. For example, mines with double-click fuses (TM-62 mine with MVD-62 or Mk7 fuse with fuse No. 5 Mk4), anti-personnel mines of tension action may remain intact. Magnetic, seismic and infrared fuses do not respond to the blast wave. For UR-77 , in addition to the name "Meteorite", the name "Snake Gorynych" was also assigned , since during the launch of the rocket it releases several tongues of flame from jet engines. The military themselves often call it "Urka" - from the first letters of the model of the car. To be more precise, these names were inherited from UR-67, which was created on the basis of the BTR-50PK. The chassis base for the demining installation was the self-propelled gun 2S1 "Gvozdika", in turn, for the "Gvozdika" chassis was taken from the MT-LB "Motolyga", but one pair of kotkas was added and bulletproof armor was strengthened. The UR-77 demining installation replaced the UR-67 10 years later. The production of the UR-77 was carried out by the Kharkov Tractor Plant-KhTZ. UR-77 "Meteorite" carries on its chassis 2 DM-70 missiles (powder charge-27kg) with 2 charges (resembles a fire hose 7 cm thick filled with explosives with a remote cord in the center). The charges are placed in a special bunker of the machine. During the firing of charges, the crew of two remains in the car. Before firing the UR-77 chargeturns in the direction of mine clearance, the commander determines the angle of inclination of the installation, depending on the range of the shot, from 200 to 500 meters and fires a rocket that pulls a charge. In addition to the angle of inclination of the installation, the range of the shot is affected by the brake cable, which begins to slow down the flight of the charge at a certain distance. After the charge falls, the demining installation reverses to pull the charge evenly, after which a command is given along the cable to detonate it, which forms a passage about 6 meters wide and up to 100 meters long. During the explosion, mines are blown up, thrown away from the place of the explosion, or destroyed. The mines are also affected by the shock wave, which provokes their detonation. After the explosion of the charge, some mines can be detected visually. Despite the powerful explosion, this does not give 100% safety, since there are magnetic, double-click, infrared, seismic mines. After the explosion of the charge, a special pererapatron shoots off the brake cable and the car is ready to fire a new shot or change position. The demining vehicle UR-77 "Serpent Gorynych" has a collapsible armored hull. The crew of the vehicle consists of two people: the commander-gunner and the driver. To launch one charge, the crew needs about 3-5 minutes for each shot, after which the vehicle needs to be reloaded. The installation is advanced to the "base" for new charges, but that it would take about 30-40 minutes to recharge. The advantages of the UR-77 "Serpent Gorynych" include remote clearance of enemy minefields during an offensive, where the enemy does not expect this, as he relies on his own mines. With all this, the car is very mobile, and the crew is protected by bulletproof armor. As a rule, "Serpent Gorynych" works with other engineering machines. The machine is able to move through the water at a speed of 4-6 km / h. There is information that the UR-77capable of firing demining charges while afloat. If this is real, then this method of demining is ideal when crossing to the other side or landing on the beach, where the enemy has entrenched himself with the help of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, barbed wire. Shooting from the water is very doubtful, since the car is not maneuverable enough on the water, it would not be able to pull the cable in reverse, it is not known how the car would spin on the water during / after the shot, there is also no data on such tests. The machine does not have additional weapons of attack or its own protection. Elongated demining charges of foreign systems are known from the prior art, such as TAMKAR (Turkey) (see, for example, Jane's Mines and Mine Clearance 2008-20097 Edited by Colin King / Thirteenth Edition, p. 715), M58 (M58 MICLIC ) ”(USA) (see, for example, Field Manual of the US Army FM 20-32. Mine / Contermine Operations. Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 30 June 1999. Change 22.08.2001. Chapter 10), and also domestic elongated demining charges included in the ammunition of the UR-67, UR-77, UR-83P, (Russia) demining installations (see, for example, "Arms of Russia" / Catalog / weapons and ammunition "/ AOZT" Military Parade ", pp. 657, 658 M. - 1997) and the modern design of the elongated demining charge section (see patent RU 2555560 C1, published July 10, 2015, Bul. No. 19, priority: 01/31/2014). Russian demining installations are claimed to be superior in most technical characteristics to foreign demining installations. However, the continuous development of mining equipment, including foreign means of remote setting of wide-band minefields, their fire protection by various systems, poses for domestic developers of promising mine clearance systems, the task of constantly improving it in the direction of improving the basic tactical and technical characteristics, which include, on one On the other hand, the linear mass of the explosive and the length of the demining charge, which determine the effectiveness of the action, and on the other hand, the strength characteristics of the elements of the section, its operability and efficiency after the charge is supplied by jet engines to the minefield. The installation was / is in service with the Warsaw Pact countries, the countries of the former USSR. It has combat applications during the second Chechen Company, the war in Syria, the civil war in Ukraine on both sides. So during the war in Syria and Ukraine, the UR-77 "Meteorite" began to be used for other purposes: the destruction of manpower who had taken refuge in protected buildings, when simple artillery was ineffective. To replace the UR-77 in the Russian army, it is planned to use the UR-07M based on the BMP-3. Developer : NII Manufacturer : HTZ Year of adoption : 1977 Combat weight, t 15.5 Crew, people 2 Clearance, mm 400 Firing range, km up to 0.5 Engine power, l. With 300 Highway speed, km/h 60-61.5 Range on the highway, km 500 Case length, mm 7860 Width, mm 2850 Height, mm 2535 Wheel formula Tracked undercarriage, traction on the front sprockets suspension type hydropneumatic Engine YaMZ-238, V-6/8, diesel Engine capacity 11.15-14.86 liters Power 250-300 HP Fuel diesel Volume of the tank 550 liters checkpoint 4-speed, manual Dimensions 7200x2850x1640 Track 2500 mm Clearance 405 mm Base weight 11 000 kg Curb weight 14 100 kg load capacity no data Mass of the towed trailer no data With speed maximum 60 km / h, cruising 30-40 km / h, 4.5 afloat Power reserve 500 km Fuel consumption 17-19 liters per 100 km, 22 mixed Armor bulletproof TTX charges for UR-77 Charge type Charge length, m Mass of explosives Type of explosive Range of flight Pass length Passage width Adopted UZ-67 83 meters 665 kg TNT 200-350 meters 75-80 meters 6 meters 1967 UZP-77 93 meters 725 kg PVV-7 200-500 meters 80-90 meters 6 meters 1967 UR-93 / UR - 07 / UR - 07M "Resorting" (ob. 510) The launcher of the vehicle is equipped with extended demining charges UZP-06 and UZP-06D. They are able to make passages in minefields several 10 meters wide at a distance of three hundred and 40 to a thousand meters. New charges are capable of destroying any existing types of mines. As of the 2009 year, the state defense order provided for the delivery of at least one demining plant UR-07?. The basis of the UR-07M is "Product 502TB", which is equipped with components of the BMP-3. The tub is made of steel. Russian UR-93 mine clearance vehicle based on Object 502TB chassis ,it was a prototype of UR-07. The new installation UR-07?, developed at the engineering research institute of Balashikha and manufactured at the Rubtsovsk machine-building plant, would replace the installations UR-77, which received the nickname “Zmey Gorynych” among the troops. Installation for mine clearance is collected on the basis of the BMP-3 chassis and has the ability to penetrate minefields at a distance of one kilometer. A distinctive feature of the new technology is the ability to combat any type of mines. The charge of the demining installation is a rocket with a long cable attached to it. Explosive charges are located on the cable. When the cable falls to the ground after the rocket is launched, the explosive attached to it detonates and initiates the detonation of mines within a radius of several meters. The resulting safe passage in minefields can be used for the passage of infantry and military equipment. According to the officer who took part in the UR-07M test, the new demining charges are capable of detonating some of the mines, and he throws explosive devices protected from explosions outside the cleared passage. The brand new demining machine is ready for mass production. At present, the Russian military mostly uses outdated UR-77 vehicles to make passages in minefields. They are capable of making passages up to 100 meters long and up to 6 meters wide. The machines entered service in one thousand nine hundred and seventy seven years. It takes up to 5 minutes for one complete demining cycle of the Zmey Gorynych, and up to 40 minutes for reloading the launcher. UR-77 was created on the basis of the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount. UR-07M "Resorting" - demining installation UR-07 "Resorting" - Russian installation of remote demining. Developed in the design bureau of the Rubtsovsky Machine-Building Plant. It was created for making passages in anti-tank minefields using an explosive method in the process of combat operations of troops. COMPOSITION OF THE MACHINE: Basic machine (product 500 10 on units and assemblies of the BMP-3); Armament; Special starting equipment; Optional equipment. As of two thousand and nine years, the municipal defense order provided for the delivery of at least one UR-07M demining unit. The price of one car was 50 four million 50 two thousand eight hundred and 70 rubles zero kopecks. The UR-07M demining installation was designed to make passages in minefields. Demining can be carried out both from the ground and from the water. To make passages, a launcher with demining charges UZP-06 or UZP-06D and a brake rope uncoupling mechanism is installed in the vehicle. The delivery range of UZP-06 charges is three hundred and 40 meters, and UZP-06D is one km. The mass, respectively, is 2.85 tons and 1.35 tons. In addition, crane equipment and the lifting mechanism of the launcher enter the equipment of the machine. The chassis is equipped with terrain surveillance devices, as well as means of communication, fire extinguishing, heating and air conditioning. To camouflage the vehicle on the battlefield, a 902V "Cloud" smoke screen system was installed on the hull, consisting of 6 81-mm grenade launchers for firing smoke grenades. Known demining charges have a length of about one hundred meters and a mass of at least 1 ton and, according to the conditions of production and operation, consist of sequentially assembled long sections weighing several tens of kilograms, for example, demining charges collected from sections DKR-4, DKRP-4 ("Means of overcoming mine -explosive barriers ", 15 TsNII MO RF named after DM Karbyshev, 2004 Russia"). In this case, each section contains an explosive, which is located in the outer shell or in the body, through power threads that perceive the main longitudinal loads of the reactive feed, through detonating detonation transfer cords, section bending nodes between the links, end nodes of power threads termination, detonation transfer and connections sections in the demining charge. In demining installations, charges are placed in cassettes, the volume of which ultimately determines the length and mass of the charge. A closer design (Prototype) is, according to the authors, the design of the section of the elongated demining charge according to patent RU 2555560 C1. In this design of the section of the elongated demining charge, each link of the charge of the condensed explosive is made in a plastic case, while the through power threads, in the form of two power harnesses and a detonating cable inside each link, are walled up in the casting explosive to ensure the structural adhesion of the bodies with the power threads, for prevention of the shift of the housings, relative to the power threads during inertial loads arising in the process of sampling, flight and landing of the demining charge. The disadvantage of this design, is insufficient shear strength of the link relative to the power cords walled up in the cast explosive, which leads to unstable detonation transfer from link to link, damage to detonating cords; insufficient mass of explosive in the section of the extended demining charge; insufficient strength of the elements of the elongated demining charge section in conditions of high rates of demining charge sampling from demining installations, flight and landing on a minefield. The new design of the section of the elongated demining charge, the section of the elongated demining charge contains links of charges of a condensed explosive, each in a plastic case, bending nodes allowing the section to bend when stacked in the cassettes of the demining installation. The through power cord of polymer filaments is made in the form of a braided rope, for example, a multi-strand rope that can withstand increased breaking loads. The end nodes of the connection of the elongated demining charge sections, which are identical at the two ends of the elongated demining charge sections, contain a braided rope termination and end detonating detonation transfer cords between the links. The links, to prevent shear on the braided rope, are fixed on both sides with transverse pins with the braided rope piercing at the ends of the links or on each link in the end lugs. The space of the bending nodes between the links is equipped with supplementary charges of a plastic explosive allowing the section of the elongated demining charge to be folded up to 180°. This implementation of the design of the section of the extended demining charge provides an increase in the strength of the elements and nodes of the demining charge, completely eliminates the possibility of longitudinal, inertial shift of the housings in the section and disrupting the detonation transmission in the bending nodes of the section of the elongated demining charge, increases the efficiency of the demining charge due to the use of an additional supplementary plastic explosive substances. At the beginning of the 1990s, the mine clearance system UR-93, "Product 510", was developed in the Soviet Union. A lack of funds led to the discontinuation of the project. Between 2005 and 2007, Russian pioneer troops tried to revive the project. The hose charges and the rocket engines have been improved. The product has now been named UR-07. The elimination of deficiencies identified during testing led to the UR-07M. New charges were also tested as part of the modernization. The Russian Ministry of Defense ordered a machine. The manufacturer went bankrupt in 2011, and Uralvagonzavod took over the bankruptcy estate. A takeover in the equipment of the pioneer troops and serial production has not taken place so far. The UR-07M system is suitable for creating lanes in minefields from the ground or from the vehicle. The charges can also be fired while floating. It can also be used against fortifications. The UR-07M is equipped with two UZP-06 or UZP-06D mine clearance charges, rocket launchers and the brake cable disconnect device. The use of the new charge ZRSch-1 is also possible. The range of the charges is 340 m or 1000 m. The vehicle is equipped with a crane system and hoists for the launcher. In addition, surveillance equipment for the premises, communication, fire protection and air conditioning and heating systems are available. For camouflage, the device is equipped with a six-slot launcher for 81-mm smoke grenades. crew 2 men Maximum speed 65 - 75km/h Range Charge UZP-06 340 m Range Charge UZP-06D 1000m Weight of the load UZP-06 2850kg Weight of the load UZP-06D 1350kg Weight of loaded system 20000kg length of the alley 160 m length 7.27m Broad 3.27m Height 2.68m UR-07 "Resorting" Combat weight, t 2 Crew, pers. 2 Types of charges used UZP-06, UZP-06D UZP-06 charge delivery range, m 340 Charge delivery range UZP-06D, m 1000 Mass of explosives per meter of charge length, kg 8 Passage time, min 3 Manual loading time by engineer squad and crew, min 120 Number of demining charges in the ammunition load, pcs 2 Unit overall dimensions, mm length seven thousand 100 20 seven width three thousand two hundred ninety 6 height 2675 Travel speed, km/h gravel roads 65-75 dirt roads up to 30 5 off-road up to 20 5 floating up to 9 laser guided artillery projectiles artillery snaryady s lazernym navedeniem Krasnopol-M2 155mm Russian designers in December 2022 presented the latest modification of the Krasnopol high-precision artillery projectile, which makes it possible to use it from air carriers. Te developers managed to achieve a high degree of reliability, as well as the simplicity of the design of a new modification of a precision-guided munition. In addition, a new modification can be stored in warehouses for a long time without losing its combat capability. The high-precision artillery projectile of the Krasnopol system has a high-explosive fragmentation action, and is also equipped with a laser target designator-rangefinder, which ensures accurate aiming at the selected target. The 152 mm caliber ammunition is intended for use by all types of artillery systems, including the latest howitzers. The high-precision projectile is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 20 km, the mass of its warhead is 8 kg. The laser target designator can lock on three targets at the same time. In the latest modification of the Krasnopol-M2 projectile, the caliber has been increased to 155 mm, the maximum firing range has also been increased to 26 km, and the accuracy necessary to hit small targets has been increased. The ammunition can be used in all weather conditions, including high cloud cover and strong winds. The very first "Centimeter" appeared in service in the early 80s and was first tested in Afghanistan. This impressive 1,2-meter projectile weighing almost 50 kg was loaded with only 8,5 kg of explosives. The next model was the Centimeter-M. It shortened to 0,94 meters, reduced the weight to 43 kg, but the explosive charge increased to 12 kg. Depending on the type of projectile and artillery system, the range of "Centimeters" varies from 12 to 20 km. a series of 152-mm shells "Centimeter". For a number of foreign countries, the product is produced in a 155 mm form factor under the Centimeter-1M index. After the collapse of the USSR, the developer of NTK Ameteh worked directly with the Americans to adapt the projectile to the M-109 howitzer and a number of other artillery systems. https://web.archive.org/web/20200128171624/https://missiles.ru/Santimetr-M.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20210224075140/http://www.kbptula.ru/ru/razrabotki-kbp/artillerijskie-kompleksy-upravlyaemogo-vooruzheniya/krasnopol-m2 https://xn--b1agacl3aeas4a.xn--p1ai/">Armament.rf" The 2S3M1 Russian 152mm Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) is Equipped with command data acquisition and display equipment. OF-38 Krasnopol laser-guided rocket-assisted projectiles were developed for SO-152M. The modernized howitzer has a designator 2A33. Produced in 1975–1987. The Krasnopol is a Russian-developed and Russian-produced semiactive laser-guided projectile designed to effectively defeat: armored vehicles; multiple rocket launchers; self-propelled (SP) artillery systems; command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) centers; defensive fortifications; bridges; and rossings. The fielding of the Krasnopol provides a tube artillery unit the following advantages. First, tube artillery units are capable of firing at individual targets (to include pinpoint targets such as tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, field fortifications) with a high probability of a first-round kill. Thus, the traditional requirement for an area fire or artillery barrage is eliminated. Second, a tube artillery unit can fire at group targets using the same gun settings computed relative to the center of mass of the group target. Third, the Krasnopol can be fired without meteorological and ballistic data at a range of ten to twelve kilometers. The Krasnopol is produced in two variants. The 152-mm Krasnopol is a two-section projectile designed to operate with both towed (D-20, 2A36, 2A65 Msta-B) and SP (2S3 Akatsiya, 2S5 Giatsint, and 2S19 Msta-S) guns and howitzers. A major drawback to this round is the incompatibility with the autoloader of the 2S19 due to the projectile's length. The Krasnopol-M (152-mm/155-mm) was developed as a follow-on product improvement that is fully compatible with the 2S19 autoloader and enhances the capability for the projectile to be used with western-produced 155-mm howitzers. Figure 1 illustrates the comparative operational characteristics of the Krasnopol, Krasnopol-M, and the U.S. Copperhead laser-guided munitions. Both the Krasnopol and Krasnopol-M are superior to the Copperhead in the areas of range, projectile weight, targets engaged, attack profile, and operational field handling. However, there is a 15% range difference (three kilometers) between the Krasnopol and the Krasnopol-M. The 2K25 Krasnopol complex includes the OF-39 Krasnopol projectile; a 1D22, 1D20, or 1D15 laser target designator (LTD); and the 1A35 shot synchronization system (1A35K command device, and 1A35I observation post device). Normally, a LTD operator aims a laser at a target, and one to two rounds are fired for target engagement. A signal confirming the firing of the projectile is transmitted from the firing unit (via a communications link from the 1A35K to the 1A35I) to the battery command observation post (COP). The LTD operator continues to illuminate the target with a laser beam during the terminal phase of the Krasnopol's flight. The Krasnopol's gyroscopic homing head locks onto the target beam, and aerodynamic control surfaces (located on the projectile body) guide the projectile to the target. Once the target is destroyed, the LTD operator can shift to another target and continue to engage either preplanned targets or targets of opportunity. Training Russian artillery units train under realistic field conditions in order to effectively use laser-guided munitions like the Krasnopol. The training includes both gun crews and LTD operators engaging and destroying stationary and moving targets. The targets are arrayed as a threat or foreign army would deploy forces on the battlefield. Thus, the LTD operator develops or learns the skills required to determine laser-guided munition targets and conditions that either enhance or degrade the use of the munition. Predicting when a target would enter a kill zone is a very difficult task when using a laser-guided munition. Therefore, LTD operators learn how to plan kill zones along avenues of approach or counterattacks in order to engage and destroy moving targets. Timeliness is critical during the engagement of a moving target. The likelihood of a Krasnopol achieving a first-round hit is severely reduced if the projectile is not delivered on time. Even the likelihood of a second-round hit is diminished due to the variation in location of a moving target. Therefore, the employment of the Krasnopol is enhanced through the training of units in preplanning kill zones. Prior to engagement, the LTD operator conducts a terrain reconnaissance of the kill zone using the laser rangefinder on the target designator. The LTD operator predetermines the points of engagement covered by the Krasnopol's seeker footprint (one kilometer radius, two kilometer diameter). The gun range and azimuth settings are calculated (in advance) by the battery fire direction center and recorded by the gun crew chief. This translates into a higher probability of a first-round hit and destruction of the moving target. LTD operators and firing units train to the standard of achieving a direct hit on a moving vehicle on the first or second shot. Employment There are many variations in the number of equipment sets related to the employment of Krasnopol-equipped firing units. Various tactical situations and firing systems would dictate the overall employment of the Krasnopol. FM 100-60, Armor- and Mechanized-Based Opposing Force: Organization Guide list a typical opposing force (OPFOR) 152-mm SP howitzer battalion as equipped with four sets of the Krasnopol-M. Each set is composed of the LTD (1D22, 1D20, 1D15), the 1A35 shot synchronization system, and 50 projectiles per LTD. Thus, a total of 200 Krasnopol projectiles are fielded to each 152-mm SP howitzer battalion. One battery of the battalion is designated as the special-weapons or Krasnopol battery. The Krasnopol battery commander designates one platoon (possibly on a rotating basis to maintain crew proficiency) as the principal Krasnopol firing unit. A Krasnopol platoon basic load consists of the Krasnopol, smoke, and illuminating rounds. The Krasnopol firing platoon retains 140 Krasnopol projectiles, while the sixty remaining projectiles are distributed throughout the battalion at a rate of four Krasnopols per tube. One LTD is distributed to each battery COP (three per battalion) and the battalion's mobile reconnaissance post. The LTD operator uses a concealed location to position the LTD within a 15 arc left or right of the gun target line and no more than seven kilometers (preferably five kilomteres) from the target. During engagement, each gun (within the Krasnopol platoon) fires one Krasnopol projectile in succession either on command of the LTD operator or on a predetermined time sequence with less than thirty seconds between projectiles per designator. Upon destruction of the initial target, the LTD operator shifts the designator to subsequent targets downwind (from the previous engagement) to reduce smoke and dust interference with the designator. Countermeasures and Counter-countermeasures A major shortcoming of employing the Krasnopol (as well as other laser-guided munitions) is the requirement to illuminate the target with the laser beam for five to fifteen seconds. Long target-illumination times enable enemy targets equipped with laser warning detectors to effectively employ countermeasures that prevent the target from further illumination by the laser beam. Thus, the guidance of the Krasnopol is disrupted and the target survives the engagement. The most effective means of protection are laser warning detectors that automatically cue grenade launchers to fire a number of smoke grenades within two to three seconds after detection of a laser beam. A smoke cloud builds up around the vehicle six to eight seconds after firing. The smoke cloud bends or refracts the laser beam and provides a false homing point for the Krasnopol. In essence, an effective laser protection screen is deployed around the target within eight to eleven seconds after a laser detection. Various open source materials disclose that western laser warning systems are more sensitive (up to fifteen meters) than Russian laser warning systems (less than fifteen meters). The LTD operator can counter this countermeasure by using an initial laser offset procedure. The laser offset procedure requires the LTD operator to first determine a land feature or easily referenced landmark within the kill zone. The operator surveys the kill zone for background conditions that may cause sufficient backscatter (from other reflecting surfaces) to provide the target early warning of the LTD laser beam. The LTD operator lases at the predetermined offset point (fifteen to twenty meters from the target) at the beginning of the fire mission. The LTD operator or his assistant is alerted to the Krasnopol's acquisition of the laser beam either by a "munition approach" light-emitting diode on the 1A35 shot synchronization equipment or a blinking signal light in the optics of the LTD. The LTD operator begins shifting the laser target designator crosshairs to the center of the target four to five seconds after the signal prompt. The shifting of the laser beam from the offset point to the target is two to three seconds prior to the terminal phase of projectile flight. The offset procedure process takes a total of six to eight seconds. Thus, the Krasnopol is able hit and destroy the target prior to employment of laser countermeasures. The offset procedure requires a skilled LTD operator due to the requirement for increased hand and eye coordination during the laser beam-shifting process. Summary The United States demonstrated during Desert Storm that the force that initially attains and maintains fire superiority has the advantage of freedom of maneuver and reduced casualties from enemy artillery fire. The Krasnopol and Krasnopol-M provide users with the capability of target destruction at lower expenditure rates and shorter firing times. The potential low-cost proliferation of these rounds provides potential U.S. adversaries a capability to successfully attack and destroy targets ranging from thinly protected C4I systems to armored vehicles at a critical place and time on a future battlefield. Thus, these rounds can also become a force multiplier for small forces (guerrilla, terrorist, etc.) against a larger, technically advanced force in low intensity conflicts or military operations other than war. a relatively new concept of Russian tactics in Chechnya was the increasedemployment of Laser-Guided munitions on the battlefield to gain an advantage in urbanterrain. The 2K25 Krasnopol precision-guided munition (PGM) fired from the 2S19MSTA proved valuable as its accuracy helped engage pinpoint targets. At the time theKrasnopol was the Russian howitzer round comparable to the U.S. Copperhead munition.“The 30F39 Krasnopol is a Russian 152/155 mm cannon-launched, fin-stabilized, basebleed-assisted, semi-automatic laser-guided, explosive projectile. It automatically‘homes’ on a point illuminated by a laser designator, typically operated by a ground-based artillery observer.” The package of a Krasnopol munition includes: Theammunition (1), the firing unit (2), the guided projectile (3) in flight, the target (4) andthe laser emitter (5) and designator.26 Precision-guided artillery munitions were used byRussian forces in Chechnya to attack reinforced Chechen positions with a high degree ofaccuracy.27 The Krasnopol can be fired without meteorological and ballistic data at arange of ten to twelve kilometers. The Krasnopol high-precision correctable artillery system was developed by the A. G. Shipunov Instrument Design Bureau (part of the High-Precision Complexes NPO). In addition to a high-explosive fragmentation guided projectile, it also includes a laser designator-rangefinder, with which the product is aimed at the target. The 152 mm caliber projectile can be used by all types of artillery systems, including the modern Msta-S, Msta-SM and Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled howitzers. The flight range of the ammunition is 20 km, the mass of the warhead is 8 kg. The target designator of the Krasnopol complex is capable of simultaneously capturing up to three targets. The Ministry of Defense demonstrated the work of the Msta-S self-propelled guns with the Krasnopol ammunition during the 2022 military special operation in Ukraine. The modernized "Krasnopol-M2" is able to independently "select targets" during volley fire. The required accuracy is achieved due to the correction by the aerodynamic rudders of the ammunition in the final section of the flight along the laser mark on the target. "Gazeta.Ru" understood the features of the new "Krasnopol". The 152-mm Krasnopol corrected artillery ammunition, designed to destroy armored targets and military facilities, has been known since 1995, when it was adopted by the RF Armed Forces. It was successfully used during the military operation in Syria. Hit accuracy is achieved by a semi-active laser homing head, which allows you to hit targets at ranges up to 25 km. The production of Krasnopol-M2 guided artillery shells would grow 25 times in 2024. This was told by the managing director of the Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering. A. G. Shipunova Vyacheslav Kovalev. "Our popular Krasnopol-M2 - next year the growth relative to the initial production capacity will exceed 25 times. We are confident that we will cope with this task," he said 15 August 2023 in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel . He also added that thanks to the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the company's production capacities are expanding. The Krasnopol high-precision correctable artillery system was developed by the Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering named after Academician A.G. Shipunov (part of NPO "High Precision Complexes"). In addition to a high-explosive fragmentation guided projectile, it also includes a laser designator-range finder, with which the product is aimed at the target. The 152 mm caliber projectile can be used by all types of artillery systems, including the modern Msta-S, Msta-SM and Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled howitzers. The range of its flight reaches 20 km, the mass of the warhead is 8 kg. The target designator of the Krasnopol complex is capable of simultaneously capturing up to three targets. The latest modification of the projectile - "Krasnopol-M2" - has a caliber of 155 mm, a large firing range (26 km), as well as increased accuracy of hitting small targets. In addition, it has increased combat power and the ability to use at any time of the day, with strong wind and cloudiness. The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of the use of Krasnopol shells during an attack on a camouflaged command post in the Kiev region, which was struck in March. Another video showed the effective destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces tanks when they were about to launch a counteroffensive. In both cases, the crews of 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled howitzers worked on the target with 152-mm shells, and the fire was corrected by Orion-10 drones. “It can be assumed that there were much more cases of combat use of Krasnopol shells, because one of its features is that various Russian 152-mm artillery systems can be used for firing. These include both D-20 and 2A65 Msta-B towed howitzers, as well as self-propelled 2S3M Akatsiya, 2S19 Msta-S and Coalition-SV howitzers. All of them can use high-precision ammunition, only additional calculation of laser gunners is required. The peculiarity of the upgraded version is that the algorithm is “sewn up” inside the projectile. As a result, the Krasnopol projectile chooses its own target to its liking. If he sees a more promising target, for example, a radar station, and not a tank, he would react to it. The operator decides whether to enable such a mode or not,” said a military expert, retired major general Valery Bondar. Military expert Alexander Zimovsky agrees with this point of view. “Without the use of laser guidance, the use of satellites and drones, Krasnopol seems to be an ordinary artillery blank that hits a target within line of sight or at coordinates received from reconnaissance. The used command and observation post "Kapustnik" has a limited range of laser target illumination for "Krasnopol". Another thing is when an UAV works in tandem with it, the same Orion-10, which holds the laser beam along which the projectile travels until the target is hit. One of the main advantages of the Krasnopol complex, which ensures accurate shooting without zeroing in, high reliability of the shot, is precisely the compatibility with drones that provide target illumination,” Zimovsky believes. The most effective distance for hitting small moving targets, including tanks, for Krasnopol is about 5-7 km. The projectile is also effective at a range of 16 km. Its main feature is the exceptional accuracy of hitting moving objects. “During the counter-battery fight, to suppress the American M-109 self-propelled guns, about 900 conventional 152-mm shells will be required. Krasnopol will cope with this task with the use of no more than 10 ammunition, ”adds General Bondar. According to experts of the main military-theoretical magazine of the Ministry of Defense "Military Thought", the new guided artillery shells "Krasnopol-M2" can simultaneously hit two nearby targets with a volley of two guns. The effect is impressive - two shells synchronously fall at a distance of no more than a dozen meters from each other. “This is phenomenal accuracy, which confirms the claimed characteristics of the modernized Krasnopol. The performance characteristics of the new model are significantly superior to those of its predecessor," Military Thought notes. “The accuracy is achieved due to the Malachite automated fire control complex. At the same time, each projectile operates at its own frequency and does not interfere with the control of others. Despite the sufficient complexity of using such ammunition, its rate of fire can be up to 8 rounds per minute and provide massive fire on selected targets,” military expert Boris Dzherelievsky told Gazeta.Ru. The complexity of using Krosnopol is not in its characteristics, but in the price. “The cost of one Krasnopol ammunition is estimated at 4 million rubles. This, however, is three to four times less than the price of the American counterpart M712 Copperhead or the US-Swedish M982 Excalibur. In any case, the use of such shells is an expensive pleasure,” General Bondar summed up. s Krasnopol is the first step contributing to a refonn in artillery armament. When precision weapons are present it is unnecessary to conduct area fire; one can engage targets as they appear. Russian laser-guided Krasnopol. Has been sold to over 12 countries (incl China, India, Belarus). India is a producer

    Caliber (mm)152152/155155
    Firing System (NOTE: The following list of systems are presented as examples for each projectile caliber.)TOWED: D-20, 2A36, 2A65 Msta-B SP: 2S3, 2S5, 2S19 Msta-STOWED: D-20, 2A36, 2A65 Msta-B, (US) M114A2, M198 SP: 2S3, 2S5, 2S19 Msta-S, (US) M109, TOWED: M114A2, M198 SP: M109A2/3, M109A6
    Range (km)201716
    Warhead TypeFrag-HEFrag-HEHEAT
    Length (mm)1,3009551,370
    Weight (kg)
    Targets EngagedArmored Vehicles, C4I Posts, Field FortificationsArmored Vehicles, C4I Posts, Field FortificationsArmored Vehicles
    Target Attack ProfileDiving Top AttackDiving Top AttackLaser Illuminated Point
    Initial PhaseFree FlightFree FlightFree Flight
    Middle PhaseInertialInertialInertial
    Terminal PhaseInertialInertialInertial
    Max Field Storage Time w/o Shipping CaseNo RestrictionsNo RestrictionsNo longer than 72 hours inside SP Arty systems in a polyethylene bag.
    Seeker Head Protection While Handling The Projectile.Protected by a nose cap discarded in flight.Protected by a nose cap discarded in flight.None. Seeker head must be protected from impacts.
    Pre-Fire PreparationConnect both parts of projectile.Same as a standard conventional munition.Before loading, entrance pupil and tail fin slots must be inspected for damage and contamination.
    Requirements for LoadingSame as a standard conventional munitionSame as a standard conventional munitionNo sand, dust, or moisture. The projectile must be protected from impact with other surfaces.
    1K113 "Smelchak" ["Daredevil"] Mortars of all sizes have always been part of Russian and Soviet artillery. In 1960, the Soviets mounted the M-240 mortar on a tracked, self-propelled chassis. A hydraulic system raised and lowered the tube from the carrying position to the firing position. As was customary, the self-propelled artillery system was christened with an alpha-numeric designator the 2S4 and the name of a flower - Tyulpan [tulip]. The Tyulpan has a variety of rounds. The 130-kilogram / 290 pound fragmentation-blast round fires out to a range of 9650 meters. The 228-kilogram 500 pound rocket-assisted projectile fires out to a range of 18,000 meters. In addition, it has special munitions - concrete-piercing, chemical and nuclear. Due to its nuclear capability, the 2S4 was assigned to the nuclear-capable High-Powered Artillery Brigades. The High-Powered Artillery Brigades were used against high-priority targets that were operationally-significant. Along with the Krasnopol laser-guided projectile that the Soviets designed for their 152mm family of guns and howitzers, the Soviets developed a laser-guided projectile for their 240mm mortar. They christened this precision-guided munition (PGM) the Smel’chak (Daredevil). It weighs a hefty 125 kilograms (275 pounds) [Other sourcs state that the weight is 134.2 kilograms (296 pounds) of which 32 kilograms (71 pounds) are the warhead]. It is breach-loaded like all other 240mm rounds. The round consists of the explosive warhead, an optical-electronic guidance head, a disposable nose cap, the control assembly, the detonator, the flight correction motor, and the fin stabilizers. There are two settings on the detonator — fragmentation and blast. The laser-guided heavy mortar round was clearly designed for other than guerrilla war, but in the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, it destroyed targets that guns, howitzers and multiple rocket launchers could not reach. The streamlined head of the round is painted red and houses the optical-electronic guidance head. It was said that due to all the electronics, the cost of one of these devices was equivalent to the price of anew “Zhiguli” automobile. The round is terminally guided to the target by the 1D15 laser target designator (LTD) that is located at a forward observation post. The laser beam is laid on the target and the reflection from the target creates a petal-shaped electronic echo. The optical-electronic tracking head must acquire this petal-shaped electronic echo and, scanning it, direct the round to the target.10The“Daredevil” has a maximum range of 9,200 meters.11When the 2S4 is ready to engage a target with the laser-guided round, the fire direction centercomputes the firing data and meteorological conditions. The 2S4 must first fire two or three conventionalrounds to establish the PGM “footprint” and confirm that the rounds are landing near the target. Theforward observation post with the laser target designator must be linked to the firing position by the 1A35shot synchronization system—composed of the 1A35K command device (at the firing position) and the1A35I observation post device. When the round is fired, this information is transmitted over the 1A35system to the LTD that then paints the target with a laser beam.12 The petal-shaped echo of this beam iswhat the optical-electronic tracking head must acquire.13The firing sequence is as follows (See diagram 2-Viktor Litvinenko shows the round launchedfrom a ground-mounted mortar, but the 2S4 is the system associated with the Daredevil.). At the instant theround is fired, the synchronization system is activated between the firing point and the forward observationpost. The stabilizer fins on the round deploy. The nose cover is discarded. The optical lens in the optical-electronic tracking head opens. The laser target designator directs a laser beam at the target. After theoptical-electronic tracking head acquires the laser echo from the target, the flight-correction motor starts toguide the round onto the target.14 The flight correction system is activated when the projectile is within400 to 800 meters of the target.152 The first tests of a correctable shell in the 40th Army took place in 1985 in the foothills of Pokhvalonkok on a dilapidated fortress from a range of 3250 m. Two high-explosive fragmentation shells went to zero under ideal firing conditions. Irradiation was carried out with a 1D15 laser range finder from the bottom up. Pointing the rangefinder optics at the target was carried out by the head of reconnaissance of the artillery regiment of the 108th motorized rifle division N. Teplyashkin, the shooting was controlled by V. Litvinenko. A short distance to the fortress made it possible to observe the movement of the shell, when the optoelectronic system was turned on, the shell turned in the air in the direction of the target and entered the roof of the target, the walls of the fortress slid apart. During the 1985 operation in the Charikar Valley to eliminate the detachment of Ahmad Shah Masud, a particularly difficult situation developed at the time of the assault on the fortress, where a group of partisans who had settled there had two DShK machine guns, seven RPGs and small arms. The destruction of the fortress was entrusted to the commander of the mortar battery st. l-that A. Beletsky. Having made a single sighting shot with a high-explosive fragmentation shell, the battery, using the Daredevil, smashed the entire fortress in 12 minutes. The fighting showed that two or three high-explosive fragmentation shells were enough to destroy and demoralize the enemy and one or two Daredevil shells were enough to defeat. The execution time of the fire mission did not exceed 12-15 minutes. Page 4 The “Daredevil” Passes its Combat TestingIn April 1985, the Soviets shipped the 3F5 “Daredevil” round to the Division Artillery of the 108thMotorized Rifle Division located near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The 108th gunners were to do thefirst combat tests of the round. An artillery instructor from the Artillery school in Leningrad came with therounds to help with the test. On the day of the first test, the forward observation post personnel climbed amountain to get into position. They triggered a mine in route severely wounding two of the party.Following their medical evacuation by helicopter, the remaining forward observation personnel conductedtheir test on a half-demolished fortress some 3250 meters away from the firing position. The forwardobservation team was some 5 mills off the gun-target line. The firing conditions were ideal. After firingtwo standard rounds to establish a PGM “footprint”, they fired a “Daredevil” round which penetrated theroof of the fortress. The fortress disappeared in a cloud of smoke, dust and debris. The mission took 15minutes.16Following this successful test, the “Daredevil” was used in support of combat. In June 1985,Senior Lieutenant A. Beletskiy employed his 2S4 battery against a Mujahideen stronghold that artillerycould not engage. The stronghold was located near the Pandjshir valley and garrisoned by Mujahideen ofAhmed Shah Masood. The laser range finder determined that the distance to the target was 2350 meters. A2S4 fired a conventional round to establish the PGM footprint. The FDC adjusted the firing data and thenfired the “Daredevil” round. It hit the target exactly. The 2S4 battery destroyed the Mujahideen strongholdwith just twelve rounds.17There were several restrictions on the use of the “Daredevil” in Afghanistan. The laser targetdesignator could not be over 300 meters off the gun-target line.18 It could not be used when the cloud coverwas less than 600 meters from the ground or during sandstorms. Strong sunshine would overheat the LTD,ruining its effectiveness. These shortcomings were reported and corrected.193 Page 5 AftermathThe laser-guided heavy mortar round was clearly designed for other than guerrilla war, but in themountainous terrain of Afghanistan, it destroyed targets that guns, howitzers and multiple rocket launcherscould not reach. Precision-guided munitions are not always the best way to execute a mission and theyrequire near-optimum conditions that are not always available on the battlefield. Further, laser beams canbe detected and countered. However, when conditions are right, PGMs can significantly reduce theexpenditure of time and ammunition while providing a high rate of target destruction. The Soviet use ofthe “Daredevil” round was against stationary targets. There is little indication that they used the 2S4against targets of opportunity and no indication how they would differentiate LTDs on a laser-crowdedbattlefield to safeguard against a round being captured by the wrong LTD. As the PGM technologyimproves, PGMs should become cheaper and available for a wider range of weapons systems. Althoughthe Daredevil round is not currently offered for sale, the Krasnopol is. Improved PGM rounds are beingdeveloped and these new PGM systems would be deployed globally and would dramatically effect the tacticaldeployment and formations of forces on the future battlefield. 1K113 "Daredevil" Type guided artillery mine A country USSR Service History Years of operation since 1983 In service USSR Russia Wars and conflicts Afghan war (1979-1989) Production history Constructor Design Bureau "Divkon" Designed from 1977 to 1982 Manufacturer Instrument Design Bureau Characteristics Weight, kg 134.2 Length, mm 1635 Caliber , mm 240 Work principles RCIC Sighting range , m 3600..9200 Mass of explosive, kg 32 The need to use artillery to prepare the battlefield until maneuver forces can deploy freely is the way Russia has always used artillery. At most, fire support is a walking barrage ahead of their advance to soften up the defenders. In Eastern Ukraine, by 2014 Russian Forces had demonstrated their ability to direct and adjust fires with their drones. Ukrainian forces repeatedly saw a systematic approach by the Russians to acquire a target with a UAV. A high-altitude UAV would identify a Ukrainian target. It would then pass off that target to a lower altitude UAV to determine the target coordinates. Then the Russians would adjust their fire with the UAV based on the initial artillery strikes. The total time for this process can be as little as 10 to 15 minutes. Although Russia has the capability to use PGMs, Russia usually prefered mass over precision. While the United States has spent a lot of time and money developing extremely accurate PGMs, Russia still focuses its effort in massed artillery. For Russia, not using PGMs is cheaper and is as effective as PGMs in destroying a target. By 2016, Russia’s five methods of fire evolved from the Soviet form to its current form. The five described methods for conventional maneuver war under nuclear-threatened conditions were employed in the Donbas region of Ukraine as:

    1. Single Target Fire: fires directed against self-acquired targets or direct fire.
    2. Concentrated Fire: fires employed by more than one artillery system directed against the same target.
    3. Fixed Protective Curtain Fires: a continuous fire barrage, which is delivered on one of, or simultaneously on, several fronts of an attacking enemy.
    4. Moving Curtain Fires: a continuous fire barrage created on one or multiple fronts along the axis of advance of the enemy’s armored units, which can later be directed at follow on locations depending on the withdrawal of the enemy’s advance.
    5. Accompanying Fires: the concentration of fires on targets located in front of an advancing friendly force, their flanks, and can later be directed at the enemy’s rear area targets.
    These methods of fire describe the use of artillery in both offensive and defensive actions. Definitions of the classification of artillery target effects explain the priority of artillery in a military. Unlike U.S. artillery which classifies target effects as suppress, neutralize (10 percent destruction), and destroy (30 percent destruction), Russia classifies their target effects with artillery into four categories:
    1. annihilation (Kill probability of 70 to 90 percent),
    2. demolition (physical destruction of installations or positions),
    3. suppression (requires 30 percent destruction of targets), and
    4. harassing fires (focus on disrupting enemy operations).
    The fact that Russian suppression fires are equivalent to U.S. destruction fires further demonstrates the Russian reliance of artillery on the battlefield. Data from the Ukraine conflict showed that artillery was producing 85 percent of casualties on both sides, especially when cannon artillery is used in a direct-fire mode. The military observer of Gazeta.Ru, Mikhail Khodarenok, studied the characteristics of the Excalibur and compared it with the Russian Krasnopol projectile and the Daredevil mortar shell. The fundamental differences between the M982 Excalibur guided projectile and domestic corrected ammunition are that the M982 uses a combined control system - satellite (according to the global positioning system, GPS) and inertial, while Krasnopolya and Daredevil have a semi-active laser. In the latter case, this means that target designators need to get very close to the target. And this must be done together with a complex of automated fire control facilities (KSAUO) with a laser target designator-rangefinder, a commander's console and a radio station. At the same time, the laser rangefinder-target designator does not have to be wearable; it can be installed on helicopters or unmanned aerial vehicles. The experience of hitting enemy targets with the help of UAV-designators is based on the results of hostilities in Syria. Adjustable ammunition Excalibur is not without a significant disadvantage. If the enemy is setting up organized jamming of the global positioning system, then guidance using GPS can meet with serious difficulties. In other words, it is possible to disrupt the fulfillment of the assigned combat mission. But the main drawback of all guided missiles is the price. Their actual mass application is extremely difficult. The cost of the M982 Excalibur, according to open data, is $100-150 thousand. The cost of the Krasnopol is approximately $30-35 thousand, the Daredevil is $5-15 thousand. Thus, Russian guided missiles are cheaper than Western ones.

    Dynamics GLONASS projectile

    The Moscow Design Bureau Compass, one of the main Russian developers of navigation aids for the Armed Forces, successfully tested a GLONASS navigation module for artillery ammunition in 2011. The new module, created as part of the Dynamics program, can be installed both on new shells and on existing ones. The Compass development module can be screwed into the head of artillery shells with a caliber of 152 mm and above, into the regular place of the fuse. It includes a combined fuse, a GLONASS signal receiver and control surfaces - aerodynamic rudders that unfold in flight and correct the projectile trajectory. Unlike projectiles guided by a laser beam, the projectile with the Dynamics module does not depend on weather conditions and does not require external target illumination, which allows you to quickly hit point targets with known coordinates. The circular probable deviation of the projectile upgraded in this way does not exceed 10 m, while for conventional 152-mm projectiles at long ranges it can be 100 m or more. The Russian version of the ammunition upgrade allows satellite-guided projectiles to be made much cheaper than the 155-mm American GPS-guided Excalibur projectile. This projectile, equipped with a gas generator and built-in rudders, costs more than $80,000. It is assumed that in a large series, its price should drop to $50,000, a source in the military-industrial complex claimed. The module can be used for both old shells and new ones, but in any case it will be much cheaper than an American product. Russian scientists managed to achieve stable reception of the GLONASS signal on a rotating projectile, while the American Excalibur must stop its rotation in order to receive a navigation signal. This greatly complicates and increases the cost of its design. According to Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of the Arsenal specialized magazine, the new Russian development is a real revolution in artillery. "With the new projectile, you can significantly reduce the consumption of ammunition. When firing conventional shells at a platoon stronghold, 1,800 shells are needed, but here it will take ten times less. The accuracy of the upgraded shells does not decrease with distance - it will be the same regardless of whether we are shooting at 5 km or 50 km. This allows you to instantly hit any targets, the main thing is to know their coordinates, which can be obtained from reconnaissance, drones and other sources", the expert said. Murakhovsky also noted that the low price of the module makes it possible to quickly equip artillery units with a large number of guided projectiles, while no additional modernization of the guns themselves is required. However, the head of the Center for Military Forecasting, Anatoly Tsyganok, noted that for the effective use of such projectiles, the troops lack accurate targeting systems. "Deep reconnaissance solves other problems, and no one will divert it to pointing long-range artillery. The satellite controls the entire battlefield and will also not be reconfigured for each gun,” Tsyganok noted. In his opinion, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, which the Russian army did not t have in 2011, should aim high-precision projectiles. Shown at the Victory Parade on May 9, 2015, the latest self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) "Coalition-SV" has become one of the most "expected" novelties in a whole series of new generation Russian armored vehicles. In addition to creating a new generation of self-propelled guns, a new set of guided munitions was also created for it. In particular, a new guided projectile with trajectory correction according to the Glonass satellite navigation system, created on the basis of the well-proven Krasnopol-M guided projectile. The use of such projectiles provides huge advantages even in comparison with previous generation guided projectiles, which use a semi-active laser homing head, which in turn forces laser "illumination" of the target to be provided by some means. The use of guided projectiles with a satellite guidance system makes it possible to hit point targets literally "on the move" without any preparation. At the same time, the flight range of such a projectile, The cost of such shells is very high and comparable in cost to the entire divisional ammunition load of "ordinary" shells. However, such costs are more than paid off when it is necessary to hit important targets - command posts, warehouses, bridges and various infrastructure facilities, which can radically change the situation in the combat area. The creation of a satellite-guided missile is another demonstration that Russia is rapidly closing the gap with the United States in the field of high-precision weapons, creating ammunition at the level of the best Western analogues. Only a few countries in the world are able to create such samples of precision weapons. The latest generation of guided missiles are produced only in the United States (the projectile with the XM929 Excalibur satellite guidance system), as well as in France and Sweden - ADC and BOSS, respectively, guided missiles with an active radar guidance system. https://en.topwar.ru/333-po-krutym-traektoriyam.html https://www.vokrugsveta.ru/vs/article/6668/ snaryad s lazernym navedeniem The Russian Army 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV 152mm self-propelled howitzers will be equipped with GLONASS-guided ammunition. On 24 April 2016 on the air of the radio station "Russian News Service", the head of the department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for ensuring the state defense order, Colonel Mikhail Osyko, said that a high-precision guided projectile had been developed for the self-propelled guns. The new precision-guided shell will be similar to the US Excalibur but will come at a fraction of the cost. According to the Russian sources its price will be around USD1,000. The guidance units will be using the GLONASS navigation system, which will allow the projectiles to adjust their trajectory in mid-air. Each guidance unit will include a GLONASS receiver adjusted at the head of the projectile, along with the fuze, and aerodynamic control surfaces. The 152mm artillery shell is currently under development. It has not been made know yet when the new system will be operationally available to the Russian artillery units. The circular probable deviation of a "smart" projectile does not exceed 10 m, while for conventional 152-mm projectiles with a long firing range it can be 100 m or more. The development of KB "Compass" allows not only to create "smart" ammunition from scratch, but also to upgrade the shells already in stock. The cost of converting a basic artillery ammunition into a guided one will be about $1000. For comparison, one "smart" 155-mm Excalibur projectile costs the US military budget $80,000. 2K24 "Centimeter" corrected artillery weapon The complex of corrected artillery weapons 2K24 "Centimeter" (USSR) On May 21, 2013, Egypt terminated a contract with Russia for the creation of a 155-millimeter guided projectile for American M109 howitzers, the Izvestia newspaper reported, citing a source in the Russian government. The reason for this was nine postponements of its execution. The contract amount was $20 million. As a result of the refusal of the Egyptian side from the contract, the loss of the Russian developer company "Ametech" amounted to 2.5 billion rubles (80.6 million dollars). According to the source of the newspaper, the contract was terminated in 2012, but it was decided not to disclose information about this so as not to spoil the image of Russia in the global arms market. It was planned to create shells for Egypt on the basis of the Russian Centimeter-M 152 mm caliber. The Egyptian side refused to provide Ametech with technical documentation for the M109, citing a US ban. Egypt had about 420 M109A1/A2 howitzers in service. Due to Egypt's refusal to reveal the main parameters of the American howitzers, Ametech had to develop a new projectile from scratch, which is why the project costs exceeded the $20 million calculated by Rosoboronexport and amounted to about $80.6 million. These funds were provided to the enterprise by Rosoboronexport on credit at 12 percent per annum. Upon completion of the development of a new projectile with the Egyptian side, it was planned to conclude a contract for its mass production in Egypt. Corrected projectiles "Santimeter-M", on the basis of which it was planned to create ammunition for howitzers M109, are designed to destroy enemy tanks and artillery, communication and control points, fortified firing positions and bridges at a distance of 0.5 to 20 kilometers. With a projectile length of 86 centimeters, its high-explosive fragmentation part weighs 41 kilograms. In 1994, the United States was negotiating with Ametech on the creation of a 155-mm corrected projectile based on the Centimeter for M109 howitzers. In total, the American side allocated $215 million for the refinement and demonstration of the projectile based on the Centimeter, but the Russian Ministry of Defense blocked the deal. Concern "Techmash" of the State Corporation Rostec planned to improve the first-generation corrected artillery weapons systems "Santimeter" and "Smelchak". The issue of their modernization was discussed at a scientific and technical conference dedicated to the state and prospects for the development of artillery ammunition for field, tank and naval artillery. The modernization of ammunition would be carried out on the basis of the Research Machine-Building Institute. V.V. Bakhireva. Both complexes, designed to destroy armored vehicles, launchers and artillery pieces in firing positions, were created in one of the departments of the Institute, and were adopted by the Ground Forces in the 1980s. “Today we are faced with the most important task of successfully improving and further developing the research and production base of NIMI, new developments and production of ammunition in the interests of developing weapons systems and the military-industrial complex of Russia,” said the interim general director of JSC NIMI named after V.V. Bakhirev" Alexander Gordyukhin. Within the framework of the scientific conference, more than 15 reports were considered, in the discussion of which about 100 scientists and specialists from leading enterprises in the ammunition industry of Russia, representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, RARAN, etc. took part . Two complexes of high-precision weapons for hitting small targets from indirect firing positions were adopted by the Russian Ground Forces in the 1980s; They were created in one of the divisions of NIMI (the main developer of domestic artillery ammunition), on the basis of which an independent Moscow design bureau "Divkon" was created in the early 1990s, under the leadership of chief designer V.S. Vishnevsky. At present, the reorganized successor enterprise, which received the name - JSC NTC "AMETEKH" (Scientific and technical complex "Automation and mechanization of technologies"), is responsible for the development and improvement of these ammunition. The first of them, a complex of laser-guided guided artillery weapons for 240-mm mortars 1K113 "Smelchak", was put into service in 1983. For the first time it was demonstrated at the major exercises "West-83", where Defense Minister D.F.Ustinov was present. The task was set: to destroy two targets, a command post and a radar station, in four minutes. The task was completed. The aerodynamics of the projectile was tested in the wind tunnels of the Central Research Institute Geodesy, the former Sofrinsky artillery range. The Smelchak complex is designed to destroy armored vehicles in places of concentration, launchers and artillery systems at firing positions, command and control posts, long-term defensive structures, bridges and crossings. The complex is used with 240-mm mortars M-240 and 2S4 "Tulip" from the reserve of the High Command (RGK), which reinforce military armies and corps during combat operations. The complex "Smelchak" includes: shot 3V84 (2VF4) with a 240-mm corrected high-explosive mine 3F5; laser designator-rangefinder 1D15 (1D20); means of synchronization 1F35K and 1A35I; means of communication R-107M, R-108M, TA-57; 240-mm towed mortar M-240 or 240-mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 "Tulip". At the head of the shell there is a correction unit, which is equipped with aerodynamic rudders for orienting the axis of the optical element to the target. Correction of the flight path of the mine is carried out by turning on solid-fuel impulse engines located radially on the body of the ammunition, the correction time of the mine is 0.1 - 0.3 sec. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. A fire platoon usually includes two mortars, 200 rounds with 3F5 mines, and one laser designator-rangefinder. Adjustable shells 3F5, complex "Smelchak" showed themselves well in combat operations in Afghanistan. With the advent of an adjustable shell, the 240-mm Tulip self-propelled mortar began to be used more intensively and effectively in Afghanistan for fire support of troops. For example, one of the batteries was used in 1985 in the Charikan Valley during the liquidation of an armed group under the command of Ahmed Shah Mansud. Dushmans who settled in the fortress at a distance of up to 2300 m were demoralized, the fortress was destroyed by only 12 shells. Three shells were required to destroy each target. Other fire weapons would require much more ammunition and time. Self-propelled mortars 2S4 "Tulip" are still in service with the Russian army, they were recently used in Chechnya as part of a separate division of two batteries. When firing, corrected shells "Smelchak" were used. To this end, the specialists of the NTC "Ametekh" at one of the training grounds of the Nizhny Novgorod region at the end of 1995 trained military personnel for the use of guided munitions. The second set of laser-guided corrective artillery weapons for 152-mm howitzer guns 2K24 "Santimeter" is designed to destroy armored vehicles in places of concentration, launchers and artillery systems at firing positions, command and control posts, long-term defensive structures, bridges and crossings. The complex was used with D-20 howitzer guns. The Centimeter complex includes: 3VOF63 and 3VOF66 shots with a 152-mm 3OF38 high-explosive fragmentation projectile; laser designator-rangefinder 1D15 (1D20); synchronization means 1A35K (weight 1.2 kg) and 1A35I (weight 2.5 kg); means of communication R-107M, R-108M, TA-57; 152-mm gun-howitzer D-20. According to its design, the 3OF38 corrected projectile is almost similar to the 3F5 shell, the projectile correction time is 0.05 - 0.3 sec. It takes one to three projectiles to hit a typical target. A fire platoon usually includes three howitzer guns, 300 shots with 3OF38 shells, and one laser target designator-rangefinder. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. The 1D15 device is carried in two packs with a total weight of 60 kg; a lighter 1D20 device weighing 30 kg can be used in the complex. Laser devices illuminate the target for three seconds at a distance of 200 meters to 5 km. Details and assembly units of corrected artillery shells - OJSC "Serpukhov Plant" Metallist ". The equipment of the Centimeter projectile and the Daredevil shell was produced at the Bryansk Chemical Plant. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. The 1D15 device is carried in two packs with a total weight of 60 kg; a lighter 1D20 device weighing 30 kg can be used in the complex. Laser devices illuminate the target for three seconds at a distance of 200 meters to 5 km. Details and assembly units of corrected artillery shells - OJSC "Serpukhov Plant" Metallist ". The equipment of the Centimeter projectile and the Daredevil shell was produced at the Bryansk Chemical Plant. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. The 1D15 device is carried in two packs with a total weight of 60 kg; a lighter 1D20 device weighing 30 kg can be used in the complex. Laser devices illuminate the target for three seconds at a distance of 200 meters to 5 km. Details and assembly units of corrected artillery shells - OAO Serpukhov Plant Metalist. The equipment of the Centimeter projectile and the Daredevil shell was produced at the Bryansk Chemical Plant. At present, as was shown at MAKS-99, an additional 2S3 self-propelled howitzer and a 2S5 self-propelled gun are used for firing projectiles, and the option of using a projectile from 155-mm foreign artillery systems was being worked out. There are only two technologies for guided artillery weapons in the world: the American concept of aerodynamic control ACAG and the Russian concept of impulse correction RCIC. ACAG technology, first implemented in the American 155-mm Copperhead projectile, has become widespread throughout the world. In particular, it is it that is being implemented by the domestic guided missiles "Krasnopol", "Kitolov" and the "Gran" shell developed by the Tula "Instrument Design Bureau" (KBP), headed by the famous Arkady Shipunov. Impulse correction is a purely Russian patented development, implemented, for example, in the Centimeter shells and the Smelchak shells of the Ametech company. What is the difference between ACAG and RCIC Simply put, it is preferable to use guided weapons for delicate high-precision shooting, and corrected weapons for accurate shooting. The general condition for both types of ammunition is that before firing at a target at a distance of 7 km (in practice, much closer), a spotter with a laser designator-rangefinder (LCD) on his shoulders must get close. The work is very hard - the first modification of the 1D15 rangefinder for Krasnopol weighed 60 kg, the modern 1D20M for Daredevil and Centimeter weighed 18 kg. (in Hollywood films, laser rangefinders look like light field glasses.) In addition to the rangefinder, the spotter must have an army radio station (also a rather big box) and a synchronization device (more on that later). From the above, it is clear that the spotter is the most important (and, unfortunately, the most expensive) component of the system, therefore, as a rule, guys from the special forces are allocated to accompany him. Arriving at the place (as mentioned, no further than 7 km from a deadly enemy), the spotter sets up his equipment and, using the LCD, searches for and selects targets. Once selected, determines their coordinates by reading the directional angle, elevation and range. After that, using the army laptop brought with him (it is exactly the same as a civilian one, only heavier, more expensive and slower), he calculates the settings for firing from the firing tables, in the same way as for unguided projectiles. After the spotter has made the necessary calculations, he transmits the data over the radio to a firing position in the rear - for example, to the Msta-S self-propelled 152-mm howitzer, the pride of the Russian army. The loader takes out the Krasnopol high-precision projectile from the box and removes the plug of the accelerating engine from it, after which he sets the fuse in one of the positions with a special key: “Z” - delayed high-explosive action, “O” - instantaneous fragmentation. Then a screwdriver is removed from the pocket, and with its help the frequency of the LCD pulses is set (so that the projectile goes exactly to its target). A special key sets the time for unlocking the gyroscope - makin a shot with a working gyroscope would break from overload. The spotter does not sleep either. Continuing to follow the target through the eyepiece, he sets the same pulse frequency on the LCD as on the projectile, as well as the delay time for turning on the backlight. It is only to the naked eye of an infantryman that the infrared illumination laser seems invisible. Modern technology (especially tanks) are equipped with radiation sensors, and turning on the backlight is defined by them as turning on an aircraft searchlight in complete darkness. The spotter, as it were, announces for many kilometers - “here I am”, and the hunt begins for it. Simultaneously with the long-awaited shot, a coded signal is transmitted to the LCD via a radio channel (for this, a synchronization device was needed), and the target designator starts timing. If, for example, "Msta-S" shoots from a maximum range of 20 km, then the projectile would fly for more than a minute. Immediately after exiting the barrel, Krasnopol deploys stabilizers. At the top of the trajectory, the accelerating engine is turned on, the gyroscope is unlocked and spins up, the nose aerodynamic rudders are extended, and the fairing of the optical homing head is dropped. The stage of inertial guidance of the projectile begins. 5-12 seconds before approaching, the LCD illuminates the target, and at a distance of 2.5 km, Krasnopol begins to switch to homing mode. If the target is a modern tank, then, having detected the backlight, the tank instantly shoots an aerosol cloud that is opaque to lasers and tries to leave the firing zone. If this is a fortified position of militants, then in a few seconds with a probability of 90% it would cease to exist. Ammunition with impulse correction ("Daredevil" and "Centimeter") behave differently. RCIC technology provides for correction at the final (20–600 meters) section of the ballistic trajectory. To do this, in the central part of the ammunition, in the region of the center of application of aerodynamic forces (center of pressure), nozzles of solid rocket ["powder jet"] engines are located perpendicular to the axis of the projectile - two for the Daredevil and four for the Centimeter. Pulse engines - when turned on, one powder engine burns out completely, of which the Daredevil has three per nozzle, and the Centimeter has two per nozzle. Due to the fact that the projectiles rotate in flight, a trajectory correction is achieved with a few pulses. Each technology has its pros and cons. "Krasnopol" allows firing at longer distances (20 km versus 15 km) - the presence of an accelerating jet engine affects. But "Santimeter" allows shooting direct fire at 800 meters, while "Krasnopol" has a minimum range of 4 km. On the other hand, using expensive high-precision direct-fire ammunition is rather pointless if conventional projectiles can be dispensed with. If the correction system of the Krasnopol flying over a significant part of the trajectory in the planning mode fails, the projectile deviates significantly from the target. "Centimeter" in the same scenario behaves like an ordinary unguided projectile. "Krasnopol" starts a smooth correction of the trajectory for 2.5 km and has a greater maneuver for sampling the deviation from the target than the "Santimeter", which starts the correction from 600 meters. In other words, the artillery system with the Centimeter is forced to shoot more accurately. To put it even simpler, Krasnopol is firing without sighting, and for the probability of being hit by the Centimeter of 0.9, it is strongly recommended to fire 1-2 sighting projectiles at the target area. These features of both shells also have a downside - the Krasnopol spotter is forced to highlight the target from 5 to 12 seconds, and the Centimeter - from one to three, which greatly increases its chances of survival. The smooth and continuous steering of the Krasnopol provides it with greater hit accuracy than the impulse Centimeter. Theoretically, "Krasnopol" can hit the mark. "Krasnopol" is a complex device with precision mechanics - a kind of Swiss watch that needs to be manually adjusted. There are practically no mechanics in Centimeter, the technology is designed for robotic production, which makes it 2-3 times cheaper. Advertising A glass in the morning and that's it! In a month, 19 kg of age-related fat would go ... More Advertising Bokeria: "Want to lower your blood pressure? Stop adding to food..." More Advertising From August 18, every resident of Alexandria with diabetes has the right to... More By the way, a simpler device simplifies the life of gunners. We have already described the actions of the loader when using Krasnopol. When using the "Centimeter", he needs to perform only two actions: set the homing start time on the onboard clock (usually 3 seconds before approaching the target) and switch the fuse to the "Instant" ("Slow") mode by default. Another advantage of the Centimeter is salvo fire. "Krasnopoli" due to planning fly up to the target unevenly, and the smoke from the explosions of the first projectile, as a rule, interferes with laser target designation for subsequent projectiles. A volley of 3-6 guns with Centimeters would reach the target almost simultaneously. As can be seen from the above, guided artillery weapons are at the very beginning of their journey. The preparation time for a shot is so long that the tank would simply have time to leave while the spotter would deal with ballistic tables, and the loader would wield screwdrivers and wrenches. Even the manufacturers themselves do not recommend shooting at targets moving faster than 30 km/h. But against the partisans, these shells work perfectly: "Centimeter" and "Smelchak" have proven themselves well in Afghanistan, and in Chechnya Krasnopol also joined them. However, there is no need to talk about the massive use of both guided and corrected ammunition in the Russian army - they simply do not exist there. As manufacturers themselves admit, government orders are received extremely rarely, so there is no way to expand mass production. Foreign experts estimate the army stocks of such shells as "negligible". Nevertheless, the Ametekh STC, which produces guided projectiles, is ready to equip tank guns with its system, as well as to refine the S-8, S-13, S-24 unguided rocket systems and OFAB 100-120 corrective blocks. Ideally, such complexes should be fully automated: unmanned aerial vehicles search for and highlight targets, preliminary settings are entered into shells by computer, and the heroic profession of “spotter” is a thing of the past. Like, for example, the "rear carriage conductor" in commuter trains. Hit with the first shot To reduce the consumption of shells and time while expanding the combat capabilities of artillery in the Soviet Union in the 70s. work was launched on the creation of complexes with corrected and guided projectiles of high accuracy of destruction. Currently, laser guidance is mainly used in such systems. Two complexes of high-precision weapons for hitting small targets from closed firing positions were adopted by the Ground Forces in the 80s. These are first-generation laser-guided guided artillery weapons systems Daredevil and Centimeter (characteristics in Table 1). At present, the reorganized successor enterprise, which received the name - JSC NTC "AMETEH" (Scientific and Technical Center "Automation and Mechanization of Technologies"), is responsible for the development and improvement of these ammunition. The first set of laser-guided corrective artillery weapons for 240-mm mortars 1K113 "Smelchak" was put into service in 1983, designed to destroy armored vehicles in concentration areas, launchers and artillery systems in firing positions, command and control centers and communications, long-term defensive structures , bridges and ferries. The complex is used with 240-mm mortars M-240 and 2S4 "Tulpan" from the reserve of the High Command, which reinforce military armies and corps during combat operations. The complex "Smelchak" includes: shot 3V84 (2VF4) with a 240-mm corrected high-explosive shell 3F5; laser designator-rangefinder 1D15 or 1D20 (characteristics in Table 2); means of synchronization 1F35K and 1A35I; means of communication R-107M, R-108M, TA-57; 240-mm towed mortar M-240 or 240-mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 "Tulip". At the head of the shell there is a correction unit, which is equipped with aerodynamic rudders to orient the axis of the optical element to the target. The flight path is corrected by turning on solid-propellant impulse engines located radially on the munition body, the correction time is 0.1-0.3 sec. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. A fire platoon usually includes two mortars, 200 rounds with 3F5 shells, and one laser designator-rangefinder. Complex "Smelchak" showed itself well in the fighting in Afghanistan. The flight path is corrected by turning on solid-propellant impulse engines located radially on the munition body, the correction time is 0.1-0.3 sec. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. A fire platoon usually includes two mortars, 200 rounds with 3F5 shells, and one laser designator-rangefinder. Complex "Smelchak" showed itself well in the fighting in Afghanistan. The flight path is corrected by turning on solid-propellant impulse engines located radially on the munition body, the correction time is 0.1-0.3 sec. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. A fire platoon usually includes two mortars, 200 rounds with 3F5 shells, and one laser designator-rangefinder. Complex "Smelchak" showed itself well in the fighting in Afghanistan. Read more: Aviation guided bomb GBU-24 (USA) The second complex of laser-guided corrective artillery weapons for 152-mm howitzer guns 2K24 "Santimeter" is also designed to destroy armored vehicles in places where launchers and artillery systems are concentrated at firing positions, command and control posts, long-term defensive structures, bridges and crossings. The system was used with D-20 howitzer guns. The Centimeter complex includes: 3VOF63 and 3VOF66 shots with a 152-mm 3OF38 high-explosive fragmentation projectile; laser designator-rangefinder 1D15 (1D20); synchronization means 1A35K (weight 1.2 kg) and 1A35I (weight 2.5 kg); means of communication R-107M, R-108M, TA-57; 152-mm gun-howitzer D-20. According to its design, the 3OF38 corrected projectile is almost similar to the 3F5 shell, the projectile correction time is 0.05-0.3 seconds. A fire platoon usually includes three howitzer cannons, 300 shots with 3OF38 shells, and one laser designator-rangefinder. The consumption of shells to hit a typical target is 1-3 units. The 1D15 device is carried in two packs with a total weight of 60 kg; a lighter 1D20 device weighing 30 kg can be used in the complex. They illuminate the target for 3 seconds. at a distance of 200 m to 5 km. At present, as was shown at MAKS-99, an additional 2S3 self-propelled howitzer and a 2S5 self-propelled gun are used for firing projectiles; the option of using a projectile from 155-mm foreign artillery systems is being worked out. in the complex, a lighter device 1D20 weighing 30 kg can be used. They illuminate the target for 3 seconds. at a distance of 200 m to 5 km. At present, as was shown at MAKS-99, an additional 2S3 self-propelled howitzer and a 2S5 self-propelled gun are used for firing projectiles; the option of using a projectile from 155-mm foreign artillery systems is being worked out. in the complex, a lighter device 1D20 weighing 30 kg can be used. They illuminate the target for 3 seconds. at a distance of 200 m to 5 km. At present, as was shown at MAKS-99, an additional 2S3 self-propelled howitzer and a 2S5 self-propelled gun are used for firing projectiles; the option of using a projectile from 155-mm foreign artillery systems is being worked out. To use corrected ammunition, a given target must be illuminated with a laser. This can be done from ground reconnaissance and target designation points or from aviation (helicopters, airplanes). After capturing the target of the semi-active seeker, the Smelchak and Centimeter ammunition change its flight trajectory according to a given program using correction engines. With all the advantages of guided weapons (low consumption of projectiles (min), high probability of destruction, short time to complete the task, etc.), laser-guided projectiles also have significant disadvantages: target illumination unmasks the location of the command and observation post and allows the enemy to counteract aiming at the target using an active protection system and aerosol camouflage curtains; difficulties with the use of projectiles at the maximum firing range due to the need for illumination from ground points from a distance of only 3 km; special requirements for landscape conditions for target illumination due to the need for direct target sighting, that is, neither hillocks, nor trees, nor bushes, etc. should interfere with the passage of the laser beam. For the first time, the Smelchak and Centimeter complexes were presented at arms exhibitions in September 1993 in Nizhny Novgorod (Autumn-93), Ankara (Idef-93) and MAKS-93. At the international exhibition MAKS-99 in Zhukovsky JSC, the AMETEKH Research and Development Center proposed a similar system of adjustable artillery weapons for 120-mm and 160-mm mortars. Advertising A spoon before bed and that's it! In a week, 13 kg of age-related fat would go ... More Advertising 93-year-old urologist: "With a weak potency, we recommend this method to everyone!" More Advertising Named the cheapest and sweetest fat burner! More In the same place, the STC “Automation and Mechanization of Technologies” presented new modernized versions of the Smelchak-M and Centimeter-M guided artillery weapons. As laser designators in these complexes, the 1D20M device would be used, the illumination time is 1-3 seconds. In the complexes of the first generation, guided projectiles were used. In the new complexes of the second generation, the task was to create a guided artillery projectile. This problem in the Soviet Union was first solved by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (KBP), which developed, under the leadership of the chief designer Babichev, a 152-mm Krasnopol guided projectile (characteristics in Table 3) with semi-active laser homing. The homing head was created and produced by the Leningrad NPO LOMO. It surpasses the well-known American projectile "Copperhead" in many characteristics. The Krasnopol guided artillery weapon system for 152-mm D-20, 2S3M, 2S19, 2A65 howitzers is designed to engage small ground targets moving at speeds up to 10 m/s, when firing from closed firing positions with the use of target illumination by a beam of a laser designator-range finder. When used, the consumption of ammunition is reduced by 10-15 times and the time to complete the fire mission by 5-10 times compared to conventional high-explosive fragmentation shells. The probability of hitting a target with one projectile is 0.9. The complex "Krasnopol" includes: 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation guided projectile 3OF39 with two types of charges (# 1-54-ZhN-546 and reduced variable - 54-Zh546U); laser designator-rangefinder 1D15 (1D20 or 1D22). The production of the complex is organized in the Izhmash joint-stock company. The 3OF39 projectile is homing by a laser beam reflected from a target, which is illuminated by an observer-gunner using a target designator-rangefinder of the 1D15 (1D20) type, etc. The projectile is controlled by aerodynamic rudders. The Krasnopol complex can be used at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level, at temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees. At the MAKS-99 exhibition, KBP proposed a variant of the Krasnopol 155-mm caliber guided projectile. Another set of guided artillery weapons of the second generation for 120-mm guns "Kitolov-2" ensures the defeat of lightly armored moving and stationary targets and engineering structures with the first shot without sighting. It was developed in the KBP and is designed to arm self-propelled guns of the 2S9, 2S23 and other types, which are designed to equip battalion and airborne artillery. The probability of hitting a single armored target is 0.8-0.9. The range of laser target designation is up to 7 km. Currently, a 122-mm guided projectile “Kitolov-2M” is being created for arming self-propelled howitzers 2S1 “Gvozdika”. The homing head for the Kitolov-2M projectile was created and is being produced by the St. Petersburg JSC LOMO. The most important step in the development of domestic high-precision artillery weapons was the creation in the KBP of the Krasnopol-M guided projectile, which retained the main tactical and operational properties of its predecessor, the Krasnopol projectile. At the same time, the new projectile has a lower weight and dimensions, practically corresponding to conventional 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. The homing head for the projectile was created and is being produced by the St. Petersburg JSC LOMO. The new "Krasnopol-M" in terms of efficiency-cost is 2.2 times superior to the American "Copperhead". The design of the Krasnopol-M projectile allows it to be placed in regular ammunition racks of 152-mm and 155-mm self-propelled artillery mounts, to provide their automated loading, etc. The probability of hitting a single target is 0.9. The main performance characteristics of the systems of corrected artillery weapons, their shells and mines https://forum.guns.ru/forummessage/36/2666565-39.html">Weapon indices (GRAU, GAU, etc.) © 2023, ????????? ????? ????????! ?????? ??? ??????????? ???????????! | ????????: legguns.ru The anti-aircraft missile system is ideal for protecting columns on the march, stationary objects, checkpoints, airfields, bridges, armored and other equipment from enemy air strikes. The air defense system is distinguished by high survivability, secrecy of combat work, a large ammunition load of anti -aircraft guided missiles and the ability to place a launcher on various carriers with a payload capacity of 3.5 tons or more. ground technology. https://tvzvezda.ru/news/tags/?q=%D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BD

    Automatic Grenade Launchers
    (Avtomatichesky Granatomet Stankovy - AGS)

    AGS-176G30 Plamya 30mm revolver grenade launcher
    AGS-306S19 Atlant 30mm automatic grenade launcher
    AGS-406G27 Balkan 40mm automatic grenade launcher
    TKB-067ballistic weapon for a grenade launcher
    TKB-068ballistic weapon for a grenade launcher
    TKB-07140-mm mounted infantry automatic grenade launcher konstr. Demidov
    TKB-07330-mm mounted infantry automatic grenade launcher design. Sokolova
    TKB-07440 mm Silin automatic grenade launcher for armored vehicles
    TKB-07540 mm Alekseev automatic grenade launcher for helicopters and aircraft
    TKB-010973-mm gun 2A41 "Zarnitsa"
    TKB-0130four-barreled grenade launcher with a rotating block of barrels
    TKB-0133 30-mm four-barreled aviation anti-personnel grenade launcher for a high-power shot
    TKB-0133K30-mm four-barreled aviation anti-personnel grenade launcher for a high-power shot
    TKB-0134Kozlik grenade launcher 1990s, cancelled
    TKB-015340 mm Trukhachev six-shot anti-personnel grenade launcher under the VOG-25
    TKB-015540-mm four-barreled aviation anti-personnel grenade launcher
    TKB-0155A40-mm four-barreled aviation anti-personnel grenade launcher with liquid-cooled
    TKB-0155B45-mm four-barreled aviation anti-personnel grenade launcher
    TKB-0165turret machine-gun launcher BGPU with TKB-0133 and NSV-12.7 for infantry fighting vehicles
    TKB-018530-mm lightweight automatic grenade launcher Yurishchev
    TKB-0225 40-mm automatic grenade launcher 6G28 "Balkan" for installation on armored vehicles (R&D "Ramka")
    TKB-0245launcher RShG-1 and RShG-2
    Automatic grenade launchers (Avtomatichesky Granatomet Stankovy — mounted automatic grenade launcher) have long proved their effectiveness as a means of defeating enemy personnel and have firmly taken their place in the armed forces of almost all countries. After all, an automatic grenade launcher, due to the possibility of conducting serial mounted fire, well “covers” enemy manpower and firepower, located not only in open areas, but also hidden by terrain folds, and a wide range of ammunition allows to perform a variety of tasks: from fragmentation destruction of manpower to installation of a smoke screen. Grenade launchers are medium weapons that launch small grenades. Because of small volume, strong firepower, and strong face killing power, the model is mainly used for destroying living targets and light armor targets in open areas and masking workers, and provides firepower support for infantry. Due to the unique role of the grenade launcher on modern battlefields, the grenade launcher not only is quite widely used, but also is continuously improved and developed in competition with other medium weapons, and becomes one of important combat weapons in future war. In the ammunition feed devices of existing automatic grenade launchers, the positioning of the projectiles is achieved by the feed ports themselves, the surface of the projectile receiver cover, the ejection disengaging teeth, the positioning teeth, etc. The bullet receiving cover and the receiver cover are integrated parts, the bullet receiving cover and the receiver cover are long and heavy, the receiver cover is inconvenient to operate, a bullet cannot be reliably fixed in place, the bullet is difficult to withdraw from the bullet receiving box when the bullet clamping fault occurs, and meanwhile, a machine body in front of the bullet supplying box is directly contacted with the bullet, so that the bullet is easy to crash. The first automatic grenade launcher was adopted by the Americans. In 1967, the US Navy Weapons Laboratory (US Naval Ordnance Station Louisville) created a sample of an automatic grenade launcher for 40 × 53 mm ammunition. In the summer of 1968, the first three Mk.19 mod.0 grenade launchers were sent to Vietnam. The Soviet Union did not lag behind the United States, and the Soviet “response to Chamberlain” was the 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AGS-17 “Flame”, which was put into service two years after the American. "Flame" with a smaller caliber of 30 mm versus 40 mm for an American had a greater effective range (by 200 meters) and almost half the weight (31 kg versus 55 kg for Mk.19), but a grenade launcher in combat conditions is supposed not only to transport on cars, but also to carry on hands. However, the "Flame" mastered all the elements and was installed as part of the GUV-1 aviation cannon container on helicopters. An important factor in a weapon is its reliability. War usually takes place on rough terrain, among dust and mud, when it rains and angry mosquitoes fly around. Not a very comfortable environment. American designers forgot about this, and in fact the Vietnamese story with the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the M16 rifle was repeated. The American Mk.19, like the M16, often jammed. Automatic grenade launchers are effective and modern melee weapons and they required constant modernization. In the early 1990s, both Russia and the United States almost simultaneously began to develop a new generation of automatic grenade launchers, but perestroika and the ensuing geopolitical tragedy - the collapse of the USSR made their own adjustments. Russian programs were suspended due to underfunding. The cardinal change in the nature of wars in the direction of the predominance of local wars and the suppression of the hotbeds of terrorism, entailed the need to develop new firearms and ammunition systems to increase the effectiveness of close combat. In 2006, the United States adopted a new, much more advanced automatic grenade launcher system Mk.47 Striker (Mark 47 Advanced Lightweight Grenade Launcher (ALGL). Mk.47 allows the use of 40 × 53 mm grenades of the NATO standard. It has a maximum range of up to 2200 m and computer sighting system from "Raytheon" with an LCD display. The grenade launcher, according to Western concepts, has “lost weight” and now weighs 41 kg without ammunition. The principle of its operation is the same as that of the Mk.19, and is based on the use of the recoil energy of the free stroke of the shutter. Shooting is carried out from an open shutter. Ammunition is fed from an M16 loose belt with a metal link. The 40 mm automatic easel grenade launcher began to be developed at the end of the Soviet era at the Tula Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO). But the experimental TKB-0134 Kozlik grenade launcher fell under the perestroika-shootouts of the 1990s and jumped to almost complete oblivion. But good ideas do not die, and the backlog of the Soviet defense industry has become again in demand today, when it was necessary to increase the range and effectiveness of the firing of "pocket artillery" of the front line. Russian designers went their own way and, despite all the difficulties, created a masterpiece in the field of automatic grenade launchers. His name is 6S19 "Balkan". This is a completely new type of automatic grenade launcher systems with a new type of ammunition. "Balkan" has a caliber of 40 mm and has among the automatic grenade launchers the world's highest performance and ammunition power. The maximum firing range of the Balkan is 2500 m versus 2200 m for the Mk.47, the fragmentation efficiency is almost twice as high as that of the beloved brainchild of the American military-industrial complex. Another very important factor is the weight of the grenade launcher and its reliability. Because war is mud, bad weather and angry mosquitoes. It is not always possible to carry a heavy grenade launcher on a large "Hummer" with air conditioning, sometimes you need to pick it up and run through the mud, drag the grenade launcher, bed and ammunition in full gear. The difference in weight between our "Balkan" (32 kg) and the US Mk.47 mod.3 (41 kg) at a distance of a couple of kilometers will make NATO fighters run slowly, while sweating a lot. Now reliability. We return to Kalashnikov and M16, and history repeats itself. The kinematics of the Mk.47 mod.0, based on the use of the recoil energy of the freewheel of the shutter, often jammed in the field after a long burst. Subsequent improvements, although they increased the reliability of the grenade launcher, did not completely solve the problem. His illness remained and it cannot be cured on an outpatient basis - a radical surgical intervention is required. The 6S19 "Balkan" has a different principle of operation. First of all, it has a caseless mortar-type grenade and uses gas-operated automatics, in which the drummer, kinematically connected to the bolt carrier, plays the role of a gas piston. The use of such a constructive solution allows more efficient use of the warhead of the grenade and thereby significantly increases the power of the shot. The absence of an extractable cartridge case makes it possible to create a grenade launcher without an extraction mechanism, which greatly simplifies its mechanics. Grenades are supplied from the factory in loose bands with a capacity of 20 shots, 3 bands in a shipping container. The grenade launcher is mounted on a tripod, which is a modified AGS-17 grenade launcher with a seat for the shooter mounted on the rear supports. The Balkan grenade launcher is standardly equipped with an optical sight with night illumination of the aiming mark. Currently, the views of NATO strategists on the use of automatic grenade launchers in combat have undergone an adjustment. The experience of warfare gained in Afghanistan and Iraq was taken into account. The fighting in these countries has clearly demonstrated that the fire capabilities of infantry units need to be strengthened. For this, automatic grenade launchers are needed, which, together with heavy machine guns, are today assigned the role of the main means of fire support for infantry during combat at distances that exceed the range of conventional small arms. AGS-40 6G27 "Balkan" 40mm automatic grenade launcher The anti-personnel 40-mm grenade launcher "Balkan" is a novelty of Rostec and the latest development of domestic grenade launchers. Thes new automatic grenade launcher was developed in Russia to replace the faithfully worked out AGS-17 and AGS-30. It provides an increase in the firing range by more than 25% in comparison with the standard 30-mm complexes AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30. - The Balkan grenade launcher system was recommended for adoption based on the results of the experimental military operation planned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for 2017. Automatic easel grenade launcher "Balkan" (GRAU index 6G27) traces its lineage to the experimental 40mm grenade launcher TKB-0134 "Kozlik", developed in the Tula TsKIB SOO in the eighties of the last century. When developing the TKB-0134 grenade launcher, the task was to significantly increase the firing range and efficiency compared to the standard AGS-17 30mm automatic grenade launcher at that time. To achieve the task, the developers increased the caliber of the weapon to 40mm, also using a caseless ammunition design with a “flying away” cartridge case, which is non-standard for this class of weapon (the propellant chamber is an integral part of the grenade body and flies out of the barrel along with it)., however, grenades for TKB-0134 had about twice the mass and a significantly longer firing range. In the early 1990s, V.N.Telesh completed such a project. However, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the development was greatly delayed. True, the designers are consoled by the fact that the Ministry of Defense had not yet lost interest in the Balkan. Yes, this is understandable: after all, compared with the best foreign grenade launcher of the same caliber - the American Mk19MZ - it was twice as effective and as much lighter. It is worth adding that the Russian 40-mm caseless ammunition is three times more powerful than the American cartridge case of the same caliber. By the way, the problem of stability was solved here simply: by placing the shooter on a seat arranged between the rear supports of the machine. They fire from it from the "lying", "sitting" and "kneeling" positions, it is not necessary to make the weapon heavier, and when carried, a flat seat, rather than angular supports, is attached to the fighter's back. the development of the Balkan grenade launcher system, which includes the 6G27 easel automatic grenade launcher and 40mm caseless rounds for it 7P39, is in charge of FSUE GNPP Pribor, the main developer of ammunition for automatic grenade launchers and small-caliber automatic guns in Russia. In 2008, Pribor supplied 6 Balkan grenade launchers and the required amount of ammunition for testing in the Russian Armed Forces. NPK Tekhmash of the state corporation Rostec said that they planned in 2018 to carry out research work on the creation of 40-millimeter grenade launcher rounds, which received the preliminary name "Rapprochement". "Smart" ammunition will allow for pre-contact or controlled remote detonation at the target through the use of modern electronic explosive devices. This will help increase the area affected by fragments and generally increase the effectiveness of the weapon. In 2019 the Pribor Research and Production Association, which is part of the Tekhmash concern of the Rostec Group of Companies, began manufacturing remotely detonated ammunition for the Balkan grenade launcher. They will be required for state testing. The 40 mm automatic easel grenade launcher began to be developed at the end of the Soviet era at the Tula Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO). But the experimental TKB-0134 Kozlik grenade launcher fell under the perestroika-shootouts of the 1990s and jumped to almost complete oblivion. But good ideas do not die, and the backlog of the Soviet defense industry has become again in demand today, when it was necessary to increase the range and effectiveness of the firing of "pocket artillery" of the front line. The role of the gas piston in the automatic gas-operated automatic grenade launcher "Balkan" is performed by a drum rigidly connected to the bolt frame. Such a technical solution became possible due to the lack of a separate cartridge case for regular 7P39 grenades. The chamber of the propellant charge is an integral part of the body of the grenade and flies out of the barrel along with it. Shooting from the "Balkan" is carried out from an open shutter. When the bolt group arrives in the forward position, the bolt carrier with the drummer continues to move forward under the action of the return spring, turning the bolt to lock it. The striker then strikes the grenade primer. At the time of the shot, powder gases escaping from the bottom of the grenade put pressure on the end part of the drummer, pushing it and the bolt frame associated with it back. When the grenade leaves the barrel and the pressure in it drops, the bolt carrier rolls back - just enough to turn the bolt and unlock it. After that, the entire bolt group rolls back by inertia. The grenade launcher is fed with ammunition from loose metal strips fed from right to left. Grenades are delivered to the troops already equipped in ribbons with a capacity of 20 shots each, two ribbons in each transport box. For firing, the tape is placed in a round container adjacent to the body of the grenade launcher on the right. "Balkan" is mounted on a tripod with a seat for the shooter mounted on its rear supports. The grenade launcher is standardly equipped with an optical sight. For firing, the tape is placed in a round container adjacent to the right side of the grenade launcher body. Shooting can be carried out with single shots, short bursts of up to five shots, long bursts of up to ten shots, and continuous fire is also possible. Compared to the AGS-17 and AGS-30 grenade launchers, the 40-mm Balkan grenade launcher has a significantly increased firing range: from 1,700 to 2,500 meters. And the effectiveness of hitting targets has doubled. Such a successful automatic grenade launcher with super-efficient 7P39 grenades can be useful for defeating open manpower and manpower located behind the reverse slopes of the terrain and in open engineering structures, not only on the ground.
    Type automatic mounted grenade launcher A country Russia Service History Years of operation since 2017 (plan) Production history Constructor FSUE GNPP "Pribor" Designed 1990s Years of production since 2008 Characteristics Weight, kg Grenade launcher with machine and scope - 32 Box with 20 grenades - 14 Caliber , mm 40 Rate of fire ,shots / min 400 (in bursts) Muzzle velocity, m/s 225 Maximumrange, m 2500 AGS-30 6S19 "Atlant" 30mm automatic grenade launcher The AGS-30 (Avtomatichesky Granatomet Stankovy — mounted automatic grenade launcher) is a Russian-designed weapon in production in the Russian Federation and in service with the Russian armed forces. Designed on the basis of AGS-17, the AGS-30 provides better mobility, longer range and better accuracy during firing. Significantly lighter than its previous version but far more advanced and powerful, the AGS-30 weighs 30 kg loaded, meaning it can be carried by one person. Using a specially designed GPD-30 grenade, recently put into serial production, the AGS-30 can engage targets at 2100 m. Recoil is lessened with a much smoother grenade ejection mechanism. An adjustable SAG-30 tripod mount (GRAU index 6P17) is also included. The effective radius of continuous destruction of the enemy with regular VOG-30 ammunition remained the same as that of the AGS-17 with its VOG-17 and VOG-17M grenades - seven meters. After the dissolution of the USSR, Russia found itself in a difficult position in the First Chechen war. After the success of the AGS-17 in Afghanistan, the KBP Instrument Design Bureau immediately began work on the new grenade launcher. The Russian army needed a weapon that could easily flush militants out of their fortified building hideouts, leveling them in seconds. The new design proved to be reliable and lethal. Another improvement to the weapon is its ability to stay undetectable by the enemy—reduced sound when firing, reduced flash and the lightning speed of the grenade make the AGS-30 very hard to detect. It can be operated from almost everywhere—from attaching it to a window, to mud and grassy surfaces. Officially adopted in 2002. Adopted by the Russian Interior Ministry Troops. It is known that the AGS-30 thirty-millimeter automatic grenade launcher system is designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy firepower located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and beyond the natural folds of the terrain (in hollows, ravines, on reverse slopes) (thirty-millimeter automatic AGS-30 grenade launcher. Moreover, for firing from a grenade launcher, shots with a fragmentation grenade VOG-17, VOG-17M, VOG-30, GPD-30 are used. The VOG-17, VOG-30 and GPD-30 shots are equipped with a semi-preset type main mechanical fuse with a pyrotechnic long-range cocking mechanism, including a device for self-liquidation. In this case, the self-liquidation mechanism is activated from overloads when fired. Fuses of these types of grenades are cocked at a distance of 10-60 m from the muzzle of the grenade launcher, which provides additional safety when firing. These shots in all respects comply with stringent Russian standards and are produced in series. At the same time, in spite of the smaller caliber and weight compared to foreign grenades, the striking effectiveness of these shots is higher. However, the maximum firing range of the AGS-17 and AGS-30 grenade launcher systems with the use of the VOG-17 and VOG-30 shots so far does not exceed 1730 m, which is significantly less than the corresponding indicator of foreign grenade launchers. When firing a firing pin, a grenade launcher breaks the igniter capsule, which ignites the powder charge. Under the influence of powder gases, a grenade is thrown out of the bore and with the help of grooves in the bore is rotated around its axis. After the grenade leaves the barrel at a distance of 10-60 m (VOG-17) or 20-100 m (VOG-17M) from the muzzle, the fuse and self-destruction mechanism are cocked, and when they meet the obstacle, the fuse detonates, causing detonation of the explosive charge of the grenade, while the spring and the body of the grenade are crushed into fragments that hit manpower. In case of failure in the action of the fuse from the striking mechanism, after a predetermined time from the moment of the shot, the self-destruction mechanism is activated, which activates the detonation circuit of the fuse, due to which a grenade is detonated. Shooting from a grenade launcher is carried out along a flat or mounted trajectory, in short (up to 5 shots), long (up to 10 shots) bursts and continuously. The rate of fire from a grenade launcher is at least 400 rounds per minute. The supply of shots when firing is made from a box with a capacity of 30 shots, equipped with a link tape. The aiming range from a grenade launcher with VOG-17, VOG-17M shots is 1700 m. At the same time, firing from a grenade launcher, as a rule, is direct fire along a lay trajectory at targets at distances up to 700 m. Separate firing tasks are carried out indirectly from closed firing positions. If the target is located in open trenches, trenches, and behind shelters (in hollows, ravines, and on reverse slopes), firing at ranges from 1000 to 1700 m is usually carried out along a hinged path. In this case, the accuracy of shooting along the flat path on a point target is significantly higher than when shooting with a mounted trajectory. In addition, when shooting at a range of up to 700 m, adjustments for changes in temperature and air pressure, longitudinal wind, derivation and elevation of the target (when the firing position is at small angles) are usually not taken into account, which greatly simplifies firing. Thus, when shooting a flat trajectory, the firing task is faster, more reliable, with less ammunition and time. The advantages of mounted shooting are the angles of approach of the grenades to the target (falling angles), which are large compared to the flat trajectory, which provides more rational conditions for the formation of a fragmentation field and a large area of destruction, as well as the possibility of hitting manpower located behind shelters and in terrain folds. VOG-17, VOG-17M type shots equipped with VMG-M instant-response head fuses or with a known small-sized type fuse from patent RU 2242704 of 07/08/2003, provide a fairly effective defeat of openly located manpower. At the same time, manpower located on a flat open area outside shelters and observed at ranges up to 700 m from the firing position is especially vulnerable. In this case, manpower is struck from automatic grenade launchers by regular shots in the above ways. However, when manpower is located in shelters, in trenches, trenches, in natural folds of the terrain (hollows, ravines) or with a constant change of location (appearing target), the effectiveness of the fire is significantly reduced and the consumption of ammunition needed to suppress or defeat the target increases sharply. In this case, the effectiveness of the fire can be increased due to the remote action of the ammunition, which ensures the detonation of the grenade non-contact, at a certain height (up to several meters) above the target, in front of the target or behind the target. With such an operation of ammunition, the emerging fragmentation field affects any target below the point of detonation.

    AGS-17 Plamya / "Flame" 6G30 30mm revolver grenade launcher

    The AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher (Avtomatichesky Granatomet Stankovy — mounted automatic grenade launcher) has proved to be an efficient infantry close fire support weapon. It is designed to kill enemy manpower and thin-skin weapon systems in the open or behind various covers. In addition to the tripod-mounted infantry version, there are also models designed to be fitted on helicopters, armoured boats, remotely controlled platforms of fortified area pillboxes, and armour. An automatic grenade launcher prototype was developed in the USSR on the eve of WWII, it was developed under the supervision of Ya. G. Taubin at the OKB-16 Design Bureau. However back then the automatic grenade launcher did not enter the inventory due to the vision of army commanders of the-then infantry tactics and misunderstanding of the role of the new weapon on the battlefield. The war in Vietnam offered a new incentive to the development of automatic grenade launchers. The idea to combine the rate of fire of a machine gun and the lethality of fragmentation rounds to discharge unique counter guerrilla warfare tasks resulted in several US companies developing various automatic grenade launchers. Such weapons were mounted on riverine patrol boats and helicopters to augment heavy machine guns. However, no final decision on fielding automatic grenade launchers with the US Armed Forces, despite certain combat experience, had been taken by the early 1970s. The USSR revived the concept of automatic grenade launchers after combat operations in Southeast Asia OKB-16 designers A. F. Kornyakov and V. Ya. Nemenov developed ?? automatic grenade launcher, designated AGS-17 after a number of improvements, m 1967 It was put info production at the Vyatskie Polyany-based M??hine Building Plant The VOG-17 grenade developed by the GSKBP State All-Union Design Bureau (later on transformed into the Bazalt State Research and Production Enterprise). The automatic grenade launcher entered service in 1971. The West was quite surprised to learn that Soviet motorized rifle battalions comprised grenade launcher platoons, armed with AGS-17s, in the early 1970s. The AGS-17 fires 30 mm VOG-17M (designed by Bazalt) and VOG-SO rounds (developed by Pribor) fragmentation rounds with impact fuses. The Tula-based ?BP Instrument Design Bureau developed the new GPD-S0 enhanced range and accuracy round in the early 2000s. A better ballistic coefficient of the grenade reduced its flight time, natural dispersion, and wind age. The AGS-17 is fed by a 29-round metal belt, stored in an ammunition box attached to the right side of the receiver. The launcher combat crew carries three ammunition boxes. The automatic grenade launcher is blow-back operated. The trigger assembly provides for both single-shot and automatic fire. The AGS-17 features a simple design and a high reliability in any operating conditions. The tripod mount is equipped with traversing and elevation mechanisms The front and the rear legs are adjustable, which allows the firing height to be varied and makes the automatic grenade launcher easy to operate under various circumstances. The AGS-17 can conduct both flat and curved fire it is fitted with the PAG-17 optical sight, ensuring accurate direct and indirect fire. The automatic grenade launcher is operated and carried by a three-man strong combat crew, comprising a commander, a gunner, and an ammunition carrier. In the travelling position the AGS-17 is knocked down into the following three major units: the grenade launcher proper, the mount with the sight, and ammunition boxes.  
    Specifications AGS-17 Caliber: 30 mm Rounds: VOG-17 (VOG-17M) Weight with a mount and w/o combat load: 18 kg Weight the mount: 12 kg Muzzle velocity of grenade: 185 m/sec Rate of fire: from 50-100 up to 420 rds/min Max range of fire: 1730 m Min range of high fire: 1000 m Cartridge-belt capacity: 29 rds   ????????: https://gunrf.ru/rg_granatomet_ags-17_eng.html Date of Introduction 1995 Country Of Origin Russia (RUS) Proliferation Algeria, Azerbaijan, India, Laos (People's Democratic Republic), Macedonia, Namibia, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Ukraine System Name AGS-30 Atlant Type Automatic Grenade Launcher Caliber 30 mm Manufacturer ZID In Service 1995-Present Length 1,165 mm Weight, Unloaded 16 kg Action Blowback Rate of Fire 400 round/min Muzzle Velocity 185 m/s Effective Firing Range 2,100 m Feed System 29 grenades belt Sights Adjustable telescopic sight, day-night sight, mechanical sight, portable radar Note Main service grenade launcher in the Russian Armed Forces. Completely replaced complex AGS-17 Ammunition Name VOG-17M Type HE Caliber 30 mm Armor Penetration INA Available Ammunition Options VOG-17M (HE) IO-30 (HE) IO-30TP (Practice) VOG-30 (HE) VOG-30D (HE) VUS-30 (Smoke) GPD-30 (HE) Basic Load 200 Rounds Variants System AG-30M Vehicle mounted version with electric trigger mechanism. The AGS-17 (Avtomatichesky Granatomet Stankovy — mounted automatic grenade launcher) is a heavy infantry support weapon designed to operate from a tripod or mounted on an installation or vehicle. The AGS-17 fires 30 mm grenades in either direct or indirect fire to provide suppressive and lethal fire support against soft-skinned or fortified targets. The weapon uses a blowback mechanism to sustain the operation. Rounds are fired through a removable (to reduce barrel stress) rifled barrel. The standard metal ammunition drum contains 29 linked rounds. The tripod is equipped with fine leveling gear for indirect fire trajectories. The 30mm AGS-17 Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL) has glorious battle history. The platform is extremely reliable but can also be easily maintained and fixed in the field, which is very important for regular troops. It's a perfect Automatic Grenade Launcher for offensive and defensive operations. The great destruction power combined with wide selection of 30mm grenade types considerably augment firepower and combat capabilities of any unit. AGS-17 has been tested all over the world under harshest weather conditions. It has been the weapon of choice for the Russian and Soviet Armed Forces since 1971, which proves its reliability, efficiency and durability. AGS-17A Remotely controlled aircraft mounted version with electric trigger mechanism. AGS-17D Remotely controlled vehicle mounted version with electric trigger mechanism. Date of Introduction 1970 Country Of Origin Russia (RUS) Proliferation Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Bulgaria, Chad, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, Finland, Georgia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ivory Coast, Latvia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Russian Federation, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Viet Nam AGS-17 Plamya 30mm Automatic Grenade Launcher Name AGS-17 Plamya Type Automatic Grenade Launcher Caliber 30 mm Manufacturer Molot plant Length 840 mm Diameter INA Weight 31 kg Action Blowback Muzzle Velocity 185 m/s Effective Firing Range 800 m to 1,700 m Rate of Fire 400 round/min Maximum Elevation +75 deg Minumum Elevation -5 deg Traverse Range 360 deg Traverse Left 180 deg Traverse Right 180 deg Feed System 29 grenades belt Sights Adjustable iron sights, optional mount required for optical sights Ammunition Type Grenade Caliber 30 mm Cartridge 30×29mm grenade Basic Load 400 ea https://en.topwar.ru/21431-vysokotochnyy-snaryad-kalibra-152mm-kvtnik-ukraina.html Artillery counter-battery systems Zoo 1L260 Contest Ruta Lynx Leopard Selenite Shturm-S Enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia do not have enough raw materials and capacity to mass-produce ammunition. This was stated 01 September 2023 on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel by Taras Zhovtenko, an international security expert of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation named after Ilka Kucheriva . “They obviously lack raw materials. That is, what our American partners are talking about, that in fact both North Korea and China can indirectly help the Russian Federation to cope with this problem by supplying raw materials for the production of the same ammunition. But again, we come back to the fact that, in fact, the Russian military industry during the decade under Putin, to put it mildly, did not receive what it should receive. And again, he is simply not ready to wage such a war, of such intensity,” the expert said. He noted that the Russian enterprises of the defense-industrial complex have not been technologically modernized, their budgets have been stolen, and it is impossible to make them work 24/7 immediately and provide the amount of products that the Russian army needs. “That is, even with the availability of supplies of these resources from the outside, it is unlikely that the Russian military-industrial complex will be able to establish the production of standard ammunition, we are not talking about high-precision ones now, for the needs of the Russian army in the near future. That is why there are stories that, for example, Shoigu in North Korea is asking for ready-made ammunition, because it is much faster to satiate the appetite of the Russian army, given how intensively they use this ammunition in this war,” said Zhovtenko. He also stated that the ammunition, which North Korea previously handed over not to the Russian regular army, but to mercenaries from the “Wagner” PMC, turned out to be of not very good quality. “And that’s when reports began to appear that these are the ammunition for MLRS handed over to North Korea, they are not of very good quality, that is, many of them remained unexploded, many of them were not fired, that’s how it should be. Well, that is, at this level, yes, indeed, there may be a lot of questions about the quality of the ammunition that Russia can get from North Korea. But in fact, now the number one priority for the Russian military leadership is simply to get the quantity of ammunition that is needed from the point of view of the needs of the Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine,” Zhovtenko said. 152mm ammunition is a crucial item in the Russian arsenal due to its use in a variety of howitzers used on the Ukrainian front, including the 2C35 Coalition-SV, 2A36 Hyacinth-B, 2A65 Msta-B, 2C3 Acacia, 2C5 Hyacinth-S and 2C19 Msta-S. Given the high consumption of this type of ammunition, Russia could have chosen to buy pieces of this specific caliber from China and the DPRK. China may have delivered a 152mm artillery shell to the Russian army, thus taking a side in the Ukrainian-Russian war, writes Turkish media SavunmaSanayiST.com, citing Twitter account Ukrainian Front. This media outlet specializes in news about the defense industry, international arms deals, and conflicts around the world. China, one of Russia’s biggest allies, kept quiet about the war for a long time. However, images circulating on social media show that China has finally started supplying ammunition to Russia. In early 2023, American sources first reported that North Korea was secretly supplying artillery shells to Russia. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu traveled to North Korea in July. Russia probably wants to buy 152-mm artillery shells from the DPRK, of which Pyongyang has a lot, Bloomberg wrote before Shoigu's visit to the DPRK. The US government cited the trip as further evidence that Moscow was seeking military assistance from Pyongyang. Russia and North Korea deny the supply of Korean weapons for the needs of the howling Russian army. https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG/Asset/1L220-U_(Zoopark-2)_Ukrainian_Artillery_Locating_Radar In Cameroon, President Paul Biya has ruled for over 40 years, maintaining his hold on power through sham elections and heavy-handed crackdowns on the opposition. President Denis Sassou Nguesso ruled Congo Republic for a total of 38 years. He changed the constitution in 2015 to extend term limits and was re-elected with 88% of the vote in 2021. "Zoo-1" radar (GRAU index 1L219M) The Russian complexes "Zoopark-1" (in domestic sources it is often referred to simply as "Zoo") and 1L260-E (also known as "Zoopark-1M") were developed by specialists from the Tula Research and Production Association (NPO) "Strela" (part of the Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey"). The main purpose of the complex is to determine the location of enemy fire weapons. For the "Zoo" the surrounding area with a radius of up to 45 kilometers will be observed. The list of assets that can be simultaneously detected is respectable: multiple rocket launchers, mortars, artillery pieces, tactical missile launchers, and so on. The complex can simultaneously track up to 12 targets, and the number of detected firing points per minute can reach up to 70. Interestingly, the "Zoo" can determine the exact location of both the launch and fall of an enemy projectile. Its software calculates the trajectory of a simulated missile and allows you to find out the specific target of a possible defeat. In modern troops, unmanned aerial vehicles are playing an increasing role. "Zoo-1M" ??can be used as a mobile "remote control" for drones and incidental observation of a possible enemy attack from the air. The complex itself is located on a multi-purpose armored tractor MT-LBu. The crew consists of 3 people who are reliably protected from bullets, shell fragments or chemical weapons. But in order to find the "Zoo", enemies will have to try very hard, because the complex uses a frequency maneuver - restructuring the operating frequency of the emitter of a radio engineering device. This trick allows to go unnoticed by enemy missiles. The mobility of the complex is achieved by its high speed of movement - up to 60 kilometers per hour, and its deployment time is only 5 minutes. The crew at this moment does not even need to leave the car, the automation will do everything itself. "Zoo-1" is a reconnaissance and fire control station (counter-battery radar). Designed for reconnaissance of firing positions of enemy rocket and artillery weapons ( mortar positions, artillery positions, MLRS positions, launchers of tactical missiles and air defense systems). "Zoo-1" calculates the trajectories of missiles and shells, is able to adjust the fire of its artillery, monitor the airspace and control unmanned aerial vehicles. The complex began to be designed in the USSR in the 1980s to replace the ARK-1 complex in the artillery troops (GRAU index 1RL239, "Lynx"), which was developed in the late 1970s. The new complex was placed on the basis of the chassis of the MT-LBu tractor , due to which it has an external resemblance to the ARK-1. To carry out work on the creation of the "Zoo", 2 enterprises were involved - the Research Institute "Strela" and the NPK "Iskra". The collapse of the USSR that followed soon led to the fact that these two enterprises ended up in different countries, where they independently continued to work, being now competitors. NPK Iskra, which turned out to beon the territory of Ukraine, continued work on the creation and modernization of the 1L220-U "Zoo-2" complex, based on a different chassis, with a greater target detection range, but less bandwidth and other software and hardware solutions. FSUE Research Institute "Strela" from the city of Tula continued work on the modernization of the "Zoo-1" complex (in particular, work was carried out to improve the communication system and software and hardware of this complex). The new complex, developed by the enterprise, received the index 1L219M (modernized) and was first introduced in 2002. The end of the military tests of the complex officially ended in 2008, a year earlier the complex had already been adopted by the Russian army. It is assumed that several such complexes could take part in the August 2008 events in South Ossetia. As part of modern Russian brigades, the complex is part of the control and artillery reconnaissance battery, which, according to the state, should have 3 such complexes. The purpose of the automated radar complex "Zoopark-1" is to determine the coordinates of the enemy's fire weapons ( firing mortars, artillery pieces, multiple launch rocket systems and tactical missile launchers) upon the fact of a shot or launch. Having fixed the shot and tracked the flight path of the projectile / missile, the complex issues target designations to its own means of fire destruction and controls the effectiveness of their firing. "Zoo-1" is able to simultaneously detect up to 70 different artillery positions per minute and give out their coordinates until the shells fall (during the first 20 seconds after the salvo), conduct simultaneous tracking of 12 targets, and carry out an automated exchange of incoming information with the control room. "Zoopark-1" is able to provide reconnaissance / control of firing positions of 81-120 mm mortars at a distance of 20 km / 22 km, firing positions of 105-155 mm artillery at a distance of 15 km / 20 km, firing positions of 122-240 caliber MLRS mm at a distance of 30 km / 35 km, firing positions of tactical missiles 40 km / 40 km. The complex has a high noise immunity and modular design. If necessary, this complex can be used to control the flight of UAVs, as well as monitor the control of their movement or the control of the flight of other aircraft in the area of ??responsibility. While at the airfield, tracking and accurate determination of the coordinates of aircraft can be provided, followed by data transfer to the control point in online mode . "Zoopark-1" has a sufficiently high survivability, which is achieved with the help of a short radar operating time for radiation, the use of means to counteract unintentional and intentional electronic interference, and fast tuning of the carrier frequency. The crew of the complex - 3 people - is protected by bulletproof and anti-fragmentation armor. RLC "Zoo-1" is located on one transport unit - an armored highly passable tracked tractor MT-LBu . Radar equipment, autonomous means of orientation and navigation, communications equipment, devices for inputting and processing digital maps of the area, as well as power supplies are deployed on its basis, which makes the complex highly mobile. The complex includes a 1L259M radar station based on the MT-LBu caterpillar tractor, a maintenance vehicle (MTO) of the 1I30 complex for repair and maintenance work based on the Ural-43203 vehicle, an ED30-T230P-1 RPM-1 power plant on a trailer 2- PN-2 for carrying out routine and training work, as well as autonomous means of topographic location and orientation. 1L259M is a 3-coordinate monopulse radar with a phased antenna array (PAR), which provides combat work together with a high-speed TsVS - a digital computer system with advanced software. The radar station implements an overview of the area of ??responsibility in the target search or fire control mode using discrete beam scanning in a sector of up to 90 degrees in the horizontal and up to 1.8 degrees in the vertical planes with a constant elevation angle of 40 degrees. The radar is able to automatically detect flying mines, shells and missiles, track them and carry out trajectory measurements. Based on the results of these measurements, an assessment is made of the movement of the flight of projectiles, the class of firing systems is determined, and the coordinates of enemy firing positions are calculated with an accuracy sufficient for effective counter-battery combat (in the target reconnaissance mode). The points of impact of own weapons are also calculated (in the control mode). At the same time, messages are generated and transmitted with data on enemy firing positions, as well as the results of firing own weapons at the command post of automated missile systems and an artillery battalion. As part of the 1L259M radar there are autonomous means of topographic location , orientation and navigation, which provide, during movement or parking, the determination of the azimuth and coordinates of the station location in a single coordinate system. The radar is equipped with an interface for operation in the command and control system. The central air defense system of this complex provides high automation of the entire process of combat work and allows you to detect and track up to 12 targets simultaneously, as well as reveal the coordinates of enemy firing positions from which simultaneous, intense fire is being conducted. The power supply of the complex is carried out using a mobile power plant EDZO-T230P-1RPM with a capacity of 30 kW (during the training of the calculation and maintenance work) or from a generator that takes power from the propulsion engine (in the conditions of combat operation of the complex). Small-sized KBB radars designed to be carried by combat crew personnel or placed on vehicles. Such radars are used primarily to detect the positions of firing mortars and mortar batteries, as well as reconnaissance of ground moving targets and even the detection of low-flying drones. In addition, they allow you to control the firing of their artillery and mortars in cases where the use of larger radars is impractical, as well as in the conditions of special and counter-terrorist operations, where the use of large similar-purpose radars is seriously hindered or even impossible. A typical example of such radars is the Russian portable Aistenok mortar reconnaissance radar developed by NPO Strela. According to the information set out in the article “Portable radar station for reconnaissance of firing positions of mortars “Aistenok” (index 1L271)” from the electronic catalog of export weapons and military equipment of the ground forces posted on the official website of Rosoboronexport JSC, this radar can be used to reconnoiter the firing positions of firing mortars of 81-120 mm caliber along the trajectory of the mine and control the firing of their mortars of caliber 81-120 mm, as well as for reconnaissance of moving ground targets of the "tank" type and control of the firing of artillery pieces of caliber 122-155 mm at shell bursts. By the way, using the example of "Aistenok" you can clearly see the breakthrough that engineers managed to make in the development of radar to detect the positions of firing mortars. So, designed to solve this problem, the domestic station ARSOM-1 "Lightning" (ARSOM is an abbreviation for the full name "Artillery Radar Station for Detecting Mortars"), which was put into service in 1951, was placed on the chassis of a heavy artillery tractor AT-T (Artillery Tractor - Heavy), and in the kit it was also attached to the power unit, which was transported on a separate trailer. In the process of combat work, the station was supposed to be served by a combat crew of several people. Moreover, she could work mainly on mortars, although domestic sources indicate that it was possible to determine positions and firing howitzers (the station could also provide adjustments to the fire of its artillery). Now this task can be successfully solved with the help of the small-sized station "Aistenok", the total weight of the autonomous (wearable) set of which is only 135 kg, and for its maintenance a combat crew of only three people is needed. It should be especially noted that such small-sized stations can be installed quite easily and quickly on the roofs of buildings and on various types of vehicles, which makes it possible to turn them into mobile KBB radars with significant combat potential and capabilities for solving a wide range of tasks, often going far beyond the classical counterbattery. 1B75 Penicillin The Penicillin complex, which was first delivered to the RF Armed Forces in 2020, is intended for reconnaissance of firing positions of cannon and rocket artillery, as well as launch positions of anti-aircraft and tactical missile systems. "Penicillin" captures acoustic and thermal signals from shots and explosions and gives the exact coordinates of the location of the enemy's guns, which are then plotted on an electronic map. Due to the use of fundamentally new methods of operation, the complex solves its problems without unmasking itself with any radiation. All the main devices of the complex, with the exception of communications, operate exclusively in the receive mode. The promising AZTK is being built on the basis of the KamAZ-63501 automobile chassis. Russia has completed state tests of the new Penicillin artillery reconnaissance complex in December 2018. At that time the delivery of the first two samples was scheduled for 2020. “In December 2020, in accordance with the concluded contract, the first batch was handed over to the customer,” Vyacheslav Mikheev, general director of the Vega concern (part of Ruselectronics of the Rostec state corporation), told RIA Novosti . According to Vega, Penicillin works effectively at any time of the day at temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius. The time for obtaining the coordinates of a single target firing does not exceed five seconds. The complex was developed by the Vektor Research Institute, which is part of Vega. According to open sources, "Penicillin", unlike most other similar systems, detects enemy artillery not with the help of radar, but thanks to a new principle of combining thermal and sound intelligence, which makes it impossible to electronically suppress it. In addition, the new system does not unmask itself with the radiation of the radar station, but at the same time provides high accuracy. The complex is installed on a KAMAZ chassis, the reconnaissance optoelectronic module of the system is mounted on a lifting mast. The Russian army was previously supplied with counter-battery radar systems that detect enemy shells and missiles using radar stations, as well as sound-measuring systems equipped only with acoustic sensors, which have significant errors in determining the positions of enemy artillery. “Ground artillery reconnaissance was and is being conducted using optical (optoelectronic) devices and special reconnaissance systems that are in service with one or another type of artillery reconnaissance (optical, sound, radar and radio engineering),” ex- Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Valery Zaparenko . Sound reconnaissance solves two main tasks: conducts reconnaissance and determines the coordinates of batteries (guns) of ground and anti-aircraft artillery, MLRS, mortars by the sound of their shots; serves the firing of his artillery by the sound of shells and mines exploding. The means of sound reconnaissance in the Rocket Forces and artillery are mobile sound-measuring systems. These include, for example, the automatic sound-measuring complex AZK-7M. The speed of determining the coordinates of the target and independence from visibility conditions favorably distinguishes radar reconnaissance from other types of artillery reconnaissance. The disadvantages of RLR include the unmasking of a radar station operating on radiation. Radar was and is still being conducted with the help of ground artillery reconnaissance stations SNAR-10 "Leopard", SNAR-15 "Selenite", the artillery complex for reconnaissance and maintenance of firing of ground artillery ARK-1M "Lynx", the radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions "Zoo -1" ("Zoo-1M"). RLC 1L260 "Zoo-1M" weighs more than 38 tons (including equipped with bulletproof armor), and its crew is 3 people. The radar station of the complex is three-coordinate with a phased antenna array. The error in determining the coordinates of the firing positions of artillery is 40 m, the error in determining the coordinates of the firing positions of the MLRS is 55 m, the error in determining the coordinates of the starting positions of tactical missile systems is 95 m. The reconnaissance range of artillery firing positions using the ARK-1M "Lynx" is: mortars - up to 12 km, cannon artillery - up to 12 km, multiple launch rocket systems - up to 16 km. The firing control range of own artillery is: mortars - up to 11 km, cannon artillery - up to 14 km, MLRS - up to 20 km. In turn, the 1B75 Penicillin automated sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex is a mobile system on a self-propelled chassis capable of monitoring the situation in a given area and detecting the operation of enemy guns or controlling the accuracy of their own artillery. It is an all-wheel drive four-axle vehicle designed for mounting various target equipment or other payloads. The machine is equipped with a 360 hp diesel engine. With. and is capable of carrying a load with a total mass of up to 16 tons on a frame. The maximum speed on the highway exceeds 90 km / h, regardless of the type of payload. A unit is mounted on the chassis, behind the cabover cab, which includes a support for the mast device and boxes for storing special devices. Behind it, a unified van body is installed, accommodating workstations, special equipment, etc. The chassis is also equipped with four hydraulic jacks. A couple of these devices are located next to the special equipment, the other two are at the rear of the machine. One of the means of reconnaissance is the Penicillin-OEM optical-electronic module. It is a stabilized platform with several cameras of various types, mounted on a lifting mast. In its current form, the 1B75 complex is equipped with a lifting mast. When the complex is put into working position, the mast rises vertically, bringing the cameras to the required height. In the stowed position, the mast is laid back on the roof of the van. The platform with cameras is equipped with vertical and horizontal aiming drives, providing all-round visibility in azimuth and changing the elevation angle. "Penicillin-OEM" includes six television cameras at once and the same number of thermal imagers. They are placed in two box-shaped cases, movably fixed on a common swivel base. Both housings have motorized front covers to protect the optics from damage during shipping. Television and thermal imaging cameras have an angle of view of 70° in azimuth and 10° in elevation. The signal from all 12 devices simultaneously enters the computers and is processed together. At the same time, a high quality of "stitching" of individual fields of view is ensured. The possibility of continuous operation of the cameras for 18 hours is provided, after which a break of 1 hour is required. The introduction of the 1B75 "Penicillin" automated sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex for equipping ground artillery reconnaissance units and units of the Rocket Forces and Artillery will significantly increase the combat capabilities of this type of troops. Artillery reconnaissance / Artillerijskaya Razvedka In the conditions of modern combat, characterized by decisivenessgoals, the speed of development and a sharp change in the situation, highnervousness and great swiftness of action, the success of military operationsartillery action largely depends on the effectiveness of the use of sub-divisions of artillery reconnaissance. Artillery reconnaissance differs from counter-battery reconnaissance in that it detects the enemy visually, regardless of whether he shoots or not. And counter-battery systems determine the location of enemy artillery only when the enemy begins to fire, Artillery reconnaissance - obtaining information about enemy objects (targets) for preparing and firing artillery and tactical missile strikes ; an integral part of tactical intelligence. Artillery reconnaissance is carried out with the help of optical and electronic-optical devices, sound-measuring , radar and radio stations, artillery reconnaissance groups, crews of corrective reconnaissance helicopters. To successfully solve problems, artillery reconnaissance must cover a depth not less than the firing range of artillery systems - covertly, continuously, actively, purposefully and in a timely manner, providingproviding reliable and accurate data. For equipment of false positions, concentration areas, and to simulate the movement of columns, decoys (inflatable, folding) and home-made mock-upsyou are military equipment, transport and sound-imitation means. Artillery instrumental reconnaissance or AIR is an integral element of the artillery reconnaissance forces , designed to serve the firing of their own artillery, solve meteorological support tasks , identify and determine the coordinates of targets in the enemy’s location, carry out photogrammetric work, etc. As a rule, AIR is understood as the whole set of those means of artillery reconnaissance, which are carried out through measurements using instrumentation and instrumental equipment. Depending on the technical equipment, the AIR services are divided into sound , optical, radar and electronic intelligence. The AIR also includes a photogrammetric service, services of topographic and geodetic preparation and meteorological support. Realization of the capabilities of artillery is largely due to the quality of the most important type of its combat support - artillery reconnaissance. It is conducted by forces and means of artillery reconnaissance in cooperation with other forces, primarily aviation. During the Great Patriotic War, artillery reconnaissance revealed up to 80 percent. enemy objects hit by artillery fire1. Artillery instrumental reconnaissance (AIR) stood out in it. Its main types were optical and sound reconnaissance. Aerial reconnaissance (surveillance balloons) was also used. According to the definition given to the term "counter-battery combat" by the Russian "Military Encyclopedic Dictionary", this means "the defeat of enemy artillery batteries located at closed firing positions by artillery fire in order to gain fire superiority." Moreover, a successful CBA can only be considered if the enemy’s firepower and their combat crews are either completely destroyed, or, as the world experience of wars shows, happens much more often, suppressed. Recall that, according to well-established canons, the target is considered suppressed if the enemy fire weapons and their combat crews have lost the ability to continue artillery fire for a certain period of time. At the same time, in such cases, the time required to achieve the specified goal, as well as the consumption of ammunition produced in this case, is important. It is clear that the less time and ammunition spent, the more successful the actions of their artillery are considered. But how can this be achieved? “The main condition for a successful fight against enemy artillery is a well-organized reconnaissance of enemy batteries, which ensures timely, reliable and accurate determination of the coordinates of firing positions, and high accuracy in determining installations for firing to kill,” said Doctor of Technical Sciences Major General of Artillery A.I. Matveev and Candidate of Technical Sciences Colonel E.K. Malakhovsky in his work "Shooting to Kill Batteries", published back in 1971. At the same time, they especially emphasize that in order to ensure real and economical fire when enemy batteries are hit, it is not enough to determine only the exact coordinates of the firing positions of the latter. “The task of artillery reconnaissance in modern conditions is also to establish the nature of the battery: self-propelled, towed, determine the caliber of guns and the nature of engineering equipment,” the authors of this fundamental work point out. The most effective means of detecting enemy artillery firing positions and determining their coordinates, as well as determining the places where artillery ammunition fell and adjusting the fire of one’s own artillery, are still counter-battery radar stations. They are distinguished by high accuracy of work, regardless of weather conditions and time of day, and, which is very important, they have a large detection range. The use of such specialized radars, therefore, can be considered the most effective both in terms of the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the firing enemy gun (guns), and in terms of the efficiency of solving such a problem. After the war, under the influence of military-technical progress, the artillery of the Ground Forces (SV) was merged with the missile forces. In connection with the complication of the tasks of artillery reconnaissance, its material basis has changed. All formations were equipped with instruments, so the former concept of AIR lost its meaning. Artillery reconnaissance began to be subdivided into optical, sound, radar and radio engineering2. In the post-war development of forces and means of ground artillery reconnaissance, the Soviet period (1946-1991), which includes a number of stages, arouses the greatest interest. It was improved taking into account the richest combat experience of the Great Patriotic War, which was comprehensively studied and generalized. The capabilities and effectiveness of all types and means of artillery reconnaissance were deeply analyzed, the ways of their development were determined, the conclusions and proposals were repeatedly tested in research and military exercises, fixed in regulations, manuals, manuals and introduced into the practice of combat training of troops. The scout must get close enough to the target to see it. To do this, the military has a variety of equipment in its arsenal - from binoculars to night vision devices and thermal imagers. This is the so-called optical or optical-electronic artillery reconnaissance. Recently, reconnaissance drones have become the main assistants to the military, which have greatly simplified the work of artillery reconnaissance - positions and movements of the enemy at a glance. An important part of the work of an artillery reconnaissance is the choice of an observation post with good visibility within the range of the guns. The concealment of the position and good visibility make it possible to accurately direct artillery fire at enemy positions. The choice of an observation point is very important, since the artillery reconnaissance officer must use powerful optical instruments and have a good view, while not falling under sniper fire or enemy or own artillery fire. The experience of post-war exercises testified to the need to increase the maneuverability of optical reconnaissance units. One of the directions was the creation of mobile artillery observation posts. Later they received a different name - mobile reconnaissance points (PRP). Their adoption made it possible to ensure the continuity of reconnaissance during hostilities, to carry out a quick maneuver of the PRP in the right direction, to maintain close cooperation between artillery and tank and motorized rifle units and units in mobile combat forms. The equipping of these points with night vision devices and radar stations significantly increased the possibility of conducting enemy reconnaissance at night and in conditions of poor visibility. The development of counter-battery radar began in the 1970s. In the USSR, the Rys complex became the first representative of mobile radar stations. The range for cannon artillery is nine kilometers, for MLRS - 16. It takes 30 seconds to calculate the coordinates of the enemy. The complex determines the location of the enemy’s gun, while being near it is dangerous - a working antenna produces radiation that causes diseases, such as oncology. Therefore, during combat duty, the crew is inside the vehicle. Immediately after the Lynx, they began to develop the Zoo radar station, the last modification of which was released around 2017. The complex simultaneously accompanies 12 targets and in just one minute can detect up to 70 enemy firing points. It is superior in target detection range. Zoo locates the gun more accurately than the TPQ-36 system. They had an error of up to 80 meters somewhere, Russia had up to 40, The most modern Russian artillery reconnaissance complex is Penicillin. Even the most nimble MLRS or self-propelled howitzer will not hide from him. In just five seconds, "Penicillin" determines the shot and its source at a distance of 38 kilometers. The coordinates are immediately transmitted to artillery units, and a retaliatory strike is immediately struck. The enemy for such a time simply does not have time to curl up and leave the position. The complex is invisible to the enemy: it does not have radar stations that can be calculated from the signal. Another feature of "Penicillin" is that he not only hears, but also sees his goals. For this, highly sensitive thermal imagers are used. The name "Penicillin", which may seem unusual to the reader and may even be inappropriate, is far from the most exotic compared to the names of other types of weapons and military equipment. Among the names of mortars, the most questions are, of course, “Tray” and “Sled”. Among the control systems for the MLRS rocket artillery brigade is Vivarium. Or, for example, a road-digging machine can be called "Rapture". The vehicle gets the name "Vodnik" (what's the connection?). Radar station - "Boletus". EW complex - "Mercury". Examples can be given ad infinitum. At the same time, most likely, the military has no idea how this word will be translated into foreign languages ??and how harmonious it will sound in them. This happens mostly for the following reasons. At the stage of developing a promising model of weapons, research work is opened. She is assigned a certain name, which is taken from the corresponding manual. As a rule, for reasons of secrecy, the name of the R&D has nothing to do with the content of the work. And then this ridiculous name smoothly migrates to the model of weapons adopted for equipping the army. And as a result, for example, the command and staff vehicle receives the name "Couch". There is no doubt that all of the above in full applies to the promising complex of ground-based artillery reconnaissance "Penicillin". The armed conflicts of recent decades have clearly demonstrated both the high importance of artillery for achieving success in combat, combat and operations, as well as the no less serious need for an effective fight against it. The solution to this difficult task is carried out within the framework of counter-battery warfare (KBB) using artillery units or other means of fire destruction. The effectiveness of their use largely depends on the successful use of various means of artillery reconnaissance and, in the first place, specialized counter-battery radar stations (KBB radar). https://gunrf.ru/rg_granatomet_ags-17_eng.html https://bigenc.ru/c/an-tpq-48-v-2a-3eb4f6 https://alternathistory.ru/realnaya-istoriya/maloizvestnye-i-nerealizovannye-proekty-tankov-i-drugoj-bronetehniki/ The introduction of high-precision artillery ammunition remains an important aspect of the "intellectualization" of artillery. This is necessary both for guaranteed destruction of enemy targets (the same enemy battery during a duel), and for the economical use of ammunition. For example, the use of guided and corrected projectiles in 152-mm or 155-mm howitzers can reduce ammunition consumption by 40-50 times, and the time to hit targets by 3-5 times. The U.S. Navy commissioned Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Kingsville (LCS 36) at the Solomon P. Ortiz Center, August 24.
  • Possible replacement for "Motolyga" Yuri Pasholok
  • MGT-LB OKR "Transporter" (article 6448)

    One of the classic examples of domestic tracked vehicles, which turned out to be a real long-liver, was the MT-LB tractor. Better known as "Motolyga", it has long been a classic tracked tractor. A lot of different combat vehicles were created on the basis of the MT-LB. The problem is that they were produced at KhTZ. So the need for a replacement has been brewing for a long time. The requirements for vehicles were slightly different. The MT-LB was created primarily as a lightly armored artillery tractor, which turned out to be so successful that it began to grow into different versions, including an extended version of the MT-LBu. Generational changes do not occur as often as people think. The times when combat vehicles were replaced once every 10 years, or even less, are long gone. Now this process is moving much more slowly than before. Sometimes a generational change is very urgent, but it turns out that you have to wait a very long time for a replacement. Even if this concerns those combat vehicles that are in dire need. The fact that 32 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union there is still no replacement for the MT-LB is not only a demonstration of the successful design of the machine. It is, to put it mildly, a certain shortsightedness. Especially considering the fact that the "motolyga" plays an important role, and how many of them were made. In fact, the huge volumes of machines of this family are one of the factors that slows down the emergence of a potential successor. More than 50 thousand machines produced over the entire period is a lot. In Russia, attempts had already been made to create analogues, if not of the MT-LB, then at least of some of its variants. For example, chassis 502, which could be seen not long ago in the Museum of Russian Military History. The chassis, by the way, is not bad, but something more global needs to be done. That is, there is an urgent need to develop a fundamentally new machine. Light multipurpose transporter-tractor MGT-LB OKR "Transporter" (article 6448) is designed to transport personnel, ammunition, weapons and special equipment, military-technical equipment, installation of weapons and special equipment, towing artillery systems and trailers in combat, logistics and medical support units of all types of the RF Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces for operations in especially difficult natural and climatic conditions (snow virgin soil, tundra, forested-swampy, mountainous-wooded terrain, during the period of mud. A sample [something more than a mockup, but clearly far less than a prototype] of the light multi-purpose transporter-tractor MGT-LB (product 6448), developed as part of the experimental design work (RDW) "Transporter", was shown at the international military-technical forum "Army-2024". the presented model is one of two samples of the R&D "Transporter". In total, two variants are currently being developed - the MGT-LB-6448 tracked transporter-tractor and the MGSh-LB-6447 light multi-purpose armored tracked chassis. The latter has a combat weight of 20 tons and a load capacity of 4 tons. It is intended both for transporting military equipment and for mounting various systems. The MGT-LB-6448 has a load capacity of 2.5 tons and was created, first of all, as an artillery tractor. "The light multi-purpose transporter-tractor is designed to transport personnel, ammunition, weapons, military and special equipment (weapons, military and special equipment - editor's note), military-technical property (military-technical property - editor's note), installation of weapons and special equipment, towing artillery systems and trailers in combat, logistics and medical support units of all types of the RF Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces for operations in particularly difficult natural and climatic conditions (virgin snow, tundra, forested-swampy, mountainous-wooded terrain, during the period of muddy roads)," the materials shown at the forum say. Conceptually, the MGT-LB repeats the ideas embedded in the "Motolyga". This is, first of all, a very decent specific power, in the basic version exceeding 20 hp per ton. With a combat weight of 16.5 tons, the new machine gets a 450-horsepower diesel engine. Thus, the MGT-LB has an even greater specific power than its predecessor. It is expected that the machine will accelerate to 70 km / h, and the speed afloat will be 10 km / h. The latter is due to water jets. Product 6448 is not being created out of thin air. It is clearly visible that some elements of the BMP-3 are used in the chassis design. At least, this is what was decided to do on the mock-up model. However, the drive wheels of the MGT-LB are not at the rear, but at the front, like the MT-LB. This is more correct from the point of view of layout solutions, since here, unlike the BMP-3, the engine is not at the rear. In this sense, the new chassis is quite close to the "motorcycle". Visually, the new vehicle is noticeably higher, although in reality the difference is not so significant. At the same time, the MGT-LB is initially larger, which is why there is such a significant difference in combat weight. The front part of the vehicle is made completely differently. Instead of inspection hatches, the control compartment is glazed. This significantly improves the driver-mechanic's visibility. It is also worth paying attention to the remotely controlled module with a large-caliber machine gun. This height appeared for a reason. Due to the larger dimensions than the MT-LB, it was possible to get rid of one of the shortcomings of the "Motolyga", namely the isolated control compartment. Previously, it was completely blocked by the engine, but now there is a narrow passage that connects the fighting and landing compartments. So far, the control compartment is in its infancy, but observers can already assess something from the filling. The MGT-LB transporter-tractor is designed for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 40 degrees Celsius, as well as in mountainous areas at an altitude of up to 4,500 m above sea level and overcoming mountain passes at an altitude of up to 4,650 m. The maximum weight of the MGT-LB is 16.5 tons, the load capacity is 2.5 tons, the weight of the towed trailer is 7 tons. Its crew consists of two people. The "product 6448" is equipped with a turbodiesel engine with a capacity of 450 hp. The maximum speed of the tractor is 70 km / h. The MGT-LB can cross water obstacles, the speed afloat is 10 km / h. Cruising range is 800 km. Like the MT-LB, the new machine has 6 rollers, but the fundamental difference is clearly visible. The machine is being created as a universal platform, which is being created taking into account modern requirements. One important point should be immediately understood - this is not a finished product, but a mock-up for now. It is quite well-developed, it can be shown to potential customers, but there is no need to immediately drag out expert opinion and judge it as a final machine.

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