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Ireland Air Corps

The primary role of the Air Corps is to support the Army. As the air component of the Defence Forces, the Air Corps provides air support capabilities to the other components in carrying out their roles. On a day-to-day basis the Air Corps undertakes Army Support, Fishery Protection Patrols, provides a Ministerial Air Transport Service and operates an Air Ambulance Service. The Air Corps routinely undertake tasks such as providing air cover for cash in transit operations and providing pilots and technical support for the Garda Air Support Unit. In addition, the Air Corps undertakes approved operations in support of the civil authorities.

The Air Corps is based at Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel, Dublin and consists of an operational headquarters, two operational wings, two support wings, the Air Corps Training College, and a Communication and Information Services Squadron. The operational wings consist of a training/light strike squadron, helicopter squadrons, a maritime squadron, a transport squadron and a fixed wing reconnaissance squadron. The support wings are tasked with specialist maintenance of the aircraft fleet and administration and logistical support for the Air Corps.

The Air Corps new organisation structure with a manpower level of 930 was fully implemented by 2006. The command structure reflected that of the Defence Forces with separate operations and support commands, each reporting to General Officer Commanding (GOC) Air Corps. The 20000 White Paper recognised the “urgent equipment modernisation requirements in the Air Corps” and between 2000 and 2006 the following aircraft were acquired:

  • 1 x Learjet for Ministerial Air Transport Service in Dec 2003;
  • 8 x PC-9M fixed wing aircraft to take over and enhance pilot ab-initio training, Air to Ground Weapons qualification and Basic Fighter Manoeuvres training for instructors from 2004 onwards. A PC-9M fixed base simulator was part of the overall package;
  • 2 x EC 135 helicopters for helicopter pilot training, limited military operations, operational training and Air Ambulance in Nov 2005. These aircraft have proven to have excellent reliability and have achieved a total flying hours output of 1,700 in the first 12 months in service;
  • Six (6) utility AW 139 helicopters are being acquired, two (2) of which were delivered in November 2006. Each of these will be equipped with 2 x 7.62 calibre machine guns for aircraft self protection and will have the capability to transport approx ten (10) fully equipped troops. These will be operated by the Air Corps in a general purpose military operational and training role, with their primary tasking being security and Aid to the Civil Power, military exercises, training and operating with the Army Ranger Wing, infantry interoperability training and limited troop transport. They will also be used to perform air ambulance, inland Search and Rescue, aid to the civil community and VIP transport tasks
  • A major mid-life upgrade of the two CASA CN235 maritime patrol aircraft will be carried out in 2007 and 2008. This will incorporate a modern airborne search radar system; a modern Forward Looking Infrared system and the CASA developed Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS).

Comprehensive product support contracts had been put in place for the Learjet, PC9M’s and EC 135’s and in 2006 one was at an advanced stage of negotiation for the AW139’s. The 24/7 Search and Rescue (SAR) responsibilities of the Air Corps were terminated by Government decision in December 2003. A successful service incentive scheme for pilots was introduced in 2002.

The Air Corps operates two CASA CN235 Maritime Patrol aircraft in support of the fishery protection effort. These longrange aircraft patrol throughout the Irish exclusive fishery limits. In addition, other fixed wing aircraft and occasionally helicopters are used to monitor inshore fishing activities. The Ministerial Air Transport Service is provided by the Air Corps to assist An t-Úachtarán and members of the Government in fulfilling their official engagements at home and abroad. The service is primarily provided by the Gulfstream IV and Learjet 45 aircraft.

Five Reims FR172H Rockets (license built Cessna 172s) are in service 104 Squadron "Hawkeyes" (formerly known as the Army Co-Operation Squadron), part of No 1 Operations Wing, at Casement, Baldonnel (EIME). They are used for parachute training in addition to their main role as "top cover" escorts for vehicles transporting cash, explosives or prisoners. The Air Corps withdrew from Gormanston in Augst 2002. This resulted in an increase in output from the Cessna FR172H aircraft previously stationed there and now supported directly at Casement Aerodrome. The Air Corps HQ located at Casement is now fully functional and staffed in accordance with the new organisational structures. Other infrastructural developments have been successfully completed.

By 2023 the Air Corps had no interdiction capability at all, even to intercept a civilian airliner. In 2015 the White Paper declared that the “Pilatus PC9 aircraft provide a very limited air to air and air to ground capacity and these are due for replacement in 2025.” This is a very ambitious description of what is a training aircraft. Ireland continues to rely on an MOU with the UK to police its airspace, which is a serious breach of the concept of neutrality. Despite assertions from some quarters that Defence Forces required a 24/7 air interception capability, even the heavily-equipped Swiss forces do not achieve such a capability. Ireland did require some level of contingent capacity. With the level of re-arming taking place among western nations, the acquisition of (at minimum) two squadrons of second-hand jet aircraft of intermediate capability should be easily manageable.

The 09 February 2022 Report by the Commission on the Defence Forces called for development of a primary radar capability to ensure a complete Recognised Air Picture can be maintained. Development of anti-drone or counter UAS capabilities and the further development of RPAS capabilities. Enhancement of the Air Corps’ fleet with the addition of a fixed wing aircraft with strategic reach capability, and two additional medium lift rotary wing aircraft for enhanced Defence Forces support and priority ATCA taskings. The ultimate replacement of the existing medium lift helicopter fleet with a fleet of eight supermedium helicopters.

Within the context of a decision being taken by Government that the capability requirements of the Defence Forces need to step up to LOA 3 [" Developing full spectrum defence capabilities to protect Ireland and its people to an extent comparable to similar sized countries in Europe."], it was recommended that as part of a national Air Defence Plan, the Air Corps would develop an air combat and intercept capability through the acquisition of a squadron of jet combat aircraft, allied to the development of associated operational, infrastructure and support arrangements. The overseas deployment of combat aircraft, pilots and support personnel to provide organic intra-theatre mobility based on tactical transport helicopters. Deployed forces would also have an organic helicopter combat SAR capability armed and equipped to operate in hostile environments.

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