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1990 Reports

  • Why Israel Was Surprised In October, 1973 by Major Kent A. Leonhardt, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College The heavy reliance Israel placed on it military intelligence system proved to be costly. The reasons can be found in a breakdown of that system and a leadership failure which began ten years earlier.
  • Low Intensity Conflict Intelligence: Lessons From Vietnam by Major Robert W. Livingston, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Based on the intelligence lessons learned in Vietnam, U.S. civilian/military leadership must refocus its future intelligence efforts in order to operate successfully in the LIC environment.
  • The Intelligence Link--Unmanned Aerial Vehicles And The Battlefield Commander by Major Kenneth S. Smith Jr, USAF, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College There is a genuine need for the development and acquisition of a family of unmanned aerial vehicles to augment and enhance the intelligence network, especially as it applies to the battlefield commander.

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