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Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets

The Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets [gosudarstvennoy sekretnyie] is a collegial body coordinating the activities of state authorities to protect state secrets in the interests of developing and executing state programs, regulatory and methodological documents ensuring the implementation of legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets. The functions of the interdepartmental commission for the protection of state secrets and its super-departmental powers are exercised in accordance with the Regulations on the interdepartmental commission for the protection of state secrets approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

State secrets are information protected by the state in the field of its military, foreign policy, economic, intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-search activities, the spread of which may damage the security of the Russian Federation. The state secret protection system - a set of state secret protection bodies, the means used by them and the methods of protecting information constituting state secrets, and their carriers, as well as activities carried out for these purposes Access to state secrets - the procedure of registration of the right of citizens to access information constituting state secrets, and enterprises, institutions and organizations - to work using such information. State secrets in the military field:

  • the content of strategic and operational plans, documents of the combat command for the preparation and conduct of operations, strategic, operational and mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and agencies provided for by the Federal Law "On Defense", on their combat and mobilization readiness, on the creation and use of mobilization resources;
  • plans to build the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops of the Russian Federation, on the directions of development of weapons and military equipment, on the content and results of the implementation of targeted programs, research and development work on the creation and modernization of models of weapons and military equipment;
  • the development, technology, production, production volumes, storage, disposal of nuclear weapons, their components, fissionable nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, technical means and (or) methods of protecting nuclear weapons from unauthorized use, as well as nuclear energy and special physical installations of defense value;
  • the tactical and technical characteristics and capabilities of the combat use of models of weapons and military equipment, on the properties, formulations or technologies for the production of new types of rocket fuel or military explosives;
  • the location, purpose, degree of readiness, security of sensitive and especially important objects, their design, construction and operation, as well as the allocation of land, mineral resources and waters for these objects;
  • the deployment, real names, about the organizational structure, about armament, the number of troops and the state of their combat support, as well as about the military-political and (or) operational situation;
  • the content of plans for preparing the Russian Federation and its individual regions for possible military actions, on the mobilization capacities of the industry for the manufacture and repair of weapons and military equipment, on the volumes of production and supplies, on the stocks of strategic raw materials and materials, as well as on the deployment, actual sizes and about the use of state material reserves;
  • the use of the infrastructure of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the defense and security of the state;
  • forces and means of civil defense, on the deployment, purpose and degree of protection of administrative objects, on the degree of security of the population, on the functioning of transport and communications in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the security of the state;
  • the volumes, plans (assignments) of the state defense order, about the production and supply (in monetary or physical terms) of armaments, military equipment and other defense products, about the availability and increase of capacities for their production, about the relations of cooperation enterprises, developers or about the manufacturers of these weapons, military equipment and other defense products;
  • the achievements of science and technology, research and development, about the design, about design works and technologies of great defense or economic importance, affecting the security of the state;
  • platinum reserves, platinum group metals, natural diamonds in the State Fund for Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as on reserves in the subsoil, mining, production and consumption of strategic types of minerals of the Russian Federation (according to the list determined by Government of the Russian Federation);

The degree of secrecy of information constituting a state secret must be commensurate with the severity of the damage that may be inflicted on the security of the Russian Federation as a result of the dissemination of this information. Three degrees of secrecy of information constituting state secrets and the corresponding secrets for secrets of the above information are established: “of special importance”, “top secret” and “secret”. The procedure for determining the extent of damage that may be caused to the security of the Russian Federation as a result of the dissemination of information constituting state secrets, and the rules for attributing this information to varying degrees of secrecy are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The use of the listed security classification for classifying information not classified as state secrets is not allowed.

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