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1984 Reports

  • RPV's: New Eyes for the Corps by Major D. L. Abblitt, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College To take advantage of the technolgical advances of today's high threat battlefield, the Marine Corps needs to determine what functions RPV's will perform, and when RPV's will be part of the Marine Corps' combat arsenal.
  • Intelligence Support Of Forward Deployed MAGTF's by Major B.E. Brunn, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Intelligence support of forward deployed MAGTF's can be significantly improved through better utilizing current collection assets, enhancing external intelligence support, and augmenting the MAGTF with additional assets during crisis periods.
  • RPV's Eyes For The Battlefield by Major Mark T. Beck, USMC, Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Although there are those who believe that our Corps is becoming too heavily burdened with machinery, the time has come to take a serious look at possible RPV candidates and their potential applications.

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