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1996 Congressional Debate

General Debate

  • On January 24, Congressman Weldon described his recent trip to Russia and his discussions with key Russian leaders on current issues of concern to both countries.
  • Senator Cohen reintroduced the Economic Espionage Act of 1995 and Senator Johnston introduced the Electricity Competition Act of 1996 on January 25.
  • Representative Owens addressed some major problems of American budget allocations on January 30.
  • Senators Kohl and Specter commented on the need for passing both the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Economic Security Act of 1996, legislation they co-sponsored, to ensure the national security of economic proprietary information on February 1.
  • The FBI issued a report on the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act to Senator Leahy on February 7
  • Representative Owens challenged the coventional wisdom in Washington and urged change on February 27.
  • Dr. Ariel Cohen, the Salvatori Fellow in Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Heritage Foundation, presented the state of affairs in Russia and implications for American foreign policy on February 27.
  • On March 13, McConnell and others proposed Amendment No. 3480 that would make a further downpayment toward a balanced budget.
  • Introduction of amendments concerning appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 for the President, the Agency for International Development and assistance for Eastern Europe and the Baltic States occurred on March 29.
  • President Clinton sent a veto message concerning the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1996 and 1997 on April 15.
  • On April 17, Senator Spector proposed legislation to create a commission to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Representative Owens argued on April 24 that the budget of the U.S. should not benefit only the rich and powerful but should instead take care of the entire American population.
  • Representatives Bill Richardson condemns cuts to the international affairs budget while praising the work of the American Diplomatic Corps on April 30.
  • Referred executive communications as taken from the Speaker's table of May 10.
  • Discussion on H.R. 3107, the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 which mandates sanctions on persons making investments that would enhance the ability of Iran to explore for, extract, refine, or transport by pipeline petroleum resources occurred on June 18.
  • Senator Cohen endorsed the nomination of Mr. Keith R. Hall to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space on June 20.
  • Amendment #4373 which advocated "to place a condition on the authority of the Secretary of the Navy to dispose of certain tugboats to the Northeast Wisconsin Railroad Transportation Commission" and Amendment #4374 whose intent was to "clarify the definition of the term 'National Security System' for purposes of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 were introduced on June 27.

Declassification of Intelligence

  • Senate Resolution 256 which calls for the production of records related to the Zona Rosa massacre in El Salvador in 1985 was discussed on May 23.
  • Senate Resolution 256 regarding the production of records regarding the Zona Rosa massacre was agreed to on May 23.
  • Representative John Conyers demanded the return of seized documents to Haiti on May 24.
  • On June 24, Representative Furse urged declassification of intelligence concerning human rights violations in Honduras in the 1980s.

Intelligence Reform Legislation

House FY97 Intelligence Authorization Bill

  • Classified materials accompanying H.R. 3259, the FY97 Intelligence Authorization Bill, were made accessible to members of Congress on May 15.
  • On May 16, amendments to H.R. 2594 and 3259 were proposed.
  • More amendments to H.R. 3259 were proposed on May 20.
  • Still more amendments to H.R. 3259 were suggested on May 21.
  • Provisions for consideration of H.R.3259 took place on May 21.
  • The House began consideration and debate of H.R.3259 on May 22.
    • The text of the committee amendment to H.R. 3259 was presented on May 22. Further amendments (and resulting debate) to H.R. 3259 included:
    • The McCollum amendment would insert Section 306 at the end of title III which would enforce the requirement to protect the identities of undercover intelligence officers, agents, informants, and sources.
    • The Dicks amendment would authorize an additional $22 million for the endurance unmanned aerial vehicle known as Darkstar.
    • The Combest amendment to the Dicks amendment would require that the Secretary of Defense submit a detailed cost analysis before expending any funds.
    • The Weldon amendment would restore significant cuts that were made in the bill to the Environmental Intelligence Applications Program, formerly known as the Environmental Task Force.
    • The Richardson amendment to prohibit the use of journalists as agents or assets of the Intelligence Community was supported by the following articles from the media:
    • The Murtha amendment to the Richardson amendment would assure that in extreme, rare circumstances the President could waive the law so that a journalist could be used to serve the best interests of the country during acts of terrorism.
    • The Sanders amendment would provide a limitation on amounts authorized to be appropriated to not more than 90 percent of the FY 1996 authorization.
    • The Traficant amendment would require that any equipment or products authorized to be purchased with financial assistance provided under this Act be American-made equipment and products.
    • The Brownback amendment would compel that no United States intelligence information may be provided to the United Nations or any organization affiliated with the United Nations unless the President certifies that procedures for protecting intelligence sources and methods are in place.
    • The Combest substitute amendment to replace the Brownback amendment would permit the President to provide intelligence information to the United Nations if it is in the national security interests of the United States to do so.
    • The Conyers amendment would essentially declassify the aggregate figure of the intelligence budget.
    • The Combest amendment to Section 401 provides the opportunity for the Central Intelligence Agency to execute multiyear leasing authority.
    • The Combest amendment to Section 402 would ensure that the CIA makes only one payment (not two) to the civil service retirement and disability fund for those agency employees who take an early retirement or resign and receive separation incentives in fiscal year 1998 and 1999.
    • The Combest amendment to Section 303 provides the Director of Central Intelligence the authority to transfer funds authorized for automatic declassification of records over 25 years old within the national foreign intelligence community.
    • The Combest amendment to add a section known as Title VI would correct an oversight in the Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996 by including provisions for authorization of expenditure of funds.
    • Postponed vote on the Richardson amendment.
    • Postponed vote on the Sanders amendment.
    • Postponed vote on the Conyers amendment.
    • The Frank amendment would hold this year's authorization at the current spending level, a 4.9 percent reduction from the authorized figure.
  • More debate in the House over Amendments to the Intelligence Authorization Act occurred on May 22.

Senate FY97 Intelligence Authorization Bill

House FY97 Defense Authorization Bill

Senate FY97 Defense Authorization Bill

FY97 Defense Authorization Conference


  • Representative Frank R. Wolf paid tribute to the late General Dan Graham in presenting an article that conveys some of the wonderful contributions the General engaged in for the purpose of national security on January 5.
  • Congressman Payne pays tribute to the lifetime achievements of Barbara Jordan on January 24.
  • Representative Michael Bilirakis paid tribute to retiring Major General Earl G. Peck, USAF on January 25.
  • On January 30, Senator Akaka paid tribute to the heroic contributions made by Richard Sakakida in the Philippines during World War II.
  • One of the leading architects of the Strategic Defense Initiative, General D.O. Graham was remembered by members of Congress on February 1.
  • Senator Specter payid tribute to Vice Admiral J.M. (Mike) McConnell occassion of his retirement on February 29.
  • Senator Glenn paid tribute to Col. Fred E. Kishler, Jr., the former director of the General Defense Intelligence Program, on March 25.
  • The Honorable Larry Combest paid tribute to Joanne O'Rourke Isham on March 26.
  • The Honorable Bud Schuster paid tribute to William L. Mosebey. Jr. as he received the Central Intelligence Agency's Distinguished Intelligence Medal on March 27.
  • On March 28, the Honorable Larry Combest recognized the dedication, public service, and patriotism of Lt. Col. William John Nichols, U.S. Air Force, as he retired.
  • Representative Hoyer recognized the great effort of volunteers and paid personnel involved in the search for William E. Colby on May 8.
  • On May 10, the Honorable Benjamin A. Gilman paid tribute to the heroism of William E. Colby.
  • Representative Barr remembered Former CIA Director William Colby on May 14.
  • On May 23, Senator Bob Dole and Representative Rick Lazio paid tribute to those Americans who served in the Cold War.
  • On June 12, Senator Sarbanes related the tributes paid on Foreign Service Day to Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and members of the U.S. Foreign Service who have recently lost their lives.

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