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Federal Office for Information Technology Security [BSI]
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik

The Federal Office for Information Technology Security is federal authority, created in 1990 and subordinated to the Federal Minister of the Interior, that is responsible for information technology [IT] security, including all technical means for the processing or transmission of information. Responsibilities of the Office include:

  • Investigation of security risks at the application of the information technology as well as development of security measures, particularly from information technology procedures and instruments for the security in information technology, to support the activities of the Federal government.
  • Development of criteria, procedures and tools for testing and evaluating the security of IT systems or components.
  • Testing and evaluating the security of IT systems or components and awarding security certificates.
  • Certifying IT systems or components, which are used in the Federal systems, or at enterprises under Federal contract, for the processing or transmission of officially undisclosed information (classified information), and the manufacture of data keys, which are required for the operation of admitted encryption instruments.
  • Supporting offices responsible for Federal IT security.
  • Supporting Federal offices responsible for the prevention and tracing of criminal offenses, including Federal and State Offices for the Protection of the Constitution, as far as this is necessary to prevent criminal acts, efforts or activities, which are directed at the security in information technology or result from the use of information technology.

The Federal Office for Information Technology Security publishes an annual IT - Grundschutzhandbuch [Information Technology Protection Handbook] which defines, for a multitude of information technology systems, the necessary IT-security precautions which are necessary for basic protection. The IT - Grundschutzhandbuch provides comprehensive descriptions of IT - systems, including considered measures and threats.

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