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Togo Navy / Marine Nationale Togolaise

The Togolese National Navy acquired from its creation on 1 May 1976 two patrol vessels capable of intercepting possible enemy ships, prohibiting them from approaching the coast, or even deterring them from entering territorial waters.

P our seal the few fifty-five kilometers of coastline and the safety of the port of Lomé in considerable development for decades, the Navy has acquired Togolese After its formation on 1 May 1976 two patrol boats able to Intercept any enemy ships, prohibit them from approaching the coast, or even discourage them from entering territorial waters. Mission of war time, devoted to high-speed and maneuvering stars, whose mobility ensures safety.

With the "Kara" and the "Mono", the Togolese National Navy prides itself on its fleet of a formidable efficiency, served by experienced crews, with orders of officers having proved themselves. It has been a General Staff since 1997. Its insignia, the naval anchor is the universal sign of seafarers to which is added the rudder, symbol of modernism, without denying the maritime tradition of their fathers: the armed canoe , All sails outside is a reminder of the filiation with the fishermen of the past who roamed along the coasts, going from one port to the other, under conditions often precarious, sometimes difficult. Without ever weakening. And the sons hope to be worthy of their fathers.

To monitor its maritime domain more closely, in March 2017 Togo decided to harmonize its action. Mixed patrols, now comprising the Navy, the Gendarmerie, the Customs, the Fisheries Department, the Anti-Drug Office and the Immigration Services, are now operational. The threat is multidimensional between the fight against terrorism, trafficking, fishing or illegal immigration. This coordination will promote the fight against crimes and offenses off the coast of Togo and the Gulf of Guinea. The regrouping of competences was recommended by the High Council for the Sea whose mission is to coordinate the action of the State at sea which is managed by different administrations.

The body of the prefecture guards dissolution was registered in February 2017. The 500 men who composed it joined the ranks of the gendarmerie. Security Minister Yark Damehane said on 07 March 2017 at a ceremony that their mission, including prison surveillance, was no longer necessary as a program to modernize justice is underway. They are much more useful within the gendarmerie for tasks of security and assistance to the populations, said Damehane.

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