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Niger Air Force / Force Aerienne du Niger

The Nigerien Armed Forces total approximately 15,000 personnel with some 400 Air Force personnel. Air Force equipment includes two Mi-35s, two Mi-17s, two DA-42 reconnaissance aircraft, one C-130, one Dornier 228, one Boeing 737 presidential aircraft, and a small fleet of ultra-light aircraft. The aircraft inventory of the Niger Air Force has increased with new acquisition beginning 2008 and further assistance from France and US. This expansion in capacity was guided by the need for better border patrol following the crisis in Libya and Mali.

Training of Air Force recruits is conducted at Tondibiah base along with recruits of other military service branches. Air force officers, pilots and mechanics are additionally trained in France, US and other North Africa countries like Morocco at Royal Air Force School of Marrakech and Algeria.

Prior to 2003, military armed forces of Niger (French: forces armées nigeriennes or FAN) were grouped in one branch with one Chief of Staff who oversees both ground forces as well as the National Air Wing. Following an organizational restructuring in 2003, the military armed forces of Niger were structured into two main service branches: Niger Army (French: armée de terre) for all ground military forces and Niger Air Force (Armée de l'air). Each branch was headed by a Chief of Staff reporting to the Joint Chief of Staff of military armed forces. As part of this new structure, the National Air Wing was renamed as Niger Air Force (Armée de l'Air du Niger) on 17 December 2003.

On 01 August 2011, the military aviation of Niger celebrated 50 years of existence. The ceremonies of celebration of this half century of existence of the air force, heir of the l'Escadrille Nationale du Niger et du Groupement Aérien National (GAN), [National Squadron of the Niger and the National Air Force], took place first at Air Base 101, then At the Palais des Congrès where a conference was organized for the Defense and Security Forces.

The Minister of National Defense, Mr Karidio Mahamadou, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, the Army Chief of Staff, the Inspector General of the Army and the Gendarmerie, the High Commandant of the Gendarmerie and Many other military officials and defense attaches from friendly countries honored the activities of this fiftieth anniversary celebration with a fine morning rain showering on the tarmac of the national squadron.

Addressing his guests, Lieutenant-Colonel Boulama Issa Zana Boukar Dipchiarima, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, paid tribute to the pioneers who made their mark at the head of the Niger and their collaborators and extended its thanks to the friendly countries that support Niger in the framework of the cooperation. Lieutenant-Colonel Boulama said that Niger's military aviation, once exclusively characterized by military supply and military assistance activities, has been booming over the last decade. Indeed, he added, it has integrated a light observation aircraft that plays a vital role during operations.

In view of the new security challenges, the strategic challenges and the multifaceted asymmetric threats facing our country, it was felt necessary and necessary to adapt military aviation in particular and national defense in general to the transformation of these threats, he said. Chief of Staff of the Air Force, stressing that organizational and adaptive capacities are essential elements of survival to change.

The Air Force is a credible alternative, as a support to the other Defense and Security Forces. The air force, thanks to some of the advantages it offers, has a multiplying role of forces stressed the Lieutenant Colonel Boulama Issa who also stated that "the exercise of the sovereignty necessarily passes by the superiority of air". The celebration of the fiftieth anniversary was used by the military aviation officials to award official testimonials of satisfaction to several civilian and military figures for the outstanding services rendered to the Nation in the field of aviation among which one can quote General Wright François, Colonel Issa Mazou. An aerial demonstration closed the ceremony at Air Base 101.

In Overseas Operations (OPEX)the troop transport mission can be carried out by the United Nations directly or delegated to the troop-contributing country if it has the appropriate capabilities. In Niger, the Armed Forces decided to transport their personnel by themselves. This mission was entrusted to the Air Force, which has the air assets.

The most suitable aircraft of its fleet to this type of mission is the C130H Hercules. This four-engined aircraft, with a comfortable endurance and an appreciable load offered, has the advantage of being satisfied with runways summarily equipped for its operations of take-off and landing. In addition to its technical capabilities, the C130H of the Armed Forces of Nigeria (FAN) enjoys a thorough maintenance follow-up thanks to the regular maintenance visits it takes to the OGMA maintenance center, which is not only renowned throughout the world For its competence in this matter, but also approved by the manufacturer of the aircraft. The competence and professionalism of the flight crew and maintenance crews, Have been proven by a long selection of staff and continuing training both abroad and nationally.

It was this jewel of the FAN which during 2011 and 2012 ensured the transport of the Niger contingents within ONUCI. In 2011, the FAN C130H carried out fifteen (15) rotations in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (RCI), transported 1,900 soldiers, gendarmes and national guards in seventy-one hours and fifty minutes of flight. It should be stressed that these operations took place without any particular difficulties. The year 2012 augurs with equally promising prospects. Indeed, since February 20, 2012, the C130H has undertaken the transport of the Nigerian contingents up and down from UNOCI.

For these operations, about 1,700 personnel were transported in both directions. Beyond the national pride felt by Niger's military personnel to be transported by their own army, consideration should be given to extending this capability to countries in the subregion that would request it. Without claiming exclusivity in the transport of military personnel, it is in line with international standards. Continuous training of staff should continue and intensify at the same time as consideration should be given to the succession of staff. As can be seen, the Air Force places its professionalism and excellence at the service of the Armed Forces. Hope is there for this national pride, with the help of the authorities, to spread in the subregion.

Niger's Air Force bombed a Boko Haram base in the country's southeast and arrested more than 20 militants, security sources said 05 November 2015, in its largest counter-attack in eight months. Members of the Islamist militant group based mostly in northeastern Nigeria have repeatedly attacked the Lake Chad area, including Niger's southern border region of Diffa.

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