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1985 Reports

  • Wheeled Versus Tracked Vehicle Study Final Report March 1985 - The Wheeled Versus Tracked Vehicle Study was performed by the HQ TRADOC Studios and Analysis Activity in response to a tasking from HQDA ODCSopS (DAMO-FD). The purpose of the study was to conduct an analysis of the factors used in developing wheeled and tracked vehicle requirements and to lay the foundation for development of specific criteria upon which to base future vehicle requirements decisions.
  • Liberia: A Country Study Foreign Area Studies, The American University. [1985] ed. Harold Nelson. Research completed September 1984
  • The Revolution In Oman Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] A history of the revolution in Oman
  • The Effect Of Desert On Personnel Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] A review of the complications involved with desert warfare
  • The Faith Of Islam, The Holy Quran, And It's Attributes Towards Military Leadership by Commander Mohammned Jamil S. Al-Muallem Saudi Arabian Naval Officer, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Discussion of the principles of Islam and leadership
  • The Huks And The New People's Army: Comparing Two Postwar Filipino Insurgencies by Major Rodney S. Azama, U.S. Army, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Insurgencies are a popular form of modern warfare, and the Philippine government's suppression of the Huk rebellion - between 1946 and 1954 - is often cited as a model of effective counterinsurgency policies
  • Terrorist Suicide Operation Analysis Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Analyzes the tactics involved with terrorism, specifically suicide bombing.
  • The United States Marines Corps And The Japan Self-Defense Force: An Outline Study In Bilaterial Military Relations by Major Ernest G. Beinhart III, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper addresses several of the broad issues involved in the emerging relationship between U.S. Marine Forces in Japan and the Japan Self-Defense Force
  • Operation Steadfast: The United States Army Reorganizes Itself by Major James A. Bowden, USA, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper is a detailed account of the Army Reorganization of 1973, Operation STEADFAST. It examines how, given the structure, procedures, people and environment, a very important reorganization was conceived and managed by the professional officers of the institution which led to real changes in the structure, procedures. and people of the organization.
  • The All-Weather Attack Aircraft For The '90's: A-6F or A-18(AW)? Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Although the A-6F out performs its rival in some ways, the replacement for the A-6E should be the A-18(AW) because this aircraft scores the highest in the one area that counts the most--survivability in the high-threat environment of the 1990's.
  • Ground Air Defense In the Marine Air-Ground Task Force by MAJOR R. R. BLACKMAN, JR., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The paper analyzes the premise that the MAGTF's capability for ground air defense is inadequate and, with confirmation of that, analyzes alternatives for improving this aspect of the MAGTF.
  • LCAC And The Over-The-Horizon Amphibious Assault Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Future amphibious assaults will be conducted by using LCACs launched from ships stationed well beyond the horizon to carry scheduled and on-call waves of infantry mounted in AAVs, TOWs, tanks, and artillery to inland landing sites, whereupon the amphibious task force will move closer to the coastline to accelerate offloading by LCACs and, if necessary, open conventional beaches for displacement-type landing craft.
  • Vietnam: The End, 1975 by Major Thomas M. Bibby, USAF, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The purpose of this paper was to examine the reasons for the sudden and total collapse of the Republic of Vietnam Armed forces (RVNAF) in the early months of 1975, and determine if the final outcome was inevitable or if Ameri- can will could have prevailed and insured South Vietnam's survival as a free and independent nation.
  • Countering Terrorism-The Novel Approach Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Discusses Marine Corps doctrine concerning terrorism developed following Beirut
  • Armor In Closed Terrain - U. S. Army Experience In Vietnam Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The U.S. Army experience in Vietnam indicated that many military professionals have over estimated the difficulties of closed terrain. Armor in Vietnam has proved beyond doubts that, with thorough planning and imaginative employment, armored forces can play a useful combat role in close terrain.
  • Marine Air Over Korea: Pusan To The Chosin Breakout Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] During the early campaigns of the Korean conflict, U. S. Marine aviation provided reliable and highly effective air support for UN ground forces and proved to be a vital key to the UN military successes.
  • Impact Of Logistics On The Soviet "Blue Water" Navy Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] An analysis of the Soviet Navy from a logistics standpoint
  • NATO Military Strategy And Forces Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper will examine the military strategy and forces that NATO employs for the defense of Western Europe
  • Lebanon 1982: The Imbalance Of Political Ends And Military Means by Major M. Thomas Davis, US Army, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The purpose of this study is to argue that the Israeli adventure in Lebanon was a costly failure.
  • Mounted Task Force Operations: A Proposed Operational Handbook Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] A review of the Marine usage of mechanized units
  • An Analysis Of The Command And Control And Integration Of Marine Air-Ground Task Force Tactical Fixed Wing Aviation In Sustained Joint Force Operations Ashore by LtCol W. Todd Frommelt, Jr., USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper is a discussion and analysis of the command and control (C2) of Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) tactical fixed wing aviation (TACAIR) in sustained joint force land operations
  • Dien Bien Phu by Major Vincent J. Goulding, Jr., Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] It is the intent of this paper to examine the events which led to this particularly famous and often misunderstood campaign.
  • Defeating Insurgency On The Border Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The use of border barriers should be a primary consideration in the development of any United States counterinsurgency strategy because many insurgencies can not be defeated without barriers and United States military forces are well equipped to use them.
  • Remotely Piloted Vehicles: A Sensible Approach To Development And Utilization Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] If we are to capitalize on the RPV, we must clearly understand its advantages and carefully base its development on practical operational requirements and financial constraint.
  • The Infantryman's Combat Load Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] From the beginning of recorded history, the combat infantryman has been overloaded, because unit commanders will neither reduce the weight of the equipment nor reduce the amount of equipment that they require their men to carry.
  • The Impact Of Accounting Standards On Spiralling Aircraft Production Indirect Costs by Major George V. Kuck, Jr. USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Until accounting standards are uniformly applied and enforced, indirect costs will continue to be a burgeoning problem resulting in excessive expenses being incurred during air- craft acquisitions.
  • The Greek Civil War 1943-1949 by Major Jeffrey C. Kotora, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The object of this paper is to examine one such conflict with a view towards analyzing the events of the war and the causative factors that made it a successful counterinsurgency.
  • The Maritime Pre-Positioning Ships (MPS) Program: Not All Is Well Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The implications of the MPS Program on the Marine Corps' readiness, sustainability, and force projection capability need to be thoroughly investigated in order to identify and correct the Program's shortfalls.
  • Operations, Equipment And Training Of The Infantry Division For The Anti-Landing And Amphibious Invasion by Lieutenant Colonel T. Kobayakawa Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] An overview and analysis of Anti-landing and amphibious operations
  • The Jebel Akhdar War Oman 1954-1959 by Major John B. Meagher, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper will examine a tribal rebellion which took place in the Sultanate of Oman during the middle and late 1950s.
  • Amphibious Raids: An Historical Imperative For Today's Marines by Major James N. Mattis, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The Marine Corps of 1985 needs only to study Britain's 1942 response to the Germans' occupation of Europe to discern that the Corps' greatest contribution to NATO's defense today lies within its traditional amphibious calling.
  • MAGTF TACAIR In Joint Sustained Land Operations: USMC Versus USAF by Major James S. Mendelson, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Compares the capabilities of the Marines and the Air Force in providing effective TACAIR
  • Air Operations During The 1973 Arab-Israeli War And The Implications For Marine Aviation by Major Martin L. Musella, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This analyzes the implications for Marine aviation by examining selected aspects of the belligerents' air and air defense opera- tions.
  • Northern Ireland: The Time And Place For Urban Terror by Major Michael V. Maloney, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Reviews the background of the violence in N. Ireland
  • Low-Altitude Air Defense-Band Aids Won't Heal The Wound by Major William W. McCombs, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Low-altitude air threats(attack helicopters and cruise missiles) cannot be adequately detected or engaged by our air defense assets, and we continue to apply "band-aid" remedies to a serious wound.
  • The Struggle For Survival by Major James P. O'Donnell, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] In the period between 1943 and 1947 the United States Marine Corps was involved in a struggle for its survival as a viable military organization.
  • Combat In The Jungle by LtCol. Nicasio Roman, Mexican Marine Corps, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Review of jungle warfare
  • The Contradora Group And The Central America Crisis by LtCol Antonio Sandoval, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Analyzes the Contradora Group and Insurgency
  • Armored Vehicle Identification: The Key To Survival by Major Charles R. Sherrill, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The Marine Corps must increase the individual's and crew's ability to rapidly distinguish between friend or foe by adopting or developing a comprehensive training and evaluation program for armored vehicle identification.
  • Che Guevara In Bolivia by Major Donald R. Selvage, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] This paper attribute Guevara's failure, primarily, to his own miscalculations and tactical errors Steps taken by Bolivia and the United States, however, clearly exploited Che's mistakes and hastened his defeat.
  • The MPS Reception--An Analysis by Major James N. Strock, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The purpose of this study is to conduct a time and space analysis of the MPS arrival and assembly process as it rel- lates to container throughput, general space requirements, and host nation support considerations.
  • The Air War In Afghanistan by Major Keith J. Stalder, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The purpose of this study is to examine the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and determine the effect that this venture, particularly the air war, will have on Soviet tactics as it relates to the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • The Iran-Iraq War: Strategy of Stalemate by Major Robert E. Sonnenberg, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] To properly understand the Iran-Iraq war, it is necessary to examine the many facets that have contributed to the calamity from the beginning.
  • The "Roaring Forties" The Arena For Tomorrow's War by Major John F. Thornell, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] United States reliance on imported strategic materials, the free world's reliance on shipping lanes, important treaties with emerging nations, and the nature of modern warfare require the Marine Corps to prepare for response in predictable locations within the "Roaring Forties."
  • Light Attack Helicopters In The Light Division - The Need Is Now by Major Jesse R. Timmerman, Jr, USA, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Strategic deployment flexibility, versatility as an anti-armor weapon, and cost effectiveness make the light attack helicopter a vital and necessary asset for the light division.
  • The Aerodynamics Of Power Loss by Major Mark C. Thoman, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] The training syllabus of a pilot learn in fly propeller driven, multi-engine aircraft must include a detailed analysis of the aerodynamics of partial power.
  • SINCGARS-V by Major G.E. Washburn, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Discussion of Marine Corps usage of the SINCGARS-V
  • Military Coups In Africa--The African "Neo-Colonialism" That Is Self-Inflicted by Major Jimmi Wangome, Kenya Army, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College [1985] Rather than solve African contemporary political and socio- economic problems, military coups d'etat in Africa have tended to drive the continent into even further suffering and turmoil.

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