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Defense of Japan 2014 (Annual White Paper)

Japan Ministry of Defense

Defense of Japan 2014 (Annual White Paper) - Cover

These are presented in Adobe Acrobat format, as PDF files..






Part I: Security Environment Surrounding Japan

Chapter 1 Defense Policies of Countries
Chapter 2 Issues in the International Community

Part II: Japan's Security and Defense Policy

Chapter 1 The Basic Concepts of Japan's Security and Defense Policy
Chapter 2 Organizations Responsible for Japan's Security and Defense
Chapter 3 National Security Strategy
Chapter 4 New National Defense Program Guidelines
Chapter 5 Building a Dynamic Joint Defense Force

Part III: Initiatives of Defense of Japan

Chapter 1 Initiatives to Protect the Lives and Property of the People and Secure the Territorial Land, Water and Airspace
Chapter 2 Strengthening of the Japan-U.S. Alliance
Chapter 3 Active Promotion of Security Cooperation

Part IV: Bases to Demonstrate Defense Capabilities

Chapter 1 Measures on Defense Equipment, such as the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology
Chapter 2 Relationship between the Japanese People and the Ministry of Defense and the SDF

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