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Croatia - Land Forces

The fundamental role and purpose of Croatian Army, the strongest of the Armed Forces' services, is to promote and protect vital national interests of the Republic of Croatia, defend sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State. The Croatian Army is therefore organizing to be a proponent of the implementation of the war operation, independently or supported by other services, fighting primarily on land but also on the coastland and on islands. The fundamental task is to prevent entry of the aggressor deep into the territory, to preserve strategic facilities, to secure mobilization of the wartime composition and to win over the aggressor.

The defence of the Republic of Croatia remains the most important task of the Croatian Army; however, the most likely task will be participation in peace-support and humanitarian operations within the framework of the international forces outside the country and task regarding prevention and removal of the consequences of crisis situations in the country caused by natural and technical accidents and disasters.

The structure improves and unifies capabilities of the operational forces and secures an appropriate distribution on land and coastland. Corps were the biggest operational units of the Croatian Army and are formed in brigades. They have defense competence over the area in the assigned area of responsibility. Concurrently, they have to develop and have operational capabilities to be posted and used in their entirety or with part of their forces outside that area, on some of the other strategic-operational routes. With the build-up of the structure that is capable of responding to challenges of the 21st century, Croatian Army strives to create a network of operational systems of signals, transfer of information and intelligence support within joint and international forces.

Basic tasks of the Croatian Army are:

  • Maintaining optimal level of combat readiness of forces
  • Securing development of the wartime composition of the Armed Forces
  • Fighting aggressor's main forces on strategic-operational directions and against air and amphibious assaults
  • Preventing, in cooperation with other parts of the Armed Forces, entry of the aggressor deep into the territory and preserving compactness of the territory.
  • Building and development of the capability to respond to requests of the non-traditional tasks that are placed in front of the Croatian Army

The Croatian Armed Forces have four fundamental missions: protection of the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia, defence of the Republic of Croatia and its allies; participation in crisis response operations abroad; participation in CSBM’s; assistance to civilian institutions in the country. The probability of a conventional attack on the Republic of Croatia is very low and the CAF structuring and dimensioning, besides their basic mission in protection of sovereignty and defence of territory, will be adequately influenced by all other missions and tasks.

Rapid Response Forces will be ready for intervention within 24 hours in various types of emergency situations in the country. This level of readiness will constantly encompass a reinforced mechanised company and a company for special operations a portion from naval infantry units, combat support units and services (engineer platoon, NBC platoon, signals platoon, military police platoon, transport platoon and medical team), Air Force units within the air space protection system (on-duty pair and Air Monitoring and Navigation), two transport/MEDEVAC helicopters, and two PC-9 aircraft, two Coast Guard vessels and Coastal Monitoring and Alarming units. The CAF units included in an actual rotation of NATO Response Forces (NRF), or EU Battle Groups, will stand ready to be deployed abroad within 5 days. Up to 10% of the total CAF active forces will be included in this level of readiness.

Forces with a High Level of Readiness can reach full combat readiness within 30 days for operations in the country and within 90 days for operations abroad. This level of readiness will encompass a battalion for special operations, a reinforced motorised/mechanised battalion and a naval infantry company with part of the combat support units and services (two engineer companies, a NBC company, signals company, MP company, air defence units and a battalion for general logistic support from the Support Command). Furthermore, all air force and naval units, as well as CIS (communication and information systems) units in the entire CAF will be able to reach the required level of readiness within this period. About 35% of the total active forces will be included in this level of readiness.

Forces with a Low Level of Readiness can reach their full combat readiness within a period of 30 to 120 days. They are intended for support to activities and engagement of Rapid Response Forces and Forces with a High Level of Readiness. All units manned with professionals, who are not at one of the previously mentioned levels of readiness, as well as units manned with contract reservists will be at this level of readiness. In the units manned with contract reservists, the active core will have the task of training reserve and active personnel within services. About 55% of the total active armed forces and units manned with contract personnel will be included in this level readiness forces.

Forces with a Longer Period of Mobilization (forces intended for the increase of CAF potential) can reach the required combat readiness within a period from 120 to 360 days. They are intended for force development for national defence and they will rely upon members of the unassigned reserve. Conceptual definition of these forces demonstrates the capability of the CAF for increasing to the level required for the defence of the national territory within a certain time period. If necessary, all Croatian citizens – draft eligible persons, may be called up for service in the CAF, in accordance with constitutional and legal regulations.

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