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Senegal Air Force / Armée de l'Air Sénégalaise

The Senegalese Air Force was created on 1 April 1961 with mainly French technical assistance personnel and aeronautical equipment consisting of one (01) C.47 and one (01) type helicopter Bell, and as a loan. The first two Senegalese pilots left school in 1964. The first engineer officer and the first pilot-in-command in 1966. Since 1974, the Air Force has included only two personnel from the French Technical Military Assistance, an officer and a non-commissioned officer of the Command.

The air force had about 200 men in 1973. This service had no combat aircraft at that time, but assisted with military and civil transport needs, parachute troop training, and reconnaissance, using about eight light transports, two helicopters, and a few other aircraft.

The potential of air assets evolved and reached its highest level in 1984 by the acquisition of heavy helicopters type SA330 Puma (lost during Operation Fodé Kaba and during training); transport aircraft Fokker F27; training and combat aircraft type Fouga Magister; support and observation aircraft Rallye Guerrier G 235, and a Twin Otter maritime patrol aircraft. The Air Force had to implement Dakota C47 , Broussard, Cessna and Helicopter type Bell and Alouette III.

In April 2006, France offered 2 Epsilon and 1 Ecureuil helicopter, following the commitment made by French President Jacques Chirac during his visit to Senegal in February 2005. The Senegalese State recently acquired 2 Mi-35P and 2 Mi-171SH. Spain gave 2 UH-1H and CN212 in 2008 to the Forces Aériennes Sénégalaises.

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