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Nigerien Armed Forces

The Armed Forces are constituted by all the specially organized forces whose mission is to defend the nation and the integrity of the national territory. The Armed Forces consist of the Nigerian Armed Forces (FAN) and the Gendarmerie Nationale (GN). the Ministry of National Defense has under its tutelage mainly the Nigerian Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie Nationale. Article 66 of the Constitution states: "The Niger Armed Forces (FAN) shall defend the integrity of the national territory against external aggression and shall participate alongside other forces in the preservation of peace and security. Safety, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations ". And Decree No. 66-86 / PRN / MDN of January 21, 1968, regulating the service of the Gendarmerie Nationale in article 1 specifies that the Gendarmerie is a force instituted to ensure public safety, To ensure the maintenance of law and order throughout the territory, as well as to the Armed Forces, in order to protect institutions, persons and property.

The Nigerien Armed Forces are composed of:

  • Army ;
  • Air Force ;
  • Joint Services.
The Gendarmerie Nationale is composed of:
  • Territorial Gendarmerie;
  • Mobile Gendarmerie;
  • Central Services of the Gendarmerie.
They can participate in development actions in the country, in humanitarian actions and in peacekeeping operations in the framework of the implementation of the international commitments undertaken by Niger. Specific regulatory provisions lay down the common and / or particular rules for the application of this Ordinance.


  • Ensuring national sovereignty;
  • Participate in civil defense;
  • Combat the proliferation of small arms;
  • Contributing to sub-regional security;
  • Participate in peacekeeping operations;
  • Participate in development actions;


  • Civil defense
  • Emergency rescue missions;
  • Security missions;
  • Internal Defense Operation
  • Information;
  • Ensure the security of military facilities and installations;
  • Continue to participate in civil defense efforts;
  • Combat residual insecurity or all kinds of armed bandits;


  • Ensuring security on such a vast territory;
  • Ensure the free movement of people and goods;
  • Monitoring on seven permeable borders in desert and semi-desert regions (5675km)
  • Discourage all terrorist or banditry actions;
  • Coordinate our efforts with neighboring countries to combat terrorism;
  • Military cooperation

From the outbreak of the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in 2003 to 2014, the country sent more than 7,000 troops to the country under a UN mandate to help bring peace. The experience gained by the Armed Forces in the field of External Operations is recognized even at the level of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Lastly, it should be welcomed, the professionalism and the high sense of duty that the Nigerian military demonstrate in peacekeeping operations, often at the cost of heavy sacrifice.

One of the main objectives of "ensuring the safety of people and goods throughout the national territory" was reflected in several specific objectives, which are the satisfaction of citizens' aspirations for security. One was the fight against the proliferation of firearms through the restoration of the monopoly of state violence through the recovery of all weapons of war. With regard to the recovery of weapons of war, Niger put in place several safety devices for roads reinforced by mixed patrols. And during the Libyan crisis, a massive recovery of weapons was carried out by the Army during the influx of refugees. The data is at the Commission for the Recovery of Illicit Arms [Commission de récupération des armes illicites].

The forces carried out aerial surveillance of the territory and demining operations in the region of Agadez. In addition, it set up rapid response elements and surveillance cells with permanent radio listening in all regions, in collaboration with the other Defense and Security Forces.

Minister of National Defense, Karidio Mahamadou stated in 2015 that "We will initiate a reform of the defense sector. This is an activity which, in fact, is already under way with the setting up of a think-tank. We will also create new military positions to ensure optimal coverage of the entire national territory, and consider redefining the career profile of officers and subordinates. This project has also taken shape. On the other hand, we will continue, among other things, to equip the Armed Forces with substantial resources, to improve training, particularly in the field of counter-terrorism, As well as efforts to build social housing and land acquisition".

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