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Hashd al-Shaabi / Hashd Shaabi
Popular Mobilisation Units /
People’s Mobilization Forces

In a regular army, a brigade is a military unit consisting of 2 to 5 battalions and its number of members ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 individuals. The nearly 70 larger Hashd groups have brigade numbers on the Hashd commission, and the two dozen or so smaller Hashd groups generally are designated regiments [with or without numbers] and are often called 'tribal Hashd' but are on the registers of the Hashd commission. On 19 November 2018, the Iraqi government began working to increase the salaries of the Popular Mobilization Forces and make them equal to those in the security forces.

There are no official data about the strength of the Popular Mobilization Forces. By one account the organization is composed of nearly 70 armed factions, with around 230,000 fighters. Other sources provide estimates as of 2022 of 100,000 to 120,000, while the IISS proposes 189,000 for that year. Assuming 70 "brigades" of 2,500 combatants, the total strength would be 175,000. These are mostly Shia Muslim groups, but also include Sunni Muslim, Christian, and Yazidi groups. According to The Economist, as of late April 2016 the Hashd had approximately 16,000 Sunnis. The Turkmen Hashd overall constitute around four thousand members.

One comprehensive account relaes that the Mobilization Forces, whether combatants or otherwise, include about 25,000 Sunni fighters. As for the rest of its formations, several factions, including the Badr Organization, contribute about 22,000 fighters, while the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades contribute more than 5,000 fighters. The number of “Saraya Al-Salam” soldiers is about 7,000 soldiers, while “Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq” contributes about 8,000 of fighters. According to statistics from the Policy Making Center, the Shiite component represents 85% of the members of the Popular Mobilization Forces and 15% of the Sunni component. As for the leadership level, the Shiite component controls it by 100%. They were formed after the fatwa of sufficient jihad launched by the religious authority in Najaf Governorate , after the control of the Islamic State. (ISIS) over large areas in a number of governorates north of Baghdad, and the Popular Mobilization Authority law was approved after the Iraqi House of Representatives voted by a majority in favor of the law on November 26, 2016.

According to Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi who really seems to know whereof he speaks, "some groups claim affiliation with the Hashd Sha'abi Commission (and thus entitlement to salaries and other benefits from the government) but do not yet seem to have a known brigade ordinal number.... Other groups make clear that they are not affiliated with the Hashd Sha'abi Commission at all... the significance of each faction must be properly appreciated in the bigger picture. Otherwise, we risk getting lost in a mass of data.... insignificant/imaginary Hashd forces that exploit the Hashd phenomenon and have no important roles in battles. And yet, these groups have offices and their leaders are supposedly registered with the Hashd Sha'abi Commission, merely for the purpose of collecting money and salaries.... most notably features Jaysh al-Mukhtar of Wathiq al-Battat, renowned for his bombastic rhetoric. Indeed, his group is accorded far too much analytical attention in a September 2017 Atlantic Council report."

There are politicians who are trying to advance the PMF , and some of them are the founders of fake factions that have no role on the ground, and have not been heard of in battle, but they exist, they have offices, and their leaders are registered with the PMF , with salaries and paid expenses. There are at least 40 politicians and 36 fake factions that do not exist on the ground, their presence is only in offices and allotments.)

Parent entity
1st Brigade Badr Organization and Liwa al-Imam Muhammad al-Jawad
2nd Brigade Kata'ib al-Imam Ali
3rd BrigadeTashkil Asad Amerli Badr Organization
4th Brigade Badr Organization
5th BrigadeAbu Dergham al-Maturi (formerly) (Tashkil al-Karar unit) Badr Organization
6th BrigadeAhmad al-Asadi Kata'ib Jund al-Imam (Islamic Movement in Iraq)
7th BrigadeDagher al-Mousawi Liwa al-Muntadhar
8th BrigadeAbu Ahmed Khadhim al-Jabiri Saraya Ashura (ar)
9th Brigade Liwa Karbala' and Badr Organization
10th Brigade Badr Organization
11th BrigadeAli al-Hamdani Liwa Ali al-Akbar (fr)
12th BrigadeAkram al-Ka'abi Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba
13th BrigadeQasim Muslih Liwa al-Tafuf
14th BrigadeAbu Ala al-Walai Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada
15th BrigadeQuwat al-Shaheed al-Sadr(ar) (Islamic Dawa Party) and Kata'ib al-Fatah al-Mubin
16th Brigade Turkmen Brigades and Badr Organization
17th BrigadeHassan al-Sari Saraya al-Jihad
18th BrigadeAli al-Yasiri Saraya al-Khorasani (ar)
19th BrigadeAbd al-Zahra al-Swei'adi Ansar Allah al-Awfiya' and Tashkil al-Hussein al-Tha'ir
20th BrigadeHashim Ahmad al-Tamimi Liwa al-Taff
21st Brigade Badr Organization
22nd BrigadeAbu Kawthar al-Muhammadawi Badr Organization
23rd Brigade Badr Organization
24th Brigade Badr Organization
25th BrigadeQuwat al-Shaheed al-Sadr (ar) (Islamic Dawa Party)
26th Brigade al-Abbas Combat Division
27th Brigade Badr Organization and Quwat al-Shaheed al-Qa'id Abu Muntadhar al-Muhammadawi
28th BrigadeJalal al-Din Ali al-Saghir Saraya Ansar al-'Aqeeda (ar)
29th BrigadeAhmad al-Fariji Kata'ib Ansar al-Hujja
30th BrigadeAbu Yassin al-Shabaki, Kurdish - Shabak Militia and Badr Organization
31st BrigadeAdnan al-Shahmani Kata'ib al-Tayyar al-Risali (ar) (Risaliyun/The Upholders of the Message)
33rd Brigade Sami al-Masoudi Quwat Wa'ad Allah (Islamic Virtue Party)
35th Brigade Quwat al-Shaheed al-Sadr(ar) (Islamic Dawa Party)
36th Brigade Lalish Regiment, Liwa al-Hussein, and Badr Organization
39th Brigade Harakat al-Abdal (fr)
40th BrigadeShabal al-Zaidi Kata'ib al-Imam Ali (Islamic Movement of Iraq)
41st BrigadeAsa'ib Ahl al-Haq
42nd Brigade Quwat/Liwa [al-Shaheed] al-Qa'id Abu Mousa al-Amiri (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq)
43rd Brigade Saba' al-Dujail (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq)
44th BrigadeHamid al-Yasiri Liwa Ansar al-Marja'iyya (ar)
45th BrigadeSaraya al-Dafa al-Shaabi Kata'ib Hezbollah
46th BrigadeSaraya al-Difa' al-Sha'abi (Kata'ib Hezbollah)
47th BrigadeSaraya al-Difa' al-Sha'abi (Kata'ib Hezbollah)
50th BrigadeRayan al-Kaldani Babylon Brigade (Babylon Movement) Christian
51st Brigade Salah al-Din Brigade (ar)
52nd BrigadeMahdi Taqi al-Amerli Turkmen Brigades and Badr Organization
53rd BrigadeMukhtar al-Musawi Liwa al-Hussein and Badr Organization
55th BrigadeTashkil Malik al-Ashtar Badr Organization
56th BrigadeHussein Ali Najm al-Juburi Liwa Hashd Shuhada' Kirkuk (Union of National Forces Party)
66th BrigadeSaraya Ansar al-Aqeeda (ar)
88th BrigadeSheikh Wanas al-Jabara
90th BrigadeAhmad al-Juburi Fursan al-Jubur
91st BrigadeAbd al-Khaliq al-Mutlak al-JarbaNawader Shammar (Shammar tribal force)
92nd BrigadeAbd al-Rahman al-Luwaizi Turkmen Brigade
99th BrigadeSa'ad Sawar Jaysh al-Mu'ammal
110th Brigade Badr Organization
201st Brigade Ninawa Guards
313th Brigade Saraya al-Salam
314th Brigade Saraya al-Salam
Tribal mobilization regiments
Unit ordinalCommander
Unit Name
14th RegimentOmar Fadhil al-Alaf Mosul natives (mostly from al-Arabi neighbourhood)
38th Regiment ("Banners of Iraq")Sheikh al-Meqdad Faris Sab'aween tribe
39th RegimentAbdul Mohsen Rabbo Al-Jubouri Qayyarah branch of the Jubur tribe
41st Regiment ("Force of Determination")Muhammad Ahmad Abdullah al-Waka ("Abu al-Karar")Jabour Commandos Jubur tribe
80th Regiment Sinjar Resistance Units
Wathiq al-FirdousQuwat al-Bairaq Kata'ib al-Shahid al-Awwal
[none]Abdullah al-Jughaifi Ahrar al-Furat Gathering Regiment
[none]Nazhan al-Sakhr al-LahibiSouth Mosul Mobilization Regiment
[none]Hamoud Al-MayahAl-Tanaya Regiment
[none]Miqdad Sheikh Faris Al-Abdullah Al-SabaawiIraq Bayraq Regiment
[none]Mahmoud Mardi Farhan Al-JumailiAhrar Al-Karama Regiment
[none]Jumaa al-JumailiSarkh al-Haqq Regiment
[none]Muhammad Mareed al-Jubouri Qayyarah Martyrs Regiment
[none]Yassin Hussein Al-MuslehBrotherhood Regiment
[none]Mahdi Saleh Al-JubouriAl-Bu Ta’ma Regiment
[none]Rafi’ Al-FahdawiNakhwa Al-Nashama Regiment
[none]Jamal Shihab al-MahlawiThe Sons of Gharbia Mobilization Regiment
[none]Colonel Mezher Al-BilawiPeninsula Shield Regiment
[none]Tariq Al-AsalNorth Ramadi Tribal Regiment
[none]Ahmed Al-BilawiFirst Formation Regiment of Ramadi clan fighters
[none]Ali Abd FreijAli Al-Nimrawi Brigades Regiment
[none]Saddam Karb Al-SamarmadAl-Baghdadi Regiment
[none]Shaker Abu RishaRutba Desert Falcons Regiment
[none]Ali Al MetioutAlbu Metiout Cavalry Regiment
[none]Muhammad Al-WakaaAl-Karrar Force Regiment
[none]Akaab Al-Nayef Al-AhmadiThunder formation
Brigades Without Ordinals
Unit ordinalCommander
Unit Name
[none]Wathiq Al-FartusiAl-Bayrak Force - First Martyr's Brigades
[none]Muhammad Al-KhafajiAl-Qayam Al-Husseini Brigades
[none]Wathiq Al-BattatAl-Mukhtar Army / Army of the Chosen One
[none]Manaf Al-HusseiniElite Brigades and Al-Ghaith Al-Haidari
[none]Suhail Al-ArajiThe Victorious Lion of God Brigade
[none]Ammar Al-HaddadTrue Promise Corps
[none]Abu Talib Al-MayahiQamar Bani Hashem Brigades
[none]Rahman Al-JazairiHezbollah rebels
[none]Saad Al-Fatlawi “Abu Khaled”Imad Mughniyeh Battalion - Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades
[none]Mohammed al-MusawiQasim Al-Jabareen Brigade
[none]Al-Alawi TalibThe Imam Al-Qaim Brigade
[none]Saad Tais Al-TamimiImams of Al-Baqi Brigades
[none]Abdullah Al-LamiRetribution Brigades
[none]Muhammad Hussein Al-SadrAl-Sadr Cubs Brigades
[none]Ghassan ShahbandarThaer al-Hussein Brigades
[none]Jaafar Abbas Al-MusawiMalik al-Ashtar Brigades
[none]Moayad Ali Al-HakimThe pure blood brigades
[none]Hussein Al-TamimiZulfiqar Brigade
[none]Ahmed Al-FartusiMuslim bin Aqeel Brigades
[none]Naji Al-HalafiAnsar al-Mahdi Brigade
[none]Samir Sheikh AliJustice Brigades
[none]Kazem Al-Sayed AliAl-Fatah Brigades
[none]Mumtaz Al-HaidariSaraya Al-Zahra Brigades
[none]Jamal Al-WakeelIraq Islamic Movement
[none]Hassan Al-ShukarjiZainab Al-Aqila Brigade
[none]Muhammad Al-LamiImam al-Ghalib Brigades
[none]Hassan Al-RubaieImam Hussein Brigades
[none]Alaa MuhalhalState Shield Brigades
[none]Haider Al-Nasiri, Ahmed Al-ZamiliAl-Qaraa Brigades
[none]Ahmed al-SaadiGod's Hand Brigades
[none]Mustafa Al-ObaidiBaqiat Allah Brigades
[none]Islamic Youth Brigades
[none] Musa Al-HasaniAl-Bayt Association Brigades
[none]Wissam Al-HaidariInfant Brigades
[none]Abdul Mahdi Al-KarbalaiSaraya Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi
[none]Abdul Mahdi Al-KarbalaiSaraya Carpet Brigade
[none]Firas Al-AlaqGreat Relief Brigades
[none]Haider Al-NasiriAl-Qaraa Brigades
[none]Ahmed Al-ZamiliKnights of the Doctrine Movement
[none]Al-Nasr Al-Mubin Brigade
[none]Mohammad Al-KenaniAnsar al-Hujjah brigade
[none]Abu Turab Al-AsadiAssad Allah Brigades
[none]Hisham Al-MaksousiAsad Allah Al-Ghalib formations

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