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Operation Iraqi Freedom

Occupation and Reconstruction


Occupation and Reconstruction Introduction

On 1 May 2003, President George W. Bush declared Major Combat Operations over, signaling a transition to operations to stabilize Iraq and support its reconstruction. US and coalition forces turned their focus to the development of Iraqi government institutions and security forces, as well as operations against insurgent activity throughout the country. Effective 1 September 2010, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and combat operations as a whole, were ended. The United States remained in Iraq under Operation New Dawn, operating in an advisory, assistance, training, and equipping role.


US Casualties in Iraq

Significant Activities (SIGACTS)

Ongoing Military Operations

Ongoing Military Operations Maps

US Force Levels

US Occupation Facilities

Slang - Operation Iraqi Freedom

Iraqi Insurgent Groups

Military Reconstruction

Urban Areas

OIF Art of War

Iraq Country Guide

References and Links

News and Analysis

Hot Documents

DOD/CPA/Iraq Interim Govt Briefings

DOD/CPA Weekly Updates

Iraq Blogs

Iraq Links

Operation Iraqi Freedom - Major Combat Operations

Operation Iraqi Freedom Major Combat Operations

"We can't sell thim, we can't ate thim, an' we can't throw thim into th' alley whin no wan is lookin'. An' 'twud be a disgrace f'r to lave befure we've pounded these frindless an' ongrateful people into insinsibility. So I suppose, Hinnissy, we'll have to stay an' do th' best we can..."
Expansion By Finley Peter Dunne

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