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2007 Congressional Hearings


Extraordinary Rendition, Extraterritorial Detention, And Treatment Of Detainees: Restoring Our Moral Credibility And Strengthening Our Diplomatic Standing
July 26, 2007 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
  • Senator Lugar's Opening Statement
  • Senator Biden's Opening Statement

  • Witnesses:
  • Tom Malinowski, Washington Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch, Washington, DC
  • Major General Paul Eaton, USA (Ret.), Former Commanding General, Office of Security Transition, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Dr. Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
  • Dr. Daniel Byman, Director, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign, Service, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

The Joint Full Committee and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence will meet to receive testimony on Implications of the National Intelligence Estimate regarding Al-Qaeda.
July 25, 2007 - House Armed Services Committee, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
  • Chairman Skelton's Opening Statement

  • Witnesses:
  • James Clapper, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence
  • Mary Beth Long, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Acting)
  • Pete Verga, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense (Acting)
  • Michael Leiter, Deputy Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Director of the Interagency Task Force on Homeland Threats
  • Edward Gistaro, National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats

The full committee will meet to receive testimony on global security assessment.
July 11, 2007 - House Armed Services Committee
  • Chairman Skelton's Opening Statement

  • Witnesses:
  • Dr. Thomas Fingar, Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • Robert Cardillo, Deputy Director for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency
  • John A. Kringen, Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency


To mark up, under sequential referral, S. 1538, the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, and to consider certain military nominations pending before the Committee.
June 21, 2007 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
Staff attendance at this meeting will be restricted.


Hearing Examines Exposure of Covert CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson's Identity
March 16, 2007 - Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
National Security Personnel System - Is it Really Working?
March 6, 2007 - House Armed Services Committee, Readiness subcommittee


Current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States.
February 27, 2007 - Senate Committe on Armed Services
Department of Defense Inspector General's report on the activities of the Office of Special Plans prior to the war in Iraq
February 9, 2007
  • Mr. Thomas F. Gimble Acting Inspector General Department of Defense

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