Can Discourse collapse comments?

I am new to Discourse source code but really want to shorten comments like on Facebook comments, I wonder if Source discourse can do that? Because I don’t want the replies to be stretched down…

If it can be done, how would it be? I look forward to further instructions

Could you provide an image or something to help explain what you mean?


That means I want the replies to a certain post to be shortened and have the same layout as the comments on Facebook that I’m using.

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Hi @toanvoc :wave:

Looks like you are wanting a commenting system for each post. This isn’t a function built into core, but you can achieve this layout style with the Journal plugin from Pavilion:


No, I want the comment replies to be arranged like Facebook, not stretched down the page.

I think the answer to your question is probably yes, but you (or someone else) is going to need to dig into the code.

I have been looking for a while but have not found it in the source code so I asked my team for support. Thank you!

We may be talking at cross purposes. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t exist as a setting (or plugin or theme component) as far as I’m understanding your request, so you will need to engineer it. If that’s what you’re trying to do, you can explain in detail where you’re getting stuck?

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That is, I want the replies to the post (comments) to be arranged in a branch form like the comment layout that the Facebook platform is using. I don’t know if the Discourse source can do that, so I came here to get support!

Because I find the comment layout like Facebook is very optimal for Reply! If the Discourse source code has an option to choose how to display this layout, it would be great!

Discourse has a plugin architecture that allows you to customise the interface as well as a freelancer and agency supported ecosystem.

If you have the budget to build this extension, consider posting your requirements in marketplace


I don’t think you can do that in only a few hours.

Discourse is not threaded. It’s designed to make it easy to read all of the discussion. If you want to have to click three times to read each post and then not be able to tell which ones you’ve already read, you’ll likely do it much more easily on some other platform.


You’re basically looking for an option to redesign the entire site. What’s your budget lol

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So comments to topic are shown as usual, but comments to a post (another than OP) is shown as Journal does.

Why I have a weak memory print we have already a gizmo that does it or at least close to it.

What wasn’t asked is Facebook-style threads are horrible and makes everything difficult.


Do you mean when a member posts a long comment. It cuts it off and gives Option for “more”?

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Yes, you know what I mean.

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Just a note to make your post clearer. You should have posted 2 pics of the same set of comments. First pic showing a highlighted comment that can be expanded. With the 2nd pic showing th comment expanded fully showing full comment.

Facebook does 2 kinds of collapses. One shortens a post with “See More”

While the other collapses a series of comments that replied to a single comment.

Imho this is what caused some confusion with what you’re looking to achieve. :wink:

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At present; I don’t think there is a theme-component that does this. However I believe it should be doable. Posting in marketplace someone is likely able to make a component to achieve this feature functionality.

In the composer we have something like it called hide details.


But in your case you’re wanting an excerpt of a post displayed if has more than “x” characters/words in post/comment with the option to expand & collapse the single post/comment.

The above is the hide details function.

Likely due to ppl like me that have a tendency to post a wall of text. :joy:

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