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1997 Reports

  • Global Trends 2010 National Intelligence Council Revised Edition: November 1997
  • Sharing Secrets With Lawmakers: Congress as a User of Intelligence by L. Britt Snider An Intelligence Monograph CSI 97-10001 February 1997 "Few Members of Congress have expertise in national security matters at the time they are elected ... Members of Congress (...) rarely have the time to keep abreast of day-to-day developments ... Members and staff say they are too busy to read the voluminous number of intelligence reports that come in each day ... Intelligence agencies, interestingly enough, actually give Congress high marks for protecting intelligence information".
  • "Marine Corps Intelligence Doctrine: Does it Know the Information Age has Arrived?" by Major Bradley J. Sillman, United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Argues that changes need to be made in Marine Corps Intelligence that would allow for the integration of information management technology.
  • "Maneuver Warfare in Cyberspace" by Major P.K. Singh, Australian Army. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Reviews the role of Cyberspace in future conflicts and what efforts need to be made to increase DOD capabilities to wage war in Cyberspace.
  • Cuba, 1961-1962 FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 1961-1963 Volume X -- This volume is unique among Foreign Relations volumes published to date in its presentation of a detailed record of a major US foreign policy with a central involvement of the intelligence community and centered upon covert military-political action. In the first months of the Kennedy administration a crisis arose over the final planning and launching of the failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs. The policy assessment initiated in May 1961 led in November of that year to a decision to implement a new covert program to undermine and overthrow the Castro government in Cuba. This program was codenamed Operation Mongoose.

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