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Electronic meeting systems

Published: 01 July 1991 Publication History
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Deborah A. Kirkman

One of the newer areas of research in networking services is supporting group interactions and decision making. The University of Arizona is active in this area, and has developed a meeting environment called the Electronic Meeting System (EMS). Their efforts have included both developing tools to support an EMS and analyzing the effects of these tools in different kinds of meetings. The work has included meetings that have all participants together and those that have participants distributed in different locations. This paper is aimed at a general audience, and lays out the overall model of group interactions and the types of meetings that are held. The paper is written and organized well; the authors explain the different factors that were evaluated in their research. Factors include the activity type (exploration and idea generation, idea organization, prioritizing, and policy development and evaluation), the mechanisms of EMS (process support, process structure, task structure, and task support), and the types of group process gains and losses, such as increases in information and overall group knowledge (a gain), synergy of ideas (a gain), or socializing (a loss). The authors are careful not to overgeneralize the results of their research. Instead, they present the gains and losses of EMS in the context of its use, such as the activity type. For those wishing to understand the issues in computer support of group activities, this paper provides an excellent way to understand the analysis of group behavior in an electronic setting.

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Published In

cover image Communications of the ACM
Communications of the ACM  Volume 34, Issue 7
Special issue on computer graphics: state of the arts
July 1991
68 pages
  • Editor:
  • Peter Denning
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Published: 01 July 1991
Published in CACM Volume 34, Issue 7


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