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United States Domestic Terrorism



  • FLQ- Front de Liberation du Canada


  • AIM - American Indian Movement
  • Alpha 66
  • A.M.E.R.I.C.A.N. Army
  • Army of God
  • Aryan Nations
  • Black Guerrilla Family
  • BLA - Black Liberation Army
  • Black Panthers
  • Croation Revolutionary Army
  • Cuban Nationalist Movement
  • FALN - Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion (Armed Forces of National Liberation)
  • JDL - Jewish Defense League
  • JDA - Jewish Direct Action
  • KKK - Ku Klux Klan
  • M-19 Communist Organizations:
    • Armed Resistance Unit
    • Guerrilla Resistance Movement
    • Red Guerrilla Resistance
    • Revolutionary Armed Task Force
    • United Freedom Front
  • Macheteros
  • NIRCA - Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association
  • NORIAD - Irish Northern Aid Committee (Money collected goes to IRA)
  • Republic of New Africa
  • Revolutionary Communist Party
  • SLA - Symbionese Liberation Army
  • TT - Tribal Thumb/Wells Spring Commune
  • Wolverines
  • WUO - Weather Underground Organization
  • PFOC - Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (Front Organization for WUO).
  • EZU - Emiliano Zapata Unit


  • ASALA - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
  • FMLN - El Salvador Intelligence and Support Cells
  • FSLN - Nicaraguan Intelligence and Support Cells
  • IRA - Intelligence and Logistics Cells
  • Iranian bombing/Assassination Teams
  • JCAG - Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide
  • Libyan Assassination Teams
  • M-19 - Columbia Support Cells
  • PFLP - Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Intelligence Cells
  • PLO - Popular Liberation Front Support Groups


  • ABDALA April 17th Movement
  • Anti-Castro Commando B2506 Brigade
  • Bay of Pigs Veteran's Association
  • CAC Cuban Action Commando
  • CORU Coordination of the United Revolutionary Organization
  • CRD Cuban Revolutionary Directoate
  • EC El Condor
  • EPC El Poder Cubano (Cuban Power 76)
  • F-14 Organization
  • FIN National Integration Front/AKA Cuban National Front
  • FLNC Cuban National Liberation Front
  • ISRUC International Secret Revolutionary United Cells
  • JCN Joint Cuban Coordination Group M-7
  • Movement of the 7th
  • Omega 7
  • PLBC Pedro Luis Boitel Commando
  • PR Pragmatistas
  • SCG Secret Cuban Government
  • SFE Second Front of Escambray
  • SHO Secret Hand Organization (Crime connected)
  • JFACC United Front of Anti-Castro Cubans
  • YOS Youth of the Star


  • Puerto Rican Separatist Terrorist Organization
  • CAL Armed Liberation Commandos
  • COPAAN Anti-Annexation Patriotic Committee
  • CRIA Independent Armed Revolutionary Commandos
  • CRP People's Revolutionary Commandos
  • FALN Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion (Armed Forces of National Liberation)
  • FARP Armed Forces of Popular Resistance
  • MAR Movimiento de Accion Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Action Movement)
  • MIRA Armed Revolutionary Independence Movement
  • NLN National Liberation Movement (Puerto Rican and Chicano)
  • MPR People's Revolutionary Movement--Machateros
  • OVPR Organization of Volunteers of the Puerto Rican Revolution
  • SSDAC Student Self-Defense Armed Commando (Cuban connections)


  • APRM Armenian Popular Revolutionary Movement
  • ARF Armenian Revolutionary Federation
  • ASLA Armenian Secret Liberation Army
  • AYF Armenian Youth Federation
  • CGIB Che Guevera International Brigade
  • CIS Croation Intelligence Service
  • EANJAF East Asia NATO-Japanese Armed Front
  • HRB Croation revolutionary Brotherhood
  • IASF Iranian and Arab Student Federation
  • IIG Islamic International Guerrillas
  • ILO Islamic Liberation Organizations (Shiite)
  • IRF International Revolutionary Front
  • JCAG Justice Commando of the Armenian Genocide
  • JDL Jewish Defense League
  • JRA/UJRA Japanese Red Army/United Japanese Red Army
  • MB Moslem Brotherhood
  • MRC Mohammed Boudia Commando (Carlos)

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