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Nauru - Foreign Relations

The Australian Governmentns first direct involvement with Nauru commenced in 1914 when Australian forces took action against Nauru at the request of the British Imperia1 Government. The wireless station was put out of action and the German Government representative on Nauru surrendered on 9 September 1914.

Following independence in 1968, Nauru joined the Commonwealth as a Special Member. Special Members take part in all Commonwealth activities except heads of government meetings. They are not assessed but make voluntary contributions toward the running of the Secretariat. They are eligible for all forms of technical assistance. Nauru was admitted to the United Nations in 1999. It is a member of the Pacific Islands Forum, the South Pacific Regional Environmental Program, and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

During 2002 Nauru severed diplomatic recognition with Taiwan and signed an agreement to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. This move followed China's promise to provide more than U.S. $130 million in aid. Nauru decided to sever its "diplomatic relations" with Taiwan as of July 21 of 2002, according to the communique, pledging that it "shall not have official relations of any form with Taiwan."

It says Nauru recognizes that "there is but one China in the world", that "the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China" and that "Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory". Nauru decided to abrogate all "inter-state", "inter-governmental" and other official agreements signed with Taiwan and ensure mutual close-down of "embassies" or "consulates" and other official agencies and withdrawal of "embassy" or "consular" and other official staff within a month, the communique says.

In May 2005, Nauru re-established diplomatic ties with Taiwan, ending its relationship with China. Taiwan and Australia have the only diplomatic missions on Nauru. In March 2007, Nauru established an embassy in Taipei.

In September 2018 Nauru, host nation of The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), tried to stop the Chinese delegation from entering the country and obstructed their speech at the forum. These tricks had nothing to do with the forum. Nauru is one of Taiwan's "diplomatic allies" while the Chinese mainland is a dialogue partner of the PIF, and this situation is what triggered the dispute. After the Chinese delegates arrived in Nauru, it refused to stamp entry visas into their diplomatic passports, saying it would only process their personal passports. The two sides were locked in an impasse. Nauru eventually backed down after other Pacific Island countries protested against Nauru's act of obstruction against China. Baron Waqa, Nauruan President, refused to allow China's top diplomat to address the climate change forum on Tuesday. The Chinese delegation walked out in protest after a short confrontation.

In December 2009, Nauru recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the breakaway provinces of Georgia.


Relations between the United States and Nauru are cordial. The U.S. has no consular or diplomatic offices in Nauru. Officers of the American Embassy in Suva, Fiji, are concurrently accredited to Nauru and make periodic visits. Trade between the United States and Nauru is limited by the latter's small size, remoteness, and economic problems. The value of two-way trade in 2010 was $2.711 million.

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