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Guatemala - Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional

Despite the inclusion of the air and naval forces, which have consid- erable autonomy, the overall armed forces are usually referred to as the army.

The President of the Republic, in his capacity as Commander General of the Army, the Minister of National Defense and the Chief of Staff of National Defense, constitute the High Command of the Guatemalan Army. The Ministry of National Defense is the communication body between the Guatemalan Army and other State agencies. The National Defense Staff is the Technical and Advisory Center of the Guatemalan Army. It will advise the Minister of National Defense on all matters that fall within the competence of the Guatemalan Army. Military Commands will be established in accordance with strategic and tactical needs. The determination of its jurisdiction, as well as its creation or suppression, will be made by Governmental Agreement and each one of them will be under the orders of a General or Colonel Diplomado in General Staff, or their equivalents in the forces of sea.

The 1996 Peace Accord mandated the amendment of the Guatemalan Constitution Article 246, Duties and Powers of the President Over the Armed Forces, to allow the appointment of the Minister of Defense, whether a civilian or a member of the military. One factor that has traditionally served to maintain military dominance within the Guatemalan government was the military status of the minister of defense. Guatemala's 1985 Constitution had stated that the minister of defense must be an active member of the military with a rank of colonel or above.

The Ministry of National Defense is the governing body and it is responsible for formulating policies or guidelines to enforce the legal regime regarding the defense of national sovereignty and the integrity of the territory. The Ministry of the Defense National, as the entity governing and to which corresponds formulate policies and guidelines for doing what complies with the regime legal relating to the defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity will ensure the convening and mobilization of civil defense.

The National Defense of Guatemala is conceived within a context of peace and respect for the rights and interests of individuals and the Nation, with the firm resolve to achieve the common good, overcoming the antagonisms and obstacles that oppose this goal. It promotes the development considered as the progressive improvement in the quality of life of the human being. It emphasizes peacekeeping through the prevention and treatment of conflicts within the framework of the promotion of a culture of peace, supported by security policy; Both being closely related and in conjunction with the other State policies within the national planning scheme.

Security as a condition is achieved through a set of actions and measures that prevent and effectively respond to risks, threats and vulnerabilities, in order to achieve national and global objectives within the Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America. This treaty is based on the rule of law, the security of people and their property, the security of the region and also considers the organization and institutionality necessary for the operation of the model and draws on the achievements made in the pacification process. Regional integration.

It also promotes, through the Department of Human Rights, the implementation and enforcement of the fundamental rights inherent to the person, dignity, physical and mental integrity, and the improvement of the quality of life of the members of the Army. To achieve national and global objectives within the Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America. This treaty is based on the rule of law, the security of people and their property, the security of the region and also considers the organization and institutionality necessary for the operation of the model and draws on the achievements made in the pacification process.

In addition the organization and institutionality necessary for the operation of the model and is inspired by achievements in the process of pacification and regional integration. It also promotes, through the Department of Human Rights, the implementation and enforcement of the fundamental rights inherent to the person, dignity, physical and mental integrity, and the improvement of the quality of life of the members of the Army. In addition the organization and institutionality necessary for the operation of the model and is inspired by achievements in the process of pacification and regional integration. It also promotes, through the Department of Human Rights, the implementation and enforcement of the fundamental rights inherent to the person, dignity, physical and mental integrity, and the improvement of the quality of life of the members of the Army.

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