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Report on the Progress of the Director of National Intelligence in Implementing the "Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004"

May 2006


Pursuant to Section 1095 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is pleased to provide the Congressional oversight committees with this first-year progress report on the implementation of the IRTPA. This report is structured to parallel the DNI's principal responsibilities, as set forth in Section 102(b) of the National Security Act (NSA), as amended by Section 1011 of the IRTPA, as well as other significant mandates in the IRTPA. Specifically, the DNI's principal responsibilities are:

    Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President, the Director of National Intelligence shall -
    (1) serve as head of the intelligence community;
    2) act as the principal adviser to the President, to the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security; and
    (3) consistent with section 1018 of the National Security Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program.


I. Head of the Intelligence Community (IC)

The DNI is using the powers granted to him by the IRTPA to integrate the IC's functioning according to the management principle of "centralized oversight, decentralized execution." The Office of the DNI (ODNI) leads the IC, and ODNI components produce finished intelligence, but the ODNI does not run day-to-day operations. All of the core functions of the IC-the collection of information, analysis, operations, technology development, dissemination of intelligence, and internal management-still take place throughout the IC elements. The ODNI ensures that the IC is integrated, focusing on the right questions, and maximizing the return on taxpayer dollars by identifying threats clearly so that policymakers, legislators, military commanders, and law enforcement officials can make well-informed decisions and take effective actions.

The DNI signed the first-ever National Intelligence Strategy (NIS) in October 2005. The Strategy derives mission objectives for intelligence from the President's National Security Strategy and prescribes enterprise-wide objectives derived from the Quadrennial Intelligence Community Review and other strategic efforts to enhance theCommunity's capabilities. The ODNI is now implementing the Strategy through plans that align the efforts of all sixteen community components to NIS objectives. In addition, the ODNI is re-writing community-wide policies in Intelligence Community Directives (ICDs) to replace those formerly promulgated through Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs--see the annex).

The DNI conveys priorities and concerns to the leadership of the IC through two principal groups. The Intelligence Community Leadership Committee, which includes the directors of all community components and meets approximately every two months, and the Program Managers meetings, held weekly with the six largest IC agencies.1

The first task of the IC is to protect the safety of Americans and the integrity of national decisionmaking processes against all enemies. The ODNI has undertaken important initiatives to integrate domestic intelligence, as directed by Section 1012 of the IRTPA, into the work of the IC. In particular, the ODNI has worked closely with the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to establish a National Security Branch at FBI to integrate the Bureau's intelligence, counterterrorism, and counterintelligence programs. The ODNI also directed the establishment of a DNI Homeland Threat Task Force under the auspices of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to bring together the community's foreign and domestic components and integrate all intelligence on al-Qa'ida and homegrown Sunni extremist threats in the United States. In addition, the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Customer Outcomes (DDNI/CO) coordinates with key state, local, and homeland security and law enforcement leaders to gain a better grasp of their requirements and to ensure that the IC works toward satisfying its customers' needs, determining customer satisfaction, and keeping the DNI informed.

Over the last year, the ODNI has delineated responsibilities for the use of clandestine means to inform and facilitate the protection and advancement of US interests abroad. Pursuant to Section 104A of the NSA, as amended by Section 1011 of the IRTPA, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will continue to have the predominant role in coordinating US government clandestine activities abroad, as well as managing liaison relationships with foreign intelligence and security services. In addition, the CIA and the Department of Defense (DoD) finalized an agreement to coordinate and deconflict special operations abroad, pursuant to Section 1013 of the IRTPA. Finally, under the leadership of the DNI, for the first time, the IC is reassessing all of its relationships with foreign counterparts to determine whether new relationships may be beneficial and whether there are additional activities that need to be deconflicted.

In addition to defining foreign intelligence tasks and responsibilities, the ODNI worked with the CIA to form the National Clandestine Service (including its new Covert Action Executive), to manage and conduct operations, to provide standards and guidance for all IC agencies engaged in human intelligence, and to deconflict human intelligence operations across community elements.

Section 102A of the NSA, as amended, devotes particular attention to ensuring that the IC supports the needs of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and senior military commanders. The DNI created the post of DDNI/CO in part to support this requirement. For example, in the last year the DDNI/CO worked closely with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD[I]) to implement the Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) concept to improve the integration of national and military intelligence capabilities for combatant commanders. An ODNI team will be embedded in the recently established Defense JIOC to provide national-level focus. In addition, the DDNI/CO now sits on DoD's Joint Requirements Oversight Committee to participate in decisions affecting long-term intelligence capabilities. Similarly, the future Integrated Collection Architecture is a joint ODNI-DoD initiative. Finally, the ODNI facilitated information-sharing efforts with key foreign partners to ensure that they have access to the intelligence they need to support common national security interests, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The DNI exercises long-term influence on Defense intelligence activities via budgetary and personnel authorities. In the first major programmatic decision, the DNI, resolved the long-standing impasse over the risk associated with acquisition strategies to meet future overhead imagery requirements (the "Imagery Way Ahead"), which was enacted as part of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Defense Appropriations Bill. In addition, the DNI realigned measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) responsibilities in the IC and appointed a MASINT Community Executive in July 2005 to improve management of MASINT resources and use of the data they provide. The DNI has also acquisition oversight authorities related to the acquisition of major systems and has already exercised those authorities in several joint milestone decisions with the Secretary of Defense.

The DNI also employs other means to lead change in the community to meet the goals set forth in the IRTPA. For example, the Associate Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology is completing a community-wide investment plan that will help identify gaps in the IC's science and technology efforts and make recommendations to close those gaps. The ODNI Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) has made advances toward integrating the community's various human resources policies and practices, including the soon-to-be established "joint duty" requirement for promotion to most senior executive positions. The CHCO has also undertaken a comprehensive effort to modernize and integrate hiring, personnel, promotion, career development, and compensation systems across the community to raise standards, improve performance, and promote a common sense of mission. Finally, the DNI, through the Assistant DDNI for Security and the Chief Information Officer, is exercising responsibility to ensure maximum availability of and access to intelligence by establishing uniform security standards and procedures, as well as common information technology standards, protocols, and interfaces. In this regard, the ODNI is reviewing information disclosure policies and is working to improve training and awareness of information security procedures, implement audit technologies, and ensure that unauthorized disclosures are investigated. The ODNI will soon issue a community-wide directive on unauthorized disclosures.

II. Principal Intelligence Adviser

The DNI has employed the authorities granted by the IRTPA to improve strategic warning, to provide increased situational awareness, and to forecast developments of significance to US interests. The DNI's approach has been to integrate the IC's existing functions and capabilities, while determining what new avenues should be pursued. The DNI has sought to improve intelligence support by strengthening the direct links between intelligence officials and senior policymakers, by increasing the sharing of information with and across the IC, and by improving the quality of the community's analysis.

Under the DNI, the IC receives more timely and substantive direction from policymakers. The DNI accomplished this by revitalizing the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF) process, which is now a dynamic mechanism that shows the inevitable trade offs that accompany the shifting of priorities. Since the DNI assumed the stewardship of the NIPF, the first changes to that priority list have been made-based upon input from senior policymakers. The President has approved the revised Framework, and the National Security Council's (NSC) principals and deputies committees have become more involved in the process, providing the DNI and IC with more frequent and systematic guidance on the priorities that matter to them.

The DNI oversees, attends, and participates in the President's daily briefings on intelligence findings and operations. This enables the DNI to assess on a continuing basis the IC's most important intelligence and its contribution to national security. Since assuming office, the DNI has instituted significant changes in the process of preparing the President's Daily Brief (PDB). The PDB's writers and editors are now more representative of the community and the range of IC views, increasing the diversity of perspective and significantly augmenting the breadth and depth of expertise brought to bear on the PDB topics. The PDB team now has a strategic planning unit to better anticipate policymakers' needs. Policymaker feedback is directed to the leadership of the entire community so that intelligence officials understand the issues of concern to their most senior customers. Finally, an Intelligence Community Advisory Board now provides overall guidance to the PDB process.

The National Intelligence Council (NIC) continues to provide the US government with the IC's estimates of current situations and developing trends. Under the chairmanship of the DDNI for Analysis (DDNI/A) the NIC has been named the community's senior analytic element and gained new responsibilities (consistent with Section 103B of the NSA, as amended). The NIC assumed the role of coordinating intelligence support for the NSC principals and deputies committees, and for the Homeland Security Council and Cabinet meetings (although the NCTC coordinates support for terrorism-related meetings). In addition, the NIC now has a long-range analysis unit that explores emerging issues that cut across traditional analytic boundaries. Finally, the NIC has streamlined its processes and is reaching out more broadly to the public and private sectors-not only to augment expertise already resident within the IC, but also to secure the full range of alternative views and analytic insights needed by our customers.

Analysis is more likely to be accurate if informed by collection methods that reliably unearth our adversaries' secrets. Therefore, the IRTPA provides the DNI the authority to "manage and direct" the collection of national intelligence, to ensure that collectors understand the needs of analysts and that analytical budgets are proportional to expenditures for collection (see Section 102A[h] of the NSA, as amended). Using the NIPF as a guide, the DDNI/A and DDNI for Collection (DDNI/C), with the newly appointed DNI Mission Managers (for counterterrorism, counterproliferation, North Korea, and Iran), are collaborating to identify gaps in analysts' understanding of more than a dozen critical targets to pinpoint where that information resides and to devise integrated collection strategies that provide coherent, prioritized operational guidance to collectors to address these gaps. The DDNI/C is helping to conduct the joint DoD-ODNI Integrated Collection Architecture-a study that will diagram the way in which all of the IC's technical capabilities fit together to complement each other's activities.

III. Oversight of the National Intelligence Program

Section 102A(c) of the NSA, as amended, grants the DNI substantial authority over the new National Intelligence Program (NIP). Pursuant to that authority, the DNI quickly initiated new budget processes and procedures, and is using them to push the IC to operate as an integrated enterprise and eliminate duplication. The DNI consults twice yearly with the JICC (and quarterly with the deputy JICC) to ensure that the IC meets the intelligence needs of senior policymakers and to obtain their advice on corresponding community budget requirements. These processes-and indeed the entire set of roles and responsibilities (from planning to execution) of the ODNI, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the intelligence components-will be detailed in a new Intelligence Community Directive that is now in final coordination.

In accordance with Section 102A(c) of the NSA, as amended, the DNI directed the apportionment of FY 2005 Supplemental and FY 2006 appropriations, as well as prior year balances for all NIP funding. To that end, the ODNI has drafted guidance to manage future NIP appropriations through apportionment and allotment, and OMB has approved the DNI's NIP apportionment process instructions for DoD.

In addition, the DNI determined the composition of the FY 2007 budget request for the NIP. Working with the Attorney General, the DNI ensured that the NIP included adequate funding for the FBI's new National Security Branch and for the Drug Enforcement Administration's Office of National Security Intelligence. The DNI also made significant adjustments to the FY 2007 budget requests for the DoD's NIP-funded components, and for the first time, working with OMB, reallocated NIP resources from Defense to domestic intelligence programs and vice versa. The DNI has made quick use of the reprogramming and transfer authorities granted in the IRTPA.

FY 2008 will be the first full budget cycle performed pursuant to the DNI's guidance. The DNI has provided guidance to all NIP components on how to build their FY 2008 budget requests. The guidance emphasized the priorities and objectives set forth in the NIS and policymaker needs as expressed in the NIPF.

The DNI also has exercised authorities with regard to the non-NIP intelligence spending in DoD. The DNI endorsed the establishment of the Military Intelligence Program (MIP), which will combine the Joint Military Intelligence Program and the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities, and participated with the Office of the Secretary of Defense in developing the FY 2007 MIP budget. In addition, the DNI included guidance to the MIP components in the FY 2008 programmatic guidance.

IV. Additional Areas of Progress

The IRTPA addresses a variety of other topics. The DNI's progress in these areas contributes to fulfilling the principal responsibilities previously listed, and enables the IC enterprise to improve its overall support for national security goals. The ODNI's progress in meeting these mandates is described as follows.

1. Information Sharing [Section 1016 of the IRTPA]: Both collection and analysis are enhanced by broader sharing of information across the community and the government. Indeed, neither functions well if the flow of information is impeded by out­-of-date technology or policies that have not kept pace with the digital age to enable more effective sharing. The IRTPA required the President to create an Information Sharing Environment (ISE) for terrorism information and to designate a Program Manager responsible for overseeing and managing it. In so doing, the President placed the Program Manager (PM-ISE) within the ODNI, where he is now working with the IC CIO to foster the sharing of terrorism information to and from all levels of government in the United States (including state, local, and tribal).2 The PM-ISE issued a preliminary Report to the President and Congress on June 15, 2005 and an interim report on the Creation of the Information Sharing Environment in January 2006. The PM-ISE works closely with the Information Sharing Council, established in Section 1016(g) of the IRTPA. The CIO is streamlining the processes and organizations by which community elements acquire and manage information technology and sharing, and is using designated authorities to ensure that agencies build networks and databases that can support rapid and efficient information sharing, and to eliminate those that cannot.

2. Improvement of Analysis [Sections 1017, 1019, and 1020 of the IRTPA]: While the National Security Act prior to the IRTPA required that intelligence provided to policymakers was "timely, objective, independent of political considerations, and based on all sources," the IRTPA insists that the DNI provide the most accurate analysis possible (Section 102A(h) of the NSA, as amended). The DDNI/A has begun to address that charge by conducting an inventory of subject-matter expertise, emphasizing language training and source validation, including analytic dissents and alternative views in analysis, appointing an analytic ombudsman to address concerns about the analytic process, and creating an Analytic Integrity and Standards Unit to evaluate the methodological rigor of IC intelligence products. As an example of how these new measures are already contributing, the analytic ombudsman recently reviewed IC tradecraft and assumptions on the recent Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections, and lessons learned from that exercise are already being put in place. Finally, ODNI is one of four sponsors of the President's National Security Language Initiative, in coordination with the Departments of Education, State, and Defense (overall the IC more than tripled funding for foreign language education, training, and testing between FY 2003 and FY 2006).

In addition, the ODNI has established a digital library of all new intelligence products produced by the community to bring together all available national intelligence on any given topic, to better understand how collection best contributes to intelligence analysis, and to enable the community to better understand where analysis is either insufficient or unnecessarily duplicative. To ensure that analysis is based on all available sources, the ODNI is exploring ways to increase the capacity of analysts across the community to exploit the full range of classified data and openly available information relevant to national security. The ODNI has also begun a collaborative effort with external experts to develop new analytic methods for addressing chronic hard problems. Finally, the ODNI is developing a strategy for routine interaction and coordination among analysts within the community and with external experts who can enhance our understanding of foreign cultures and developments.

3. Development of Mission Centers and Mission Management [Sections 1021-1023 of the IRTPA]: The IRTPA encourages the DNI to manage community activities by "missions," rather than by functional specialties. This means bringing all pertinent specialties among analysts, collectors, and related experts together in real or virtual teams to attack the intelligence gaps that hamper the IC's performance against some of the US government's most pressing security concerns.

In particular, the IRTPA provided a statutory basis for NCTC and expanded its mission to include "strategic operational planning" and the assignment of roles and responsibilities for "all instruments of national power" in counterterrorism activities. NCTC is completing an implementation plan for this aspect of its mission, and has completed the congressionally-mandated National Strategy to Combat Terrorist Travel. The center's director, as the DNI's Mission Manager for Counterterrorism is in the process of establishing "lanes in the road" for terrorism-related analysis around the community that will clarify IC elements' roles and responsibilities for terrorism analysis.

Analysis of terrorist activities remains a top priority for the IC, and the IRTPA named NCTC the US Government's primary organization for integrating and analyzing all intelligence relating to terrorism and counterterrorism, except that of a purely domestic nature. The DNI, exercising his authorities in Section 102A(e) of the NSA, as amended, recently directed the transfer to NCTC of 72 analyst positions from other IC elements. Access to 28 US government networks is available to NCTC analysts. Finally, NCTC has created a secure website that reaches more than 5,000 users across the Federal government. This website is the primary vehicle in the IC for sharing terrorist threat information.

The community's collection and analytical efforts on certain "hard" targets are being coordinated by the DNI's mission managers and the national intelligence centers. For example, Section 1022 of the IRTPA emphasized Congress's concern regarding the integration of IC-wide efforts that address the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. As a result, and pursuant to the President's direction, the DNI established the National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC) to provide a virtual common workspace for proliferation analysis and strategic planning for the IC's efforts in this field, among other duties. NCPC had developed a strategic plan that will address its mission and corresponding responsibilities.

The DNI has also appointed mission managers for Iran and North Korea. These officers have been given the responsibility for creating virtual communities of interest regarding these regimes and ensuring that the IC recognizes and closes gaps in our knowledge of their intentions and capabilities.

Through collaboration between the offices of the DDNI/A and DDNI/C, the ODNI is instituting similar mission management practices for twelve other key countries and issues. This approach responds to both the objectives of the NIS, and the DNI's goal of better integrating the analysis and collection communities and fostering coordination and communication across these communities. Mission management efforts have already produced analysis-driven target lists for collectors and are identifying systemic impediments to both collection and analysis, which will be addressed through new policies and techniques.

4. The Joint Intelligence Community Council [Section 1031 of the IRTPA]: The IRTPA created a Cabinet-level JICC to assist the DNI in "developing and implementing a joint, unified national intelligence effort." The JICC has met several times, and has helped to advise the DNI on a variety of matters, including the establishment of IC requirements and budgets, and the IC's overall performance. To better assist the DNI and the members of the JICC, the DNI also created a Deputy-level JICC, which meets several weeks before each JICC.

5. Improvement of Education [Sections 1041-1043 of the IRTPA]: The ODNI has created the National Intelligence University (NIU) system to draw together existing IC schools and training centers and provide centralized management and common educational standards. The NIU enables intelligence officers to take courses across the community, to better link training and education to professional development, and to derive and share lessons learned.

6. Open Source Information [Section 1052 of the IRTPA]: The DNI has established a center to collect and analyze open source information. The CIA, as the DNI's executive agent, manages the new Open Source Center , which builds upon the long experience of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service and is already producing valuable analyses for the PDB and, more generally, for the war on terror.

7. Privacy and Civil Liberties [Section 103D of the NSA, as amended]: The IRTPA charges the DNI with ensuring that the IC pays scrupulous attention to the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. Pursuant to the IRTPA, the DNI has appointed a Civil Liberties Protection Officer (CLPO), who reports directly to the DNI, to ensure that safeguards for civil liberties and privacy are incorporated in policies and procedures developed for and implemented in the ODNI and the IC elements under the NIP. The CLPO and other ODNI offices have, in turn, provided support to the White House in the establishment of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, in accordance with Section 1061 of the IRTPA.

8. Inspector General [Section 1078 of the IRTPA]: Pursuant to the authority granted the DNI in the IRTPA, the DNI established an Inspector General (IG). The IG is charged with detecting fraud, waste, and abuse; evaluating performance; and making recommendations to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the ODNI and the IC. The IG, working with other IC IGs, has built the capability to perform inspections and undertake investigations and audits, and to evaluate work processes and offer advice to IC and ODNI offices.

9. Diversity: In July 2005, in the first official policy statement to the IC, the DNI affirmed the commitment to diversity and announced the decision to retain the Diversity Senior Advisory Panel for the IC-a group of outside experts on diversity-to provide advice and guidance in this critical area. The DNI also appointed an IC Chief of Equal Employment Opportunity and established an IC Diversity Strategies Division under the IC CHCO; these offices and individuals are now developing a comprehensive IC Diversity Strategic Plan, to be completed by the end of this year, that will be linked directly to the NIS . The Diversity Strategic Plan will be based on the results of the FY 2005 Annual Report on Hiring and Retention of Minority Employees; prepared for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the report shows that the major IC agencies continue to make steady, modest gains in attracting, hiring, developing, and advancing minorities and women. The report also highlights areas where improvement is needed, particularly in the hiring and retention of persons with disabilities. The diversity strategy will also build on several pilot projects that were initiated successfully in FY 2004 and FY 2005; the pilots are designed to help the IC attract and retain a diverse pool of highly qualified employees to meet critical skills requirements, especially in foreign languages, the sciences, and analytic disciplines.

10. Additional Authorities : Section 1095 of the Intelligence Reform Act states that the DNI may use this report as a vehicle to present "recommendations for additional legislative or administrative action as the Director considers appropriate." The DNI appreciates the opportunity to do so. Such recommendations as they arise will be submitted as formal legislative proposals in connection with annual authorization and appropriation bills.

V . Conclusion

The DNI is making substantial progress in the implementation of the IRTPA and toward improving intelligence products so that policymakers have the information necessary to protect the Nation today. The DNI has established a vision of the IC as an integrated enterprise and is implementing strategic plans to make that vision a reality. The future intelligence enterprise is key to making the Nation safer. Dozens of institutional and policy reforms have been initiated; major budget decisions have been made; and the customer community that receives intelligence has been involved more deeply in the process of determining which threats and trends deserve our IC's priority attention.


Annex: The ODNI Policy Process

Section 1097(b)1(B)3 of the Intelligence Reform Act prescribed the following:

Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall prescribe regulations, policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines required under section 102A of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended by section 1011(a) of this Act.

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), in Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 2005-1 (April 21, 2005), established ICDs as the principal means by which the DNI provides guidance, policy, and direction to the Intelligence Community. The DNI also directed that all Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs) remain in force until canceled or superseded by an ICD. Since April 21, 2005, the DNI has issued several Intelligence Community Policy Memoranda (ICPMs), and other documents that set forth policies and guidelines for the implementation of DNI authorities. In addition, the ODNI, with participation from the Intelligence Community, is conducting an ongoing review of DCIDs to determine whether they should be adopted as ICDs, revised or amended, or rescinded.

ICPM 2006 100-1 (signed on 25 April 2006) explains the new policy process in detail. The relevant text of this memorandum is as follows:


A. AUTHORITY. The National Security Act of 1947, as amended; the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004; Executive Order 12333, as amended; and other applicable provisions of law.

B. PURPOSE: This memorandum establishes the process for the formulation, coordination, and approval of Intelligence Community-wide policy. The Assistant Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Strategy, Plans, and Policy (ADDNI/SPP), under the overall direction of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Management (DDNI/M), is responsible for the administration of this policy process and evaluation of policy implementation.

C. THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE POLICY SYSTEM : The National Intelligence Policy System provides the direction and guidance necessary to support the Director of National Intelligence's (DNI) National Intelligence Strategy and the associated implementation plans. The Policy System comprises nine series, organized topically. Each series falls under the cognizance of a designated senior official of the ODNI (cognizant official), who is responsible for guiding the development of policy within the series. Each series will have an overarching or "capstone" document.

Enterprise Management
Deputy DNI for Management
Intelligence Analysis
Deputy DNI for Analysis
Intelligence Collection
Deputy DNI for Collection
Customer Outcomes
Deputy DNI for Customer Outcomes
Information Management
Associate DNI and Chief Information Officer
Human Capital
Assistant Deputy DNI and Chief Human Capital Officer
Assistant Deputy DNI for Education and
Training and Chancellor, National
Intelligence University
Security and
National Counterintelligence Executive
Assistant Deputy DNI for Security
Science & Technology
Associate DNI or Science and Technology
Mission Management
Subject Dependent



Intelligence Community Directive (ICD): ICDs are the principal issuance through which the DNI provides policy direction to the Intelligence Community (IC). ICDs are numbered sequentially within each series, e.g., 200, 201, 202. The DNI or, in the DNI's absence, the Principal Deputy DNI (PDDNI), approves all ICDs.

Intelligence Community Policy Memorandum (ICPM): ICPMs are issuances that provide policy direction to the IC prior to formal inclusion in an ICD series. ICPMs will also be used to issue policy on an expeditious basis. An ICPM may reflect a new policy or revision to an existing policy. All ICPMs will contain the following language: "The content of this policy shall be incorporated into an Intelligence Community Directive. " Each ICPM will be assigned a number that incorporates the year, the appropriate series number, and a sequential number, e.g., 2005-100-1, 2005-100-2. The DNI or, in the DNI's absence, the PDDNI, approves all ICPMs.

Intelligence Community Policy Guidance (ICPG): ICPGs are subsidiary to ICDs and provide more detailed implementation direction to the IC. The "Applicability" section of the ICPG will state the ICD being implemented. ICPG numbering is linked to the specific ICD being implemented by referencing the ICD number followed by a period and a sequential number, e.g., the first implementation guidance issued for ICD 201 would be cited as ICPG 201.1. The cognizant official and the DDNI/M approve all ICPGs.


1 The six agencies are the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

2 The IC CIO was created in the FY 2005 Intelligence Authorization Act and derives additional duties and authorities in Section 102A(g) of the NSA, as amended.




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