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National Defence University

The Kazakh military is relatively small, making little sense to dedicate resources to sole purpose schools that train “low-density” skill sets. Kazakhstan has tackled this problem by sending to Russia those officers that need to learn low density skills. All air defense artillery, some aircraft, and most naval training is conducted in Russia. This training, through Security Assistance programs, is essential for Kazakhstan to maintain a modern military. In all, 700-800 Kazakh officers are enrolled in Russian Federation institutions at any given time.

National Defense University is the successor of the Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1997 the Almaty Higher Military School was transformed into “the Military Academy of Armed Forces RK”, and in 2003 into "The National Defense University" state institution.

Today the main task of the university is the training of military specialists with a higher (postgraduate) military education on specialties of Master’s degree, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel on postgraduate military course. In addition, within each level of higher military education there are training and advanced training of military personnel (Course training - the Higher Academic Courses (HAC), as well as research in the field of military science. Here there are studying not only the officers of the Ministry of Defence, but also representatives of other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as member countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the soldiers of the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan.

By the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ? 815 dated by February 27, 2002 “On reorganization of state institution Military academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and by the Directive of Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan ? 1/29/1/1248 dated by May 2, 2002 “On conduct organizational activities in military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Military academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was redeployed in Shuchinsk, the Kokshetau oblast. By the Decree of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ? 1173 dated by August 21, 2003 “On measures on military education system improvement” the Military academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was reorganized into state institution “National Defence University”.

National Defence University prepares officers on program of higher professional education for Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the following specialties: - “Military and state management”; - "Military and administrative management"; - “Technical provision management”; - “Logistics management”; - “Moral and welfare management”; - "Military education management". According to the resolution of Council of Ministers of Defence of the Collective Security Organization Treaty dated by November 30, 2005 National Defence University was included into the List of educational institutions of joint preparation of military personnel for armed forces of countries-members of the Collective Security Organization Treaty. Defence University conducts preparation of military personnel with higher professional education (postgraduate).

Objects of postgraduate education are to prepare scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualification for the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our address: 476410, Shuchinsk (tel: 8-71636-4-18-19)

On 29 February 2012 the National Defen?e University of the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrated its 15th anniversary. On this day honored guests attended the event. A number of military were awarded jubilee medals. Chief of the National Defen?e University Major-General Nikolai Kuatov made welcome remarks.

On 20 July 2009 Bulat Dzhanasayev has been dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief of the Naval and the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and Vice Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan and appointed President of National Defense University. On 24 May 2010 the chief of the National Defense University of Kazakhstan has been dismissed. According to the press service, "Bulat Dzhanasaev has been dismissed from the post of the chief of the National Defense University by the president's decree." on 15 June 2010 by Presidential Decree, Nikolay Kuatov was appointed Head of the National Defense University, the press service of the Head of the State reported. On 26 April 2012 the President appointed Askhat Ryspayev head of the National Defense University and Nikolay Kuatov was released from this position.

Defense Minister said in May 2012 that in the next few years at the National Defense University it is planned to create Academy of sergeant composition, which provides for the simultaneous preparation of sergeants in several specialties: infantry, artillery, engineering, communications and others. In this regard, the Defense Minister instructed the Chief of the Cadet Corps in conjunction with the Office on work with sergeants to develop a detailed plan for the transition to a new system of education. He also noted the need for educators and trainers from the number of trained non-commissioned officers with extensive military experience.

Over 20 years of the Armed Forces it has been done a huge work to develop sergeant corps. In a relatively short period of time created its own model of the sergeants ‘ institute, which, according to foreign experts is not inferior to counterparts in the advanced armies of the world. Annually, up to 500 sergeants are trained on a four-course training at the National Defense University, Military Institute of the Army and the Cadet Corps. Since 2011 the sergeants have successfully taught in higher academic courses held at the National Defense University.

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