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WiFiMod: Transformer-based Indoor Human Mobility Modeling using Passive Sensing

Published: 23 September 2021 Publication History


Modeling human mobility has a wide range of applications from urban planning to simulations of disease spread. It is well known that humans spend  80% of their time indoors but modeling indoor human mobility is challenging due to three main reasons: (i) the absence of easily acquirable, reliable, low-cost indoor mobility datasets, (ii) high prediction space in modeling the frequent indoor mobility, and (iii) multi-scalar periodicity and correlations in mobility. To deal with all these challenges, we propose WiFiMod, a Transformer-based, data-driven approach that models indoor human mobility at multiple spatial scales using WiFi system logs. WiFiMod takes as input enterprise WiFi system logs to extract human mobility trajectories from smartphone digital traces. Next, for each extracted trajectory, we identify the mobility features at multiple spatial scales, macro and micro, to design a multi-modal embedding Transformer that predicts user mobility for several hours to an entire day across multiple spatial granularities. Multi-modal embedding captures the mobility periodicity and correlations across various scales while Transformers capture long term mobility dependencies boosting model prediction performance. This approach significantly reduces the prediction space by first predicting macro mobility, then modeling indoor scale mobility, micro mobility, conditioned on the estimated macro mobility distribution, thereby using the topological constraint of the macro-scale. Experimental results show that WiFiMod achieves a prediction accuracy of at least 10% points higher than the current state-of-art models. Additionally, we present 3 real-world applications of WiFiMod - (i) predict high density hot pockets and space utilization for policy making decisions for COVID19 or ILI, (ii) generate a realistic simulation of indoor mobility data to simulate spread of diseases, (iii) design personal assistants.


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COMPASS '21: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies
June 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 23 September 2021


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  1. Indoor Human Mobility Model
  2. Mobility Modeling
  3. WiFi logs


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