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Philippines Coast Guard

Executive Order No. 475 of March 30, 1998, transferred the PCG from the Philippine Navy, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Department of National Defense to the Office of the President. The PCG continued to be the agency primarily responsible for the promotion of safety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment pursuant to the provisions or RA 5173, PD 600, PD 601, PD 602, PD 979 as amended.

The rapid expansion of the PCG in terms of ships, and men caused changes in its organizational setup. Certainly, this is evident in the upgrading of the rank of the PCG commander from Rear Admiral to Vice-Admiral which, coincidentally is also the same rank as the Philippine Navy(PN) commander. This led to speculations that the PCG is a parallel back-up force of the PN. In reality, there is no need to speculate because, indeed, the PCG is the back-up force. The PCG operates under the Department of Transportation and Communication(DOTC) during peacetime, and reverts to the Department of Defense(DND) during wartime. This is embodied in Executive order 477 of President Fidel Ramos. The PCG remained a major subordinate unit of the Philippine Navy by virtue of Sec 54 , Chapter 8, Subtitle II, Title VIII Book IV, of EO 292 dated 25 July 1987, otherwise known as the " Administrative Code of 1987:, and assigned functions pertaining to the promotion. of safety, of the life at sea and protection of the marine environment.

The Coast Guard has maritime search and rescue stations which continuously 24 hours a day on the area to be monitored. In addition, each station has a coast guard reinforcements team to ensure timely reinforcements arrived when needed. Meanwhile, in each Coast Guard Coast Guard District has a special operations group, when the emergency situation can occur for the first time to participate in maritime search and rescue operations.

Philippine Coast Guard commander is the highest officer of the Guard, with two deputy commanders to assist the commander, responsible for the daily management and business operations work. Under the command of the Leading Group Office of the Leading Group Office of the Chief Executive, a total of 12, set up a director. Philippine Coast Guard Action in the Philippines Coast Guard Action Group, marine environmental protection group, the Coast Guard Training Group, Naval Support Unit, the National Oil Pollution Action Center.

In addition, in order to better serve the Philippines 10 commercial shipping center, the Philippine Coast Guard is divided into 10 coastal national police area, Coast Guard operations department is responsible for the routine work of the various business areas.

With the economic development of the Philippines Marine, Coast Guard personnel was also increasing, and the challenge was also changing. Coast Guard primarily for social recruiting recent college graduates, mainly be focused on training marine search and rescue, marine environmental protection and marine safety management and other aspects. The Coast Guard also sent annually to the outstanding talent of Ocean University of Malmo, Switzerland, Canada, Dalhousie University master's degree. In addition, the Philippine Coast Guard also carried out close exchanges and maritime business dealings with China, Japan, Italy and other countries.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) had a total strength of 3,138 officers and men in 2001. The PCG is planning to beef up its manpower to 9,177 men due to its massive ship acquisition program. In fact, the Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ordered the transfer of 2,000 men of the Philippine National Police(PNP) Maritime Command(MARICOM) in mid-2002 to the operational control of the PCG to relieve an impending manpower shortage brought about by the ship acquisition program of the PCG.

In accordance with "International Convention on safety of life at sea," the Philippine Coast Guard is responsible for maritime search and rescue work throughout the country. Coast Guard operations center set up at the Philippine Coast Guard headquarters in Manila, responsible for coordinating the work of the national search and rescue operations.

The Philippine Coast Guard is the country’s vanguard against the entry of unsafe foreign vessels into the country through its Port State Control. At present, the Philippine Coast Guard has seven (7) PSC Centers and fifteen (15) PSC Divisions all throughout the archipelago. The PSC Center in Manila has the bulk of all inspections based on frequency of foreign ship calls.

Philippines Coast Guard is the country's oldest and only humanitarian armed group. Its origins can be traced back to the early 20th century, the first Coast Guard is responsible for the safety and security of Customs, the country's coastline and ports. In 1898, after the U.S. occupation of the Philippines, the military government first opened the Manila port and customs. October 17, 1901 by the Philippine government committee developed a special law, the establishment of the Coast Guard and Transport Bureau, under the Ministry of Commerce and the Police. October 16, 1905, the Coast Guard and Transport Bureau was revoked, its operations by the Maritime Bureau. December 19, 1913, the Bureau of Navigation is divided into two separate business bureau, that the Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Public Affairs, which continued until the federal period architecture.

On July 4, 1946, after the Philippines gained independence, the government worked some of the Coast Guard sector transferred to the Philippine Navy patrol. October 10, 1967, the Philippine Congress enacted Republic Act No. 5173 (also known as "the Philippine Coast Guard Law"), owned by the Navy formally established the Philippine Coast Guard jurisdiction. Meanwhile, the Coast Guard functions were transferred to work again the Philippine Coast Guard. Due to the nature of the Coast Guard civilian job functions, March 30, 1998 the Coast Guard is separated from the Navy out. Currently, the Philippine Coast Guard, following the Philippine armed forces, the Philippine National Police Force, ia the third branch of the armed forces.

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